Vandweller earning big selling freeze dried ice cream

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Yeah, I'm one of those people that likes freeze dried ice cream. I also like to hear about start up small businesses.
It might be edible but I'll just go get some Ben and Jerry's when I feel the need.
The availability of the real stuff helps keep me from eating it all the time ........................
I agree with popeye. I have ate it before but I just don't get it. highdesertranger
Fair to say, if you read his travel log, he's probably had to put at least 5 or 6 engines in that VW by got spent on towing
It's always nice to hear that someone has come up with a different idea. It may not work out, but at least they were thinking. And sometimes the original idea begets another idea that sends you out in a totally new direction, and that one works.

* Spencer Silver was trying to develop a super-strong adhesive and invented the Post-It Note.
* William Spencer was trying to create a synthetic version of the malaria drug quinine, and came up with a beautiful chemical-based purple dye, instead.
* John Wesley Hyatt was trying to invent a synthetic elephant ivory (for a $10,000 prize) and ended up with the forerunner of plastic.

Keep fiddling -- you never know what you'll come up with.
I think the freeze dried ice cream is for the hiking and camping bunch

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First time we tried freeze dried ice cream was in Florida as we have never seen it here in Alberta. Needless to say, we will never try it again.