Vehicle choice and how do you couples deal with alone time

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2015
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We want a vehicle that can get to somewhat remote wilderness areas away from people , but want enough space to manage it together without getting on each others nerves. We get along very well but I know I need plenty of alone time.

Curious as to what type vehicle couples have chosen and why, and how they work out personal space and time.
I'm thinking that if we have a routine that has alone time and space built-in, that might work.

Sometimes I think maybe two vehicles would be best, but then that could be expensive and complicated I guess - but easier to get to more remote areas as compared to one larger vehicle, and if one gets stuck or broke down there is the other to use.
I know that every couple that does you tube blogging seems to ends up addressing this specific issue...but I always fast-forward past those parts ;)
BradKW, I'll have to head over to youtube and check those out.
A van pulling a converted cargo trailer could work for you. My 6x10 can go pertty deep in the woods and both can be set up for either living or one can be a bedroom and the other the lounging area.
For outside of cities, a simple tent might be a good option.