What dog breeds are best suited to traveling in colder areas?

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TrainChaser said:
If you're going to be out in wilderness country and plan to let your dog run loose, you'd better have your recall perfect.  I mean DAMNED PERFECT.  I don't know of any state, county or other country locale that won't let farmers and rangers shoot livestock and wildlife chasers on sight.  There's no warning, no whining, no calling the cops to back you up (they won't).
Pardon me while I step on my soapbox for just a moment.  This is a huge pet peeve of mine.

Aside from the danger to your dog, letting your dog chase wildlife (or livestock) is simply cruel to the animals and disrespectful to nature.  You wouldn't let your kid hop on a four-wheeler and chase animals just for the thrill of watching them run, so don't let your dog do it either.  
True, your pet's instinct may be to chase things and he may not actually catch anything, but dogs and cats, like us, are not a natural part of the ecosystem and we should be very careful that they don't disturb it.  Chasing wildlife puts pressure on those prey animals and leaves them more vulnerable to their natural predators, throwing the natural order out of balance.  

Okay, lecture over.  As you were.

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