Since I read so many threads about using large gauge wire for solar / battery usage, I'm a little confused about what people have done who use this controller.
The inputs are on the bottom of this controller and are really tiny. Basically what I've used are a method to "step down" the gauge from what comes from my solar panel , for example, to a 12 gauge wire . This wire is usually about 6 inches or so. Same thing for my battery cable , which is 8 gauge.
For those who use this controller, what have you done?
For those who haven't , is this a really bad idea? If so, what would you think the proper way to connect to a very small input "port"?
The inputs are on the bottom of this controller and are really tiny. Basically what I've used are a method to "step down" the gauge from what comes from my solar panel , for example, to a 12 gauge wire . This wire is usually about 6 inches or so. Same thing for my battery cable , which is 8 gauge.
For those who use this controller, what have you done?
For those who haven't , is this a really bad idea? If so, what would you think the proper way to connect to a very small input "port"?