Wanderers in preparation

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Jun 24, 2019
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Good morning everyone,

We are Damz and Piou, 33 and 32 years old. Currently living in Toronto, Canada, but originally came from France (from a beautiful place calls Lorraine <3) 2 years ago.

At the beginning we were supposed to stay ony 2 years in Canada. But after several travels in Noth america we quicky realized that 2 years were wayyyyy to short to be able to explore all the marvels that nature offers to us in this part of the world. 

So we've started our permanent residency process. Waiting for the answer (fingers crossed). In the meantime, we started to create our bucket list of places we want to visit in North America. Quickly we faced our second problems. How to be able to discover all those things using only our week-ends and three sad weeks of vacations per year??!! So we decided that the best solution was to buy a RV and start exploring for several months or years.

The idea is now growing slowy, and we are preparing everything. We give us 1 year to prepare everything. Waiting for the permanent residency, buy a RV and more important we started a professional reconversion to be able to work on the road, in order to have incomes during the travel and not spending all ours savings. 

So here we are, hungry of experience feedbacks from other people, of tips able to help us to start this new adventure and stories from RVers that make us dream of our future life.

Have a great day

Hi Damz and Piou and welcome to the forums. Best of luck with all your plans!
Welcome to the CRVL forums Damz! There's a lot of information on the forums so read through the sections that interest you and feel free to ask questions about anything and everything!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hi there... welcome to North America (I realize you've already been here a while but - nice to have you here.) I should go work on my bucket list of places to visit as well. Thanks for the inspiration.
rvwandering said:
Welcome to the CRVL forums Damz!  There's a lot of information on the forums so read through the sections that interest you and feel free to ask questions about anything and everything!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.  

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Thank you rwandering. I ve read the posts you mentionned.
travelaround said:
Hi there... welcome to North America (I realize you've already been here a while but - nice to have you here.) I should go work on my bucket list of places to visit as well. Thanks for the inspiration.

Hello travelround. Thank you for the welcome. Now my bucket list is endless hahaha. Everyday I am adding something new :D :D
Welcome! If you have never been to the States, then you are in for an adventure! If you have, realized how different the US is compared to France/Europe. Many of us may not even know what the rest of our own country looks like even being born here! I have been fortunate to live in Germany and see all of Europe during my time. It is gorgeous! The US is gorgeous as well, but I never took the time to see my own country. Now I am learning to be a van dweller in the States and it is exciting. I wish you the very best in your travels to learn about our geography and our rich, young history.
Ps. In my opinion, we do not have the best chocolates or desserts as France!
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :)

My family moved here to the USA from the Alsace-Lorraine many years ago and built a Dairy Farm for the family
business.    Perhaps why I still enjoy a good glass of Mosel wine.  

Let me invite you to check out my two websites below.  One for setting up a rig and the other for traveling.
Srae29 said:
Welcome! If you have never been to the States, then you are in for an adventure! If you have, realized how different the US is compared to France/Europe. Many of us may not even know what the rest of our own country looks like even being born here! I have been fortunate to live in Germany and see all of Europe during my time. It is gorgeous! The US is gorgeous as well, but I never took the time to see my own country. Now I am learning to be a van dweller in the States and it is exciting. I wish you the very best in your travels to learn about our geography and our rich, young history.
Ps. In my opinion, we do not have the best chocolates or desserts as France!

Thank you so much Srae29. Indeed Europe is also really beautiful. I traveled in several countries and Europe and I've always been amazed by all the differences we can find in this sall space. I 've alreday traveled in USA but clearly not enough and i need to try all the desserts and chocolats in USA to be able to compare with french ones .... :p :D :D
eDJ_ said:
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :)

My family moved here to the USA from the Alsace-Lorraine many years ago and built a Dairy Farm for the family
business.    Perhaps why I still enjoy a good glass of Mosel wine.  

Let me invite you to check out my two websites below.  One for setting up a rig and the other for traveling.

Hello eDJ_, teh world is very small  ;) 
I come from where we made Moselle wine. May be you are my cousin  :D :D 
I am going to check out your web sites right now.
I've heard of it but not really familiar. But it is a typical german legend, as I am from the french part of Moselle i did not reaaly know it. for m the main legends in Moselle are the Graoully in Metz or the St Jean ;)

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