Wanting to take the Plunge with a child.

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I'd really hesitate to pull any kind of substantial travel trailer with a pick up that's already loaded with a truck camper.

The really important figure is the GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating). The combination of the vehicle itself, the truck camper, the travel trailer and everything including live bodies inside the vehicle should never be more that this figure.

Most people come close to that just with the vehicle, the truck camper and the stuff/bodies without adding in a travel trailer.

That's why I suggested a van instead of the pickup/camper top. It would give you living space for daughter, some storage space for stuff and the ability to tow a travel trailer.

You would be best to look at 1 ton vans though, anything lighter is going to be too light for the job.
eoewan said:
My daughter has obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety disorder. She does not do well with people she doesn't know or being away from us.

What we have been thinking of is getting my daughter a small truck camper and pulling a trailer for my husband, myself, and son. This way we are thinking it gives her a living space all her own with the security of us being right there for her. We also would be able to get a much smaller trailer for us.
I love the thought of a small living space. Currently we use our kitchen, table, bathrooms, and bedrooms for sleeping. My daughter shares her time between her room and the kitchen table. My son utilizes the family/play room while the front room goes unused completely. Most of the house is wasted space that we pay a mortgage on.

We have gone tent camping for lengths of a time. We basically live outdoors for the duration. We cook outdoors even in the rain. The only one who can't handle the outdoors is my daughter. We've had to get her a screened tent room so she feels like she is enclosed with a roof over her head.

Not trying to break up a family, but your daughter is 24. That means that you must be at least in your middle 40's. You won't be around forever. When you are gone, she will have to be more independent, and the longer she waits, the harder it will be. Have you thought of trying to find a group home for her so she can expand her community of trust and learn to live a more normal life gradually before she has it thrust upon her? You can alternate travel and staying close to her, with longer and longer times spent on the road.
gcal, I'm actually 53. It was suggested when our daughter was early teens to move her to a group home. My husband and I discussed the options. Luckily for us we chose to keep her home with us. She adds so much to our lives. When we are gone, we have in place that her brother becomes her executor/guardian and our daughter will be set up in a micro home in his backyard. As a family we discussed all the options. And as a family we all decided this was best for her.