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Walmart shopping preference

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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San Francisco
In my area the nearest walmart is a good hour away. I happened to be in the area so stopped by to take a look my 3rd time in a walmart. Got a rolling cart and with the best intentions walked down the rows of stuff
stopped to look at several items but nothing said "buy me buy me" Granted I have one of everything. In the end I had a large plastic oil change bucket and a big open end wrench to tighten my trailer hitch. Oh well,, I did not leave empty. I do see how bargain hunters would delight but not this bargain hunter. I'll stick with the secondary market.
I usually make it into the Walmart near the house a few times a year. They may have what I NEED, if not there are plenty of other stores around. For years we collected a lot of crap for the house that now that we are looking at down sizing, I have no idea of what to do with it all. With the trailer things that might to be nice to have someday just take up room for the things that we really will use. We cleaned it out to take it to the shop last year and I was amazed at how much of the stuff has never been used or maybe used once. Most of it went on a self in case we need it and that left two storage bays empty, I now have room for more battery where all of the "we might have hook ups" or 'We might have to rough it" things were stored.
Currently where I am at in Lubbock, every single day is Black Friday. Constantly pushing crowds, long lines and rude people. Been that way all year long. I will NOT shop there unless they are the only one in town carrying a particular item.
I live exactly 1 1/2 miles from one... I do whatever I can to avoid going into it. Hate the pushy crowds and stuff in the isles you can't get through. If I do have to venture in (ie. I can't get it somewhere else in town), I literally sit in the car for 5-10 minutes gearing up mentally. Then congratulate myself when I get back into the car and I didn't kill another shopper. lol gotta love it!
I avoid 'em if at all possible.

and those 2 - 3 times a year I do venture in, I go in with an agenda, get what I need, and get the heck OUT!!! YUK!!!
You gotta love Wally World!

The WalMartians that dress so funny, The people that let their children push every button on the noisemaking toys. The personal phone calls at full volume~~~. I go there for entertainment.
I go there to feel better about myself. :) I do like their parking lots, they've come in handy many times.
When not on the road, I'm about an hour from 3 different Walmarts. I avoid them.

When on the road, they are my go-to place for spending the night until I get to my desired destination(s). When I'm in travel mode, I shop there, get my oil changed there, and have even purchased a set of tires from them. I figure it's the least I can do ... my way of saying "thank you" for letting me stay on their properties.

Suanne ... staying at a Walmart soon
I see there are some store snobs here. :D Since I live on the road, Walmarts are a very convenient shopping stop for me. Since I hate shopping, it's nice to get it all done in one place with plenty of room to park. I never buy anything that's not on my list.
I buy groceries and ammo at Walmart. If you do not go very early or late it is a nightmare getting through the aisles and checking out.

Hate shopping there but it is hard to beat their price on food.
If there's no place else I shop at Walmart. I prefer to give my money to a local business when ever possible. Since I don't need much, I don't shop much. I don't mind spending a few extra dollars to support small, local businesses.

I'll also add that Walmart's produce is the worst I've ever bought anywhere. I'm always unhappy when just a couple days after purchase my greens are mushy and rotting.
Aldi's for cheap produce and other bargains if you are close to one.
Yah I did notice DELO was available, you guys crack me up. I don't hate the place it just seems like a huge dollar store to me, see you at the RTR
As a kid I managed a small town grocery including fresh produce and meat department. I know what meat looks like and the meat at Walmart creeps me out. Quite simply it is the wrong color. Kind of like seeing a blond with black eye brows, ya just know it's not natural. LOL
Shopping at Walmart is no different than Target or anywhere else. I don't deal with crowds well so I plan my visits when hopefully there are less people.

Their refund policy is fair, they price match and if I go to a SuperCenter I get the mile or so of walking my doctor recommends.

Happy and Prosperous New Year to all... Travel safe.. Bob J.
Generally, you simply can't beat their prices so they get my business. If it's too crowded, I go at a different time.

i usually drive 50miles to one, shop, get buyers remorse before i even get to checkout and wind up leaving with nothing lol
I don't shop at Walmart nor do I shop at any of the fast food chains.
I don't hate them, nor do I begrudge those that do.
The reason I don't is because my blood pressure is 120/80, my conscious is clear, I wear the same size pants as I did when I was 20, good teeth , no medications and I am able to ride my bike 20kms a day, I simply want to keep it that way.
I don't go into a store to just shop. I go with a purpose. I have been in a walmart twice. once to get a fishing license, and once to get a kiddie pool. highdesertranger

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