Unlimited 4G Verizon Not Connecting to Internet

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Great Falls, MT
I bought one of the Jetpacks (6620L) that Jim and Bob and have talked about. The laptop will connect to the MiFi unit, but the MiFi unit won't connect to the Internet. It says it has service (It says 3G. No 4G near Meeker, CO according to the MiFi unit despite what the Verizon map says.) but when I try to get on the Internet with the laptop, it won't connect. The laptop says "secured, no Internet". There is a message on top that says I, "must log in to view this Internet page". I've logged in using the Admin Password and it says it is logged in. It also gives me the option to "Sign Out", so that indicates to me that it is logged in. Am getting conflicting information.

Am hoping someone here knows how to connect the 6620 to the Internet so I can rustle me up some Interwebs so I can check my Instamagrams.
It sounds like the wifi device cannot get a signal from a cell phone tower. You will have to move to get a signal.
If you got the 3G flashed MiFi, it will ONLY connect via 3G, you'll never see 4G service on it. If you have the 4G flashed one, that one will ONLY connect to 4G, and will not use 3G if that's all you have coverage for there. I'm guessing that's the problem if it's a 4G unit that's only showing 3G signal. One sure way to test would be to drive to a location with good 4G coverage and see if it works.
When I was using my 3g flashed unit in Idaho, I was in an area that only native Verizon phones would roam onto the nearby towers. DW's phone (native Verizon) worked fine. My flashed hotspot had a signal but wouldn't connect. When I tried to place a call from my phone on the Walmart plan, I got a recording wanting a credit card to complete the call.

The flashed units will not roam and only work on towers that Verizon owns, not the ones they have roaming agreements with.
Yes actually with Verizon there are huge areas where LTE is native 4G but 3G is roaming, same towers.

Likely not relevant, but. . .
Might just be a bad day to test...I am just south of you near Buena Vista and there have been two major widespread Verizon/Comcast outages.  Maybe it is also affecting your area? I am without service for the second time today. Local radio station is reporting this 2nd one is is fire-related with no estimation of restoring service.  911 and voice services are out, texting is spotty.  They are also reporting AT&T service has not been affected.  I am hoping for service tomorrow!
Yes Comcast backhaul had huge outages nationwide, someone cut their fiber must have been at a critical point.
It is the 4G flashed one. Perhaps the 4G area where I had tried was out of service. Will try the 4G area again when I get the chance and let you know. Am camp hosting and hard to get away to do the Internet thing in a timely manner.
Guess what? I'm on the Internet via the MiFi unit. The unit will show a 3G connection, but it won't work with that. It will work only with a 4G connection. Works great with 4G. Happy times! Thanks for the suggestions- they worked.
Just curious if anyone knows why our old 4g verizon thread isn't showing up anymore. If I was banned, I would like to know why since I did nothing to merit that. And if the thread was deleted, I'd also like to know why. Thanks.
catchawave, those threads are deleted because they are a "grey" market area and are no longer allowed on the forum. You may not know if a specific comment of yours was deleted, but you would know if you were banned.
I am not sure what thread your talking about, but several threads were deleted because the plans they were selling were not legit. it seems Verizon caught wind of them and shut the plans down. CRVL decided it was better to get rid of the threads rather then seem to encourage their use. highdesertranger
catchawave said:
Just curious if anyone knows why our old 4g verizon thread isn't showing up anymore. If I was banned, I would like to know why since I did nothing to merit that. And if the thread was deleted, I'd also like to know why. Thanks.

CRVL Forum no longer allows discussion about the 4 or 3G $5 devices
they did remove those threads
I have purchase my mifi from drwireless about 20 day ago he told me that I don’t have to pay anything is free internet and if I don’t get 4g Just change SIM card and it having working good until last week I have no service so I change the SIM card and I was back on for 3 day and stop working so I change the sim again and now if I like service I have to buy a sim every day cause now only last a day and the block the SIM card I have been try to contact Drwireless and I haven’t have any luck he send me a package with my MIFi and number to text In case a ever have a problem but he hasn’t responded any of my text
anyone know how to get in contact with drwireless cause I pay $250 for this MIFI and it didn’t work a month

This is why those threads were removed. First because the hotspots are no longer a option even though the sellers are happy to continue selling them knowing that they are not a option. Second is the discussion on how to keep them going which in this case obviously does not work.I hope the above post deters people from buying them.

If you got your hotspot 20 days ago you should be able to get a refund via paypal or your credit card.