Water hookup questions.

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
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Hi all! I know I haven't been on in a while but I've done a lot of work to the RV! I finished getting the back wall rebuilt and got a new floor put in. I'm repainting the bathroom/shower tomorrow and hopefully working on my cabinets. I'll try and post some pictures up tomorrow. I have to admit, for a while here I've been a little wishy woshy about all of this.. cause it's kinda of scary just jumping out and doing it. But I know I'm not gonna be content until I at least try it. So, if all goes as planned I should be heading out toward the end up July!<br><br>Anyways, on to my question. I need to replace the water inlet to &nbsp;the RV however i can't find a match to the original. are most campsite just going to have a regular water hose-type hook up?
well it would help if we knew what type of fill you are talking about.&nbsp; do you need a pressure hook up or gravity fill,&nbsp;&nbsp;to fill&nbsp;your tank?&nbsp; both are available.&nbsp; separately or combo's.&nbsp; highdesertranger
I'm not really sure It's just the main inlet to the tank and it's got two different kind of outlets on it and it's broken. I could post a picture tomorrow.
Gravity fill will be mounted over the tank, preasure fill can be anywhere and have standard hose connector.&nbsp; (Use potable rated hose, usually white.)
oh, btw those are both inlets not outlets depending on what you want to do.&nbsp; highdesertranger
von Jonah that looks like a homemade jobbie.&nbsp; are you trying to gravity fill your tank or to hook up to a city line?&nbsp; they are the same but different.&nbsp; figure that one out.&nbsp; this might help.&nbsp; <a href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/imag...760fe9&amp;.crumb=3ONI.BEKUC9&amp;fr=fp-yie10" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://images.search.yahoo.com/imag...760fe9&amp;.crumb=3ONI.BEKUC9&amp;fr=fp-yie10</a>&nbsp; .wow that's one long link for one picture.&nbsp; were it says city water inlet that is were a hose would hook up to city water.&nbsp; were it says fresh water fill this is were you gravity fill your tank.&nbsp; notice the 2 check valves very important this is were you get&nbsp;the same but different.&nbsp; the inlet I showed you on my other post have both the gravity and city hook up under the same door.&nbsp; hope I didn't confuse you any more.&nbsp; oh yes another thing, &nbsp;the city water hook up will not fill your tank.&nbsp; &nbsp;highdesertranger
Oooh okay. And on my original tank, both of those outlets went to the same hole. Which one would i hook up to at a camp site?
von Jonah,&nbsp; I am still confused you said both of those outlet went to the same hole.&nbsp; do you mean both inlets go to the same hole, &nbsp;as in to the tank fill?&nbsp; &nbsp;the city hook up can't fill the tank there must be a check valve to prevent this or the city water would fill the tank and then start to overflow though the tank breather.&nbsp; the tank must have a breather.&nbsp; do you use your tank?&nbsp; if you do you must gravity fill and you use your rv water pump to supply water to your fixtures.&nbsp; or do you use city pressurized service(a hose bib)?&nbsp; in this case you don't use the rv water pump as the system is pressurized by the city water supply.&nbsp; from your pic it looks like someone might have tried to incorporate both systems into one.&nbsp; anyways rv's must have both inlets, &nbsp;the inlet I showed you in post #5 will work, &nbsp;just plumb like schematic in post #8 make sure both check valves are in place and working.&nbsp; then when you go to a camp ground with water hook up, &nbsp;hook up your hose to the hose bib and the other end to the inlet for a hose on the inlet I showed you then turn the water on.&nbsp; note use a hose approved for potable water and never use this hose for anything except potable water.&nbsp; I hope this helps.&nbsp; highdesertranger
I'm sorry, I meant inlet. (that's what I get for commenting half asleep) And okay great. I don't plan on really using the tank but you never know. I took out my original tank cause it was rusty and I'm going to get a plastic one.
Some RVers only fill their tank and use the pump to move water. I prefer to hooking up the white hose with an inline pressure regulator to prevent blowing out my lines with excessive curb pressure.

Being from Arizona, I had a lot of trouble with check valves due to the white crud, so I replaced it with a ball valve. The ball valve keeps the water from pumping out the "shore connection" when I'm using the pump.
When the hose is hooked to the shore connection I open the ball valve (under the bed) and the check valve built into the Shurflow pump won't allow water to flow to the tank.

The tank has a separate fill port as highdesert is talking about.
The whole damn thing is simpler than it is to explain.
The pic of yours is jinky looking and might be a disaster waiting to happen.

Oh BTW, even using a pressure regulator I still turn off the the water at a camp ground if I'm going to be away....they hate hose blow outs.
ok just put a dual inlet on like one I showed you and only hook the hose inlet up now.&nbsp; in the future when you get the tank then you will already have the gravity installed and just need to hook it up.&nbsp; btw make sure you check valve is working or put a ball&nbsp;valve in like bindi&amp;us stated.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have had problems with the plastic check valves myself.&nbsp; I now use the brass ones more pricey but no more problems.&nbsp; highdesertranger
If you don't have a tank, what does that fill pipe you show hook into?