What Bank to Choose

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
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Currently I use BBVA Compass but I'm looking to change to a bank that would be common among the entire U.S.  What banks are y'all using?
I use USAA...it is great. It is an online bank and it reimburses me up to $15 a month for any ATM charges I incur.<br><br>Bri
Wow, that's great. How do you go about depositing money?
I use ally bank for online banking...like usaa they reimburse fees, free checks, and if i were to overdraft its only 9 bucks.&nbsp; You can mail them deposits, or scan them on a computer.&nbsp;&nbsp; I wish they allowed you to just take a photo of the check like some banks do now.<br><br>I thought usaa was military/ex and family only?
I looked into the usaa thing. It said it used to be military exclusive but most (but not all) features are open to the public now.
USAA, I have all my income direct deposited. I actually get my SS check in my account a day ahead of all my friends who have direct deposit....if, like mine it is supposed to be in my hands on the fourth Weds. of the month I get it Tues.<br><br>I have a local bank where I keep my ebay/paypal account with about $100 at the most in it and I can put local checks in it and it is hooked up so I can transfer money back and forth...my wife and I have a link that way so we can transfer $ back and forth....<br><br>I do all my banking online.<br><br>I think I can scan the checks in too but never have...<br><br>D/G it was started for vets and active military but at least the bank part is open to all.....<br><br>Bri
That is really cool.&nbsp; I remember checking out usaa years ago because they didnt use chex systems.&nbsp; The ex wife screwed my account over and back then they didn't have 'second chance' type accounts most places, that let you in even if you were in chex systems.&nbsp; But I didn't think usaa would let me in because I wasn't in the military (though my father served).&nbsp; Its cool they are letting others in.
I'm sorry guys...I am full of sh-t. I went on the site and USAA is restricted to military and families. I think you should be ok D/G since your father served but you might have to prove it...<br><br>Anyway...I thought I had read somewhere it was open to the public...but not so, it seems.<br>Bri<br><br>
I read a little while ago that some features are for military and family only but most features are for everyone now.
Oh good deal...I didn't find that....cool beans,<br>bri
For most of my banking, I use a credit union.&nbsp; I can use the services at almost any credit union in the country.&nbsp; It's been more than a year since I've seen one of their branches, and I use their online billpaying services.&nbsp; (They mail checks if there is no arangement.)
Has anyone tried the new Bluebird banking with Walmart? They're partnered with American Express. Thought it may be an option since Walmart''s are just about every where. But I don't know anyone who has used it yet.
I second credit unions. I have been using them for 12 years (I'm young), and anywhere I travel in the US I am able to withdraw money for free (no refund of charges). I have not been in the same state as my credit union for four years. I have my salary direct deposited.
Just want to note that ally bank lets you photo checks for deposit now...so my wish was granted <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; Don't know how long it takes to process though.
While we're on the subject of banks, can anyone suggest where I can open a bank account as a non resident.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>I would like to deposit my money in a lump sum on arrival, and be able to withdraw it over the time I am travelling in North America.&nbsp;&nbsp; I could electronically transfer from my account at home, directly into a U.S. bank account.&nbsp; (I have done it in the past, into a friend's credit union account.)<br><br>My preference is for credit unions, but from my enquiries on previous trips, it appears that credit unions will only open accounts for (local) residents.<br><br>It would be great not to have to carry a five digit sum of money all over the country.<br><br>Lifey
Banks are like politicians.. don't matter which you choose, they're all a pack of thieves.&nbsp;
It should be easy to get a "mail drop" address. Maybe a major bank like bank of america, you should have access from your homeland. there are tricks to avoid bank fees.<br>Look into Ally Bank. Totally on-line.
For International travelers, Rabo bank is an international bank. Danish I think. When my daughter was planning her trip to Europe for a few weeks it was suggested to open an account so that she could access her monies if needed while she was there. They suggested letting the bank know you would be traveling so they wouldn't freeze it with the unusual activities. The bank is scattered here and there in the U.S. But I think they have access to free ATM's in Walgreens and other sites as well.
For the most part I stay in my home state, so I use a credit union in the state that has branches most places I am nearby.&nbsp; Since most credit unions use shared branching, I can go into just about any credit union and deposit money or withdraw it at an atm without fees.&nbsp; I am unsure how it would work outside AZ though.<br><br>In the Austin area, I could use one credit union that is also in arizona.