What else will I need for 2+ weeks on road

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Hi Suanne ... Yes, I've been vacillating between both ideas. I will certainly ck your blog for ideas! Thanks so much.
I bought a tex sport shower/bathroom tent for the rtr. it was really cheap. the fabric was so thin you could almost see through it. the zipper started giving me problems on the second day by the fourth day the zipper was done. I used spring clamps to hold the door closed. by the end of rtr(2 weeks) I noticed small tears in the fabric. I threw it away. to say the least I was not impressed with Tex Sport. just saying. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
 by the end of rtr(2 weeks) I noticed small tears in the fabric.  I threw it away.  to say the least I was not impressed with Tex Sport.  just saying.  highdesertranger

thanks, highdesertranger, for this because I was looking at these  ... good to know not to waste my money.
Suanne said:
You may want to consider a bed that you don't have to fold up for travel.  I live out of my Prius and use half of the back for my bed.


Thank you Suanne for providing a potentially easier alternative for RV-Hopeful!

I actually would have preferred your method to the one I used in my Soul. Unfortunately the 60/40 split in my rear seat has the larger half on the driver's side rather than the passenger side, meaning that there just isn't room for me to sleep on the passenger side without folding both halves down. I think RV-Hopeful's Versa has the same 60/40 setup as my car, but I'm not certain about that. If I'm right about her 60/40 split, but she's okay with having the entire rear seat folded down, then your suggestion may just work better than mine. It may still require a bit of carpentry, but it'll be a somewhat simpler setup.

Now back to addressing RV-Hopeful.

RetiredNomad has a thread about his Kia Soul conversion. His setup is different than mine, much more in line with what Suanne has done with her prius. Again, due to the similarity between the Soul and the Versa, his setup just may be worth looking at for inspiration.

Sephson ... Yep the Versa has the same split as your Kia and I have a small dog. Still working getting to it ...
Take a look at this this thread  2008 PT Cruiser  It is a similar size vehicle and there are links to people that are living full time in them.  Without the tent you are open to many more options for overnight stops.
For four years I spent 2 to 4 months at a time living out of a Subaru Forester.  Took out the front passenger seat, built space up with plastic bins to the right height, folded down the rear seat, added a 2" foam pad and made a bed out of the right side of the car.  I have to be able to stretch out when sleeping.  Much more comfortable than a tent!  I had to move stuff around to sleep, but that could be done from the inside.  If I still had the car, I would remove the rear seat also for added storage.  You can see who takes up most of the bed.

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-- Spiff


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I went on a long trip from NV to WA and back to NV by way of CA planning on car sleeping (not camping, just traveling). I put everything that was on the list the lady in the Prius had in her car. Guess what? Didn't need most of it..because I wasn't camping. But it WAS there which would have been good in case of an emergency. However, now before I travel I throw everything I use in one day into a gray tote. Multiply that by how many days you will be gone or until the next laundry mat or shopping spree. For me, it was every three days unless I just needed to stretch . Disposable items are your friends when it comes to traveling, but an expense when it comes to long time daily use. I don't eat out much, so when traveling I stop at grocery marts and buy a container of cut up veggies and fruit to snack on. I also have nuts or some type of cracker and beef jerky to help me stay awake. Peeling oranges and eating them is my favorite thing to do. Dangerous thing to do while driving but it keeps me alert!