Van door exterior locks - useful?

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2012
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Why do you guys think about adding such a lock for your rear doors and middle doors of your van?<br><br>Useful or unnecessary for extra security? &nbsp;I've seen cargo vans have such locks installed, why not for conversion vans?<br><br><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><br></a><br><span style="font-size: 13px;"></span><br><br><br>
Could draw attention.&nbsp; I wouldn't want uninvited persons even glancing at my&nbsp;van.&nbsp;
Actually, I would only use the locks when I'm outside the van, not inside. &nbsp;So for example, let's say I know I will be parked someplace that I'm unfamiliar with for an extended time, that's when I would use these locks. When I return, then I would unlock. &nbsp;I like the idea of having both electronic locks and manual locks. &nbsp;I already have a Viper alarm system added to the van, plus an additional alarm for the rear part of the van. &nbsp;I had to have an additional alarm installed for the rear of the van because it turns out that the Viper alarm did not have enough sensitivity to reach the back side of the van to sound the alarm in case of a break-in. &nbsp;However, I also want a "manual" lock system to complement the electronic lock system, so I also use The Club lock on the steering wheel. &nbsp;Having these special exterior van door locks would add additional manual lock security to help deter the "smash and grab" thieves. &nbsp;Anything you can do to deter theft is worthwhile in my opinion. &nbsp;
<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><br></a><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><br></a><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><br></a><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><br><span style="color: #000000; font-size: 13px;">Check out this cool dead-bolt door lock system for a van</span><br></a>
Check with your insurance agent. Some cities require them others do not. Most of the time for an older camperVan it is not worth the risk vrs return.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
I was also thinking about some sort of locks like this. But I decided (without too much information to go on) that it would just make the van look like there's something worth stealing inside.
&nbsp;An obvious lock means, to a thief, that there's obviously something valuable inside to get. In that case, he'll just tap a broken spark plug against a window and, PRESTO, 'Open sez me!' ..Willy.
I'm really liking the deadbolt set up shown in the second video. What a clever idea. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> <br>To make either of these lock systems work you need to have a partition behind the drivers &amp; passenger seats though.<br>-Bruce
just remember that those exterior locks can be used to lock you in as well.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Actually, I think I like the exterior sliding deadbolt locking system better than the hockey puck lock style. &nbsp;That's because the deadbolt system has the lock built into it, so you simply turn the key to unlock or re-lock. &nbsp;<br><br>But the hockey puck style means you need to unlock the "puck", then place the puck somewhere else such as inside the van?? &nbsp;Does that mean if I want to lock the van door, I would then need to find/get the puck to place into the metal circular portion, then lock the puck? &nbsp;What if I lose the puck? &nbsp;Hmmmm.<br><br>By the way, I would not have the lock attached/locked while I'm inside the van. &nbsp;I would only use when I'm outside, and the van is parked for awhile.<br><br>I'm going to talk to my van conversion shop specialist to find out more on this topic.<br><br><br>
Here's an update.&nbsp; I called the van conversion shop today, and the rep says it would cost about $325 to have 2 of the "hockey puck" style locks installed for both the rear doors and middle doors (includes parts and labor).&nbsp; Seems like a reasonable cost to me, especially because I know this place will do a first rate job. I certainly wouldn't try do to this myself, haha!&nbsp; Unfortunately, this same shop doesn't do the sliding deadbolt locking design.&nbsp; That's too bad, as the sliding deadbolt design with its built-in lock/key seems more convenient, versus the hockey puck lock that needs to be physically taken out and re-inserted for locking and unlocking.&nbsp; Oh well.&nbsp; Anyway, I ordered 2 of these hockey puck locks with matching keys, and will have this installed probably next week.&nbsp; Geez, yet another set of keys to maintain!&nbsp; I just got more keys to add to my collection recently when I installed new wheels with lug nut lock keys.&nbsp; You should see all the many keys I have on my multiple keyrings, it's pretty sick!&nbsp; I have everything locked down on my van. Even my&nbsp;electronic Viper alarms have alarm backups!&nbsp; I'm now looking to add multiple *physical* security locks to complement the electronic alarm locks.&nbsp; All of this would deter the casual thieves when they see the multiple security locks and backups installed.&nbsp; Heck, I even have "The Club" lock on my steering wheel too, hyuck, hyuck!
I dropped off the van at the van conversion shop specialist. Will have the hockey puck style lock installed for both the rear doors and side doors with matching keys. &nbsp;Will pick up the finished van tomorrow. Will post pictures if anyone is interested.<br><br>
If interested? OF COURSE! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> <br>-Bruce
I think I would also feel as though someone could lock me in.... and on a hot day <img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I confess. I'm slightly paranoid...or overly cautious, whatever you want to call it, haha! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif"><br>I believe in more&nbsp;security versus less, and given a choice, I always prefer more.<br>Reminds me of the Embassy Suite hotel television commercial whereby "more" is better, hyuck hyuck!<br><br>I also don't want to rely on any one single security system, such as an alarm which I already have installed.<br>I also believe a *physical" security system to compliment an electronic alarm system is a good thing.<br><br>I want for a casual thief to take one look at the locks on the van and think to himself "ah, forget it!" and to move on to the next vehicle that's less secure.<br><br>Even if the thief wants to start hacking away at the locks, the alarm will be blaring loudly, and I can't imagine the thief wanting to continue to hack away at the lock while the alarm is sounding.<br><br>I was reading some website somewhere whereby owners of cargo vans fell victim to break-ins from both the rear van doors and middle doors and had many thousands of dollars of tools stolen.&nbsp; The poor victims then later installed the door locks after having everything stolen.<br><br>As the saying goes..."an once of prevention...".&nbsp; I believe in that.<br><br>Casey<br><br><br><br><br>
Hi Guys,<br><br>The van conversion shop finished installing the 2 locks, both for the rear doors and middle doors. I have attached pictures!<br><br>The locks have matching keys for a total of 4 duplicate keys. I was able to figure out how to unlock and lock the keys quickly.<br><br>I like the locks. &nbsp;However, I realized a shortcoming or downside to having these locks installed. I should have known before-hand, but didn't. &nbsp;When the hockey puck lock is taken out, there are 2 round holes that come together much like at a gym locker. &nbsp;With these 2 holes together and exposed, that means a stranger could maliciously place his own lock into the unit and thereby locking me out of my own doors! Yikes!<br><br>I'm a little paranoid, so the fear of a malicious act of someone placing a lock into the unit if my lock is exposed makes me worry. &nbsp;That means I would pretty much need to always have my locks in place in order to prevent anyone else to potentially place their own locks onto the unit.<br><br>Oh brother! &nbsp;Always something! &nbsp;I wish the van conversion shop I went to could do the sliding deadbolt lock design instead of the hockey puck lock design. &nbsp;Unfortunately, they just don't do the deadbolt lock system which is something I wanted. &nbsp;<br><br>Oh well, now I have to learn to live with these new hockey pucks, haha!<br><br>Casey<br><br><br>
While they look good, I'm with you about the paranoia of having somebody put their own lock on them. That's why I liked the slider bolt idea better. <br>PS, When I open your images, they are HUGE. You might consider resizing them?<br>-Bruce
Hi Bruce,<br><br>Thanks for your input. Yeah, it's a drag, oh well, now I have to suck it up and live with this current setup. &nbsp;I still like the extra protection of the locks, just not the inconvenience of feeling that I must always have the locks on (when I'm outside the van that is). Also, I had assumed (wrongly) that this site will reduce the pictures, guess I'm wrong. I'm very experienced at using Photoshop for reducing pics, so next time I will resize the images smaller before posting.<br><br>Casey<br><br>