Weird vibe in Santa Fe

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2017
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Tulsa at the moment
Ok so I go to the laundry and clean all my clothes and then to Walmart for supplies and to put it all away. Came back to the laundry mat to do all my bedding stuff and immediately the lady asks where's her cart and I said i brought right back in the door ma'am and I asked her if I could take it outside to begin with and she said yes. So she says no no I'm kidding and I laughed and then she said your in the white truck right I said yes she says what do you have in there and I just smiled and said just my camping stuff. She said where you from I told her and this is what got me she asked are you traveling alone and I said yes which I will never admit to traveling alone unless its a cop or something official ever again cause that statement alone could be bad news in the wrong hands. She said aren't you scared? I laughed and said no ma'am. Then she asked me where I was going and I just smiled at this point and saId I'm  just gonna go camping then meet up with friends. Anyways is this just a typical question from a inquisitive person or is this lady sizing me up for her friends to come take care of me and take my stuff? If this conversation didn't have the tone it did then I would prolly just blow it off you know. Anyways what would you do? I was wanting to rest at Walmart for today and just work on getting re stocked and everything cleaned up and spend the night and head out in the am. But I'm gonna need to spend some time here after my 14 days is up like 2 weeks or so. Anyways just a really strange vibe. Am I just paranoid cause I've never had anyone ask me questions like that about my rig?
It just sounds like small talk to me but if your gut is telling you something different, move. An easy solution :)
Whenever someplace doesn't feel right .
Turn the key and P R N D- L for leave! ;)
I would go with your gut feeling. however I also wouldn't give info so freely right off the bat. what did you mean by "when my 14 days are up"? highdesertranger
I think she wants to jump your bones.

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People are naturally curious about the lifestyle--it's not something they see often. I've had LOTS of people ask me a zillion questions about how it all works.

If you are really worried about it, mention the fact that there's simply nothing valuable in the van that is worth anyone trying to steal. (Because there's probably not.)
Yeah I realized my mistake about giving up info as soon as I walked away from that conversation. I just really wanna believe people are inherently good but I dont know.

If im too paranoid to get laid I need to see a shrink lol like ASAP lol.
Oh by 14 days I had thought I would only be able to stay at Carson for 14 days and thought well after that ill have to stay in or around Santa Fe for 14 days to get me to my next months income. I dont wanna stretch it to thin there's always a possibility the rig needs something vie never taken her this far.
But I found another free campsite really close by forget the name
the 14 day limit means you must move some distance, usually 25 miles. it doesn't mean you have to leave the whole forest. highdesertranger
slynne said:
It just sounds like small talk to me but if your gut is telling you something different, move. An easy solution :)

People are naturally inquisitive about folks from other places, what they're up to, and what brings them to where-ever it is that they are, especially when they're obviously traveling through.  It's kind of like they're kids watching Amtrak go by and trying to guess what the passengers are going places for.  There's a certain voyeur quality that people enjoy vicariously from other people's stories.   

Cammalu said:
I think she wants to jump your bones.

...  or THAT!  :D

It has, however, been my opinion traveling through Sante Fe on the couple of occasions I've had the pleasure, that the town does just have a strange vibe.
I think she was being friendly/curious. I would have had the same conversation and not felt paranoid about it. That said, I would also keep a thumpin' stick (baseball bat etc) within arm's reach where you sleep.
Mighta wanted yer fair young body, or maybe she has unfriendly friends, now if she'd asked if you were well endowed...
Well, I guess you can keep washing your clothes there and hope she shows up again... Maybe next time you can ask her if she wants to go get a drink or??????

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Lol you guys are nuts. Yeah I put in L and hauled ass. I was gonna stay at that Walmart but some dude came over and started talking to me which was nice at first but everytime I looked him in the face he would start rubbing his nose like I was gonna find out what he put there. He was very energetic lol seriously not lol. I dont want to give Santa Fe a bad wrap its beautiful just not my cup of tea. So im in espanola I think its called just an hour north basically at that Walmart gonna stock up in the am and im on to Carson national forest. I didn't know that the 14 day limit meant that I thought if I stayed 14 days I would have to leave for 14 days lol so yeah im an idiot lol or that's how I feel. I dont even know where I got that from I guess I just thought that made sense lol. Thanks everybody!! Take care!!
Always trust your gut, worst case scenario you missed a chance at some fun, best case scenario you missed a chance to have something bad happen
This way, nobody got hurt, especially you
Thats a beautiful area, but Santa Fe, (we call it Sani-Flush) is not my cup of tea either. I might know who you are traveling with...maybe.

Ya'll could have overnighted at Buffalo Thunder Casino on the way from Sani-Flush to Espanola. Might have won a few dollars...or lost them...who knows...


You might have noticed the bridges you passed under had un-pronouncable names...

Pojoaque, Posuwaegeh and Cuyamungue.

Gonna be hard to do this on keyboard but here goes:






Now after learning a new language, its time to hit the sack!

Trust your gut. So many of us want to be polite, while our inside is telling us the direct opposite. In all likelihood, she was just being nosy. But if your insides say otherwise, it's a good idea to listen. You were polite, but should have no compunction as far as walking away as fast as your feet say to go.

A very good book which I found very helpful as a woman, is "The Gift of Fear", by Gavin de Becker. I walk with a cane. When I've been accosted by various people (especially in parking lots) for money or whatever, I've, on a number of occasions, pointed my cane at them and said loudly "No! Go away!". It may be rude, but if they are in my space and I feel uncomfortable, that's the way it is. Find some other potential victim.

If I was a guy, I might feel otherwise. But I'm a woman, I'm older and frail, the perfect mark.
Another great book on personal safety is "Trail Safe". It started out as a safety book for backpackers, but it has wide ranging applications. And to give a little away, the preference is to avoid, avoid, avoid conflict by having situational awareness. Weapons are great as a last resort, but avoiding the need is even greater.