What Happens when you Eat too Much?

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2011
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I had Skipped Breakfast & Lunch.
@ 530 pm I ate a Large Dinner
followed by 10 Cookies...
I got a big Stomach ache . . . ouch!

& when I go to Asian Buffets,
it usually doesn't end well..

with the virus, not many are eating in
Restaurants now a days
Joey Chestnut of hot dog eating fame recently ate 32 Big Macs.  It wasn't a timed event.  He just ate them in rapid succession.  In light of that, ten cookies and a large dinner doesn't seem like much.
What Happens when you Eat too Much? Well... I have not figured out how to prepare and post pics on this forum. If I could post pics the answer to the question - "What Happens when you Eat too Much?" - would be a photograph of me. Excuse me for cutting this post short but I just remembered the piece of homemade Lemon Sponge pie in a takeout container that I left in the van a few hours ago. By the way Saturday is "pie day" 3.14
5 days a week I finish a whole day's food in about 15 minutes because that's how long I have on my break. Weekends I take about an hour. I probably eat more than you did that day other than the excess cookies! I've lost 75 pounds doing this, so I'd say you have nothing to worry about.
nature lover said:
What Happens when you Eat too Much?  Well...  I have not figured out how to prepare and post pics on this forum.  If I could post pics the answer to the question -  "What Happens when you Eat too Much?"  - would be  a photograph of me.  Excuse me for cutting this post short but I just remembered the piece of homemade Lemon Sponge pie in a takeout container that I left in the van a few hours ago.  By the way Saturday is "pie day" 3.14
Why wait?! Every day should be pie day, YUM!
I don't have to explain it do I? Pie = 3.14 - so 3 (month) 14 (day) You know when I went to school they tried to teach me Pie are square but I know better - pie are round.

One day soon they are going to kick me off this forum.
That pain might actually be a symptom of a gall bladder attack. Ingesting too much fat in a meal can set off a sudden attack with a lot of pain. So back off and quit doing that kind of binging. Cookies are high in fat.
Asian buffet....ewww….those places killed me and out of my life now :) Hope you feel better!! It couldn't have been pretty~! ick

I am zero carb, I eat tons of meat, seafood and high fat all day long and I never feel horrible, I feel so darn great it is amazing LOL Overeat is not in my vocabulary ever actually. So what happens when I eat too much, nothing :) I just wait til I want another steak and go for it LOL

Interesting less people out in restaurants. I live in more country area, nothing has slowed down here at all. Restaurants packed and all that. Nothing is off yet on this virus floating around in my location right now tho.
RoamerRV428 said:
Interesting less people out in restaurants.  I live in more country area, nothing has slowed down here at all.  Restaurants packed and all that.  Nothing is off yet on this virus floating around in my location right now tho.
lets hope it stays that way for you Roamer.
Trebor English said:
Joey Chestnut of hot dog eating fame recently ate 32 Big Macs.  It wasn't a timed event.  He just ate them in rapid succession.  In light of that, ten cookies and a large dinner doesn't seem like much.
My Plan is to only eat within a 4 hr window.
After Skipping Breakfast & Lunch, food tastes incredible!
Reducing the # of meals / day helps keep my Diabetes away
maki2 said:
lets hope it stays that way for you Roamer.
I have a feeling more Viruses are on the way.
Sars / Ebola / Plague.
Going out in Public in Crowds . . . I'll pass.
I'll stick to being in Nature / the woods / mountains / Rurals
Silver said:
My Plan is to only eat within a 4 hr window.
After Skipping Breakfast & Lunch, food tastes incredible!
Reducing the # of meals / day helps keep my Diabetes away
You say you are a diabetic but you started this thread by saying that you ate 10 cookies after a big meal, so much food, that it gives you a major stomach ache.  

Your choice, its your body and your life to live as you please.
maki2 said:
You say you are a diabetic but you started this thread by saying that you ate 10 cookies after a big meal, so much food, that it gives you a major stomach ache.  

Your choice, its your body and your life to live as you please.
i use to be pre-diabetic.
Last blood test shows i'm not pre-diabetic anymore.
But if I eat unhealthy, it could come back.
Ideally I shouldn't eat so much per meal.
Just realize that like many other issues there is a 12 step program to help you should you need the extra help and support. You can do phone and email meetings, which would work for a nomad. It does not have to be face to face group meetings. The situation you got yourself into that prompted this thread would have been exactly the kind of thing this program could have helped with and also kept you from even going there to begin with. It is not an easy situation to be in where excess eating or eating the wrong things can cause more than just obesity. All the same emotional triggers that other 12 step programs help with.

When I eat too much my fat cells perk up, dance around, and invite all their friends in. I wind up with more and bigger fat cells until I get back on the good food again.

Binge eating peeled mini carrots however results in a full feeling and slightly orange skin. That goes away after a day or so.  -crofter