Van door exterior locks - useful?

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<p class="MsoBodyText"><span style="font-size: small; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">I have not posted lately and I thought I’d offer my 2 cents worth.&nbsp; First let me say that anything you do that makes you feel more secure is worth it.&nbsp; I do not want to offend anyone but I agree with <a href="/profile/1882387" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="color: black; text-decoration: none;">Willy</span></a> and <a href="/profile/2067082" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="color: black; text-decoration: none;">rabiesandpeewee</span></a>, an expensive lock tells the criminal element that there is something worth stealing inside<strong>.&nbsp; Locks keep honest people out</strong>. Expensive locks keep lazy and incompetent criminals out.</span></p><span style="font-size: small; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"> Any security system is no stronger than it’s weakest link.&nbsp; This type lock is designed so that you cannot get to the shackle or hasp with a bolt cutter or hacksaw.&nbsp; In this case the window is the weak link.&nbsp; If I were a thief and 40 years younger, I’d see that lock and smash the window.&nbsp; In my opinion the best money spent was the alarm systems.&nbsp; The alarm will be the best deterrent.&nbsp;</span>
I actually had to have 2 separate alarms installed. One alarm system for the front part of the van. Another separate alarm for the rear of the van. There is also a blinking light that warns outsiders there is an alarm installed and it's armed. &nbsp;There really is an armed alarm, the light is not bogus, haha! &nbsp;Even something as simple as trying to open the doors while the alarm is armed will also sound the alarm loudly. As for the exterior Master hockey puck lock system, that is both a *visual* and a *physical* deterrent. &nbsp;When a thief *sees* the Master locks, he's going to wonder if it's worth it to even try anything and will probably keep walking. If the thief tries anything *physical", the alarm will sound. I don't offer a thief any gratuitous smash and grab theft opportunity. &nbsp;You can't even see through my windows to figure out if there's anything worth stealing or not. My windows are all professionally tinted, in addition to having curtains closed on all the windows. &nbsp;There's nothing to even see inside. &nbsp;I even use The Club lock on the steering wheel plus another Club lock going from the steering wheel to the brake pedal. Seriously, how much time and effort would it take a thief to break all these multiple security systems? &nbsp;Literally everything is locked down including the wheels recently installed, solar panels, Yakima boxes. Literally every single piece of item has a lock and key to secure the item in place. There is no opportunity for a thief to perform easy theft due to carelessness on my part.
<span style="color: darkblue;"><em><span style="color: blue;">Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you. <br><br></span></em><span style="color: blue;">J/K ... lol </span><span style="color: blue;"><img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>That's a heck of a lock-down, casey! Good Job! </span><span style="color: blue;"><img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"></span><em><span style="color: blue;"><br></span></em></span>
Thanks Ziggy,<br><br>It's true.&nbsp; I am paranoid, therefore they're out to get me, haha!&nbsp; You should see the security I have inside the van too.&nbsp; I have multiple "D" ring heavy duty metal hasps that are permanently screwed into the van floor.&nbsp;&nbsp;The D ring hasps have&nbsp;multiple Kryptonite brand&nbsp;heavy duty steel cords&nbsp;threaded through the rings and are locked down by heavy duty padlocks which are protecting Kryptonite brand safe boxes which also have its own lock and keys.&nbsp; I don't know if that entire sentence makes any sense to anyone, but suffice to say, even the inside of the van has multiple *physical* security deterrents to deter the smash and grab type&nbsp;of theft.&nbsp; Heck, if I could install a laser beam intruder alert system (ala the James Bond&nbsp;movie with Cathereine Zeta Jones), I probably would do that too! Kidding!&nbsp; Lastly, my vehicle is protected by (in the words of Clint Eastwood) Smith, Wesson, know the rest, hyuck hyuck!&nbsp; Seriously though, I possess arms (legally) and am very proficient at it for the past&nbsp;25+ years. Winchester Silvertips are reserved for extreme self-defense, and&nbsp;is hopefully a visual and physical&nbsp;deterrent.&nbsp; I do *NOT* keep arms in the vehicle, as they are kept at home in a safebox.&nbsp; I normally don't travel with arms unless transporting for the purpose of target practice at a local range.&nbsp; But I digress,&nbsp;as that's a topic for another thread!&nbsp; :)<br><br>Casey
I saw those outside lock things like in your first post before and thought about adding it to the inside, my sliding door is a tad wonkey and doesn't like to close all the way sometimes so I would just close it properly somewhere safe pop the lock on it and then exit through the front doors&nbsp;