Weather apps? what is everyone using?

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2012
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I would like recommendations for a weather app for Iphone.

What I would like is something that will alert me when there is dangerous weather approaching, based on my current location.

any recommendations ?
ok your talking apps. don't have any suggestions there I am not a user. I use a weather radio and online I use NOAA. after all that's where it all comes from. everything else is an interpretation. highdesertranger
iPhone 5S:

 - Weather Radio for warnings, radar
 - Weather Underground for forcast
 - Accuweather for forcast, radar.

 -- Spiff
I'm not a apple user but on my android Weather Underground is as good as app as any. All of them will alert you when needed as long as you have alerts turned on.
I use the Weather_dot_com Android app.  It gives me alerts on rain storms, local flooding, etc.  Good radar map too.  Obviously not as powerful as the full computer version but good when on the go.
I'm using AccuWeather on both of my tablets and when I'm on the road weather radio is the way to go. All the weather apps should be available in both android and apple.
Accuweather.  I get tornado warnings and alerts when I am traveling through an area far from my home base.  I am able to have a number of locations saved, so I can check my next destination way ahead of time.
I am a bit more of a weather junkie, watching winds over the distant ocean for groundswell generation, and local winds for expected conditions when those groundswells arrive from the distant reaches of the Pacific.

My favorite site is here, as I am a Map junkie too:,26.582,-98.835,1

I like the GFS weather models from here:

As far as local weather alert apps for a fartsmone, perhaps if I was not in Southern California, I would find them useful and desirable, so no recommendations on those aspects from me.
I don't have specific apps on my iPhone. I just use the websites. National Weather Service at; AccuWeather at; Weather Underground at; Weather Channel at Sometimes the forecasts will disagree significantly from each other and from actual observed conditions, so I average them out.
MrNoodly said:
I don't have specific apps on my iPhone. I just use the websites. National Weather Service at; AccuWeather at; Weather Underground at; Weather Channel at Sometimes the forecasts will disagree significantly from each other and from actual observed conditions, so I average them out.

I have even noticed marked difference between the cellphone app Weather Channel, and that of the full website on computer.  Their weather maps don't always agree either.
Being a motorcycle rider, the radar map is critical, as I sometimes navigate to ride "Between The Blobs".  Not so critical when driving the vans.
I use Lee's method of look at the next week's predictions and try to "walk between the raindrops" (bad stuff,,,wind , rain , tornado warnings , hurricanes , SNOW + ICE , swarms of killer bees ............)
I don't have one , but the first swarm of those buggers I saw sure looked like a cloud till they were spattering on the windshield !

It would have to be a very low level radar possibly being developed in a secret underground lab in Mexico ?????? :p
The first time I hit a cloud of lightning bugs, with the glowing smears, I thought it was radioactive!
on the trip I am on now I have used NOAA weather Radio a lot, because internet and phone services have been so spotty. highdesertranger