Unexplained phenomenon

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2012
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Have you seen big foot, UFO's or ghosts on the road.&nbsp;<br /><br />Although&nbsp;not on the road I did see some angles when I was a young boy. I will never forget that night.&nbsp;<br /><br />What have you seen?
Flying saucer; close up; in a parking lot; in Florida; over 30 years ago.<br />If anyone is interested I'll tell the full story on here.
When coming back from a trip from north carolina to west virginia, we stopped at a long light.&nbsp; In the middle of the road there was a grass divide, pretty wide one.&nbsp;&nbsp; In the middle of it was something that caught my eye, it was hard to explain.&nbsp; It was kind of like a whitish light, that looked like a tear or rip in the air, is how i would describe it.&nbsp; It was like 6 feet in the air, about the width of the median, and about a foot tall. There was nothing that could have caused the light, and even if there was a source what was the light reflected off?&nbsp; It was clearly in the air not one the ground.&nbsp; We drove on and I just kinda sat there perplexed, wondering if i was imagining it.&nbsp; About a quarter mile down the road, my brother in law who was driving said "Did you see that weird thing in the median?"&nbsp; And I was like "Holy crap you noticed that too?&nbsp; What was that??"&nbsp; <br /><br />Definitely wasn't natural.
lampliter<span id="post_message_1275920184" style="color: #ff00ff;"> Flying saucer; close up; in a parking lot;&nbsp;<span style="color: #000000;"> yes, tell your story I want to hear it.&nbsp; I have had&nbsp;3 encounters but they are almost unbelievable. No UFOs.</span></span>
2001, Utah, boondocking northwest of Dead horse St pk.
3:31 am awakened by a pulsating green dome of light from
a campsite 1/4 mile away. At dawn went to ask them (3 couples),
what it was. I found only a warm fire ring, no tire tracks (they had
two trucks), no footprints (6 people), so either they're the neatest
campers I've ever come across or ? I'm still try'n to figure it out.
Been back there many times.....no answers.......
I was backed into a corner of open-mindedness on the issue by a couple of experiences of my own.&nbsp; One with a lot of other witnesses on California Avenue in Socorro, New Mexico.&nbsp;&nbsp; The second was long-lasting and relatively close-up and personal.&nbsp;&nbsp; Back during the Y2K time.<br /><br /><img rel="lightbox" src="http://sofarfromheavendotcom.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/sawtooths-near-pie-town.jpg?w=500&amp;h=299" class="bbc_img" /><br /><br /><p>Pie Town&rsquo;s located about 30 miles west of the Very Large Array [VLA] telescopes near Datil, New Mexico.&nbsp; The village sits&nbsp;almost atop the Continental Divide, an isolated community in the middle of nowhere.</p><p>I was in the only telephone booth in Pie Town &nbsp;around midnight. The town only has a couple-hundred people and there were no lights of any sort in town. Low overcast, 500 feet or less.</p><p>Whatever it was&nbsp;appeared above me below the overcast and stayed there while I told the person I was talking to on the phone what was happening.&nbsp; It stayed maybe 10-15 minutes and gave me the willies badly enough, I got thinking I was the reason it was there.</p><p>I told the person I was talking to adios and went to the truck, took a .45 out from under the seat and racked in a round.&nbsp; It moved a bit about then, not much but some, while I stood there pointing a pistol at it waiting in the dark. It moved a little more, seemed to descend &mdash; at least it got larger, and stopped again.</p><p>I decided to just get the hell out of there if I could. Cranked up the truck and drove about a quarter-mile and pulled off the highway to make sure it wasn&rsquo;t following me. It sort of drifted or glided off to the north and vanished into the overcast.</p><p>The experience motivated me enough to try to find out whether objects of that particular description and configuration were common, because I&rsquo;d never heard of one. I occasionally would research various UFO sighting archives on the web.</p><p>Years later I found that within a few days of my own sighting an object of almost identical description upset a lot of on-duty military personnel by behaving almost the same way at White Sands Missile Testing Range near Alamogordo, New Mexico, a couple of hundred miles SE from Pie Town. White Sands is an extremely high security area and they take it personally when something intrudes into the airspace over the place, more personally yet when it hangs around and isn&rsquo;t scared.</p><p>There was [maybe still&nbsp;is] a squadron of F117s stationed at Alamogordo [Luftwaffe] at the time, and they scrambled. But the object removed itself before they arrived.</p><p>As for my own experience and the times involved &mdash; I&rsquo;m having to best guess. The person I was describing it to on the telephone and I took a stab at it toward the end of our conversation before I decided to evacuate. But things seem longer and it mightn&rsquo;t have been that long. Afterward, while I was standing there watching and pointing the .45 it&rsquo;s anyone&rsquo;s guess. Might have been as little as 5 minutes, seemed a lot longer.</p><p>Which is to say, I don&rsquo;t know much about aliens and the things they fly around in, but I don&rsquo;t&nbsp;put a lot of value&nbsp;on the speculations of people who know all about what they aren&rsquo;t.&nbsp;&nbsp; Even if they&rsquo;re real smart and have a lot of school-housing.<br /><br /><a href="http://sofarfromheaven.com/2012/01/26/ufo-and-certainties-about-what-isnt/">http://sofarfromheaven.com/2012/01/26/ufo-and-certainties-about-what-isnt/</a></p>
I am somewhat reluctant to share my experiences with the general populous after witnessing the crap a friend who went public endured, even though in her case there were a number of people agreeing with what she had stated.<br />This was in the eighties, in a town along a&nbsp; "recognized ufo corridor" on the Connecticut River in southern Vermont, about 30 miles north of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. A short time after my wife witnessed smaller, but similar craft from our back yard at&nbsp; a distance of no more than 80 yards as it flew along the river and over the island in the river just south of a covered bridge....she refused to speak about it for years.(I have given enough info here to&nbsp; pinpoint the area on a map) We have since moved north.<br />My own alien experience was much more recent, and much more personal. I will not share details here, but will state that I have no doubts about their existence and validity.<br /><br />As for paranormal- I have experiences with deceased relatives and friends. I have family members who are visited regularly and do not want the "gift" to the extent that they use means of dulling and denying what is happening around them.<br />Again, I will not share much more than that in a public forum. I need to develop a trust with the persons first to protect myself and my loved ones.
O.K. Here it is; I was not on any type of medication or alcohol.&nbsp;<br />I was at the grocery store with my girlfriend, as we were leaving this lady ran up and grabbed me by the arm and pointed to the upper area of the parking lot, and said, do you see that? I looked and saw what looked like a flying saucer hovering about 5 to 8 feet off the ground, I looked at my girlfriend and asked her if she saw it and she said yes. I said lets go up there and we began to walk toward it. When we were about 20 feet away I heard or more accurately felt this low frequency hum and it began to lift up. My car was in that lane and I said lets follow it, so we jumped in the car and began to follow it. It stayed just above the trees for about a thousand yards and then began to go faster until it shot off in a curving arc and became a streak of light.<br /><br />I would not have believed I saw this if she had not been with me.<br />This saucer looked like this: It was a dome shape with a ring around the dome and windows just above the ring and flat on the bottom.<br />At first I thought; this is a publicity stunt and there's a helicopter under there.<br />Something else strange is that there was not a crowd of people gathered where it was.<br />It was right next to a 4 lane highway in the upper area of the grocery store parking lot which was part of a mall parking lot.<br />This happened in the late 70's. I still have trouble believing this even though I'm the one who saw it along with at least 2 other people.<br />It was not very big, probably about 20 feet across and 15 to 20 feet high.
Not seeing unexplained phenomena is a status symbol and no hard-minded intelligent, rational person should give it up.&nbsp; Anyone who sees such things and believes such things should deny it for the sake of humanity, science, our sacred progeny and various other whatchallit, common sense and conventional wisdom certitudes valuable to the species.<br /><br />Having said that, and because I'm not hard minded, intelligent, rational and couldn't care less about the future of humanity, I'll confess I've devoted several years to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and can point to countless official, secure, irrefutable data sources proving just about anything can happen.&nbsp; And that when it does, it couldn't care less whether anyone believes in it or science thinks it would violate rules it would like to impose on the Universe.<br /><br />I'm not talking about flying saucer reports or abdominal snowmen.&nbsp; I'm talking about a ritualized official hundreds of times per day&nbsp;attempts to force randomness into a resistent Universe and genuflect to Heisenberg.&nbsp; <br /><br />But instead of Heisenberg, it's all being controlled by the moons of Jupiter, maybe.&nbsp; Or some other damned thing.<br /><br />It's somewhat complicated.
<div>Karl, your story sounds kind of familiar. I lived in that general area for 30+ years.&nbsp;</div><div>One friday night in the early-mid 80's my future (and now ex) husband and I drove over to &nbsp;Vermont to see my brother who lived in a small town outside of StJ. He wasn't home so we puttered around for an hour or 2 and headed back to NH about 10pm. We were maybe 10 miles across the border when my ex pointed up and asked what I thought that was above us. We followed that whatever it was all the way back to my hometown and parked the car on the highest street we could and watched it fly over the mountains into Maine. &nbsp;</div><div>In the next Sunday's paper out of Maine there was a story about the state police getting hundreds of reports about a ufo that friday night/saturday morning.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div>
Neat topic.<br /><br />A month or 2 or 3 ago on a Saturday, some friends obtained a beachfront campsite nearby, and I paid the exorbitant sum to park there overnight as well.<br /><br />About 10:30 at night I happen to look up, and at least 1/2 mile away and slowly falling was a flashing green clear balloon. &nbsp;Did you ever point a red lazer at some crystal glassware. &nbsp;This was like a &nbsp;clear bag of crystal glasses slowly rolling down an invisible stairway being hit by a dozen kids with green lasers.<br /><br />I pointed it out to my friend, who instantly saw it, then it disappeared, but then came back a few seconds later a little lower in the sky, still tumbling like a mass of lasered crystals in a bag.<br /><br />While I do not believe for a second humans are alone in the universe, I do not think this experience was otherworldly or paranormal, &nbsp;but I cannot come up with a good explanation, nor was able to find a similar description/ sighting online for tumbling clear &nbsp;multifaceted reflective balloons to hit with green lasers, or anything like it.
WRCSixEight: Were you estimating the 1/2 mile distance based on something on the ground you were comparing it to, or by the size of the object?
JosephusMinimus, I judged the distance mostly by guess. &nbsp;While there were stars out, it was not super clear. &nbsp;There was some light haze, and significant light pollution. &nbsp; Anything much further away would likely have been not only less noticeable, but also less crisp looking to my eye. As I kept pondering a rational explanation I kept reverting to the balloon falling/ being retrieved theory as that is the speed it seemed to be falling in the sky, and this oceanfront campsite stretches for about a 1/2 mile in length and I was thinking the pranksters were at the other end of the campground. &nbsp;It was full, and one of those campsites where you can hear the neighbors snore.&nbsp;<br /><br />I did have a few beers in me, but was not even close to drunk. &nbsp;The thought struck me that it might be really far away when it first disappeared for a few seconds, but when it returned, lower in the sky that thought vanished.<br /><br />But the more I thought about it, I cannot see how it could be replicated without somebody with too much time spending too much money for some unknown purpose. &nbsp;But this the land of fruits and nuts so I gave up trying to figure out other's motivations.<br /><br />Had I seen this in an unpopulated area I would be thinking differently no doubt.
Here is a fun site if you like this stuff...:<br /><br />http://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/2012/12/strange-ufo-seen-and-recorded-over.html<br /><br />I also enjoyed the PBS series "Ancient Aliens" it is on Netflix....a different take on the world's phenomena and the standard take...often the standard is NOT based on fact....example being a lot of what is accepted in "Egyptology"&nbsp; as they point out with some well reasoned examples......Interesting to say the least....<br /><br />As for me...no sightings of anything other unexplainable than when I used to drop a lot of acid...then all bets were off. Kit and I did see the Stealth bomber when it's existence was still under wraps. We saw it very plainly over Death Valley and had no idea what it was...very strange unit.<br /><br />I am heading to old Blighty in April next year, one to visit my ancestral town and area, it is in Kent and amongst some ancient sacred areas....and two so I can soak in the rain and some of the feelings of standing on ley lines, in some henges, etc. It may be my one shot at it so am looking forward to the experience. I will spend some time next summer with the New Mexico ley lines and see if I can sense anything...I am not a sensitive kinda guy and dunno what will develop. There are some entrenched opposing camps of thinking about this like everything.<br /><br />I confess to having worked as a carny for too long to not realize how incredibly gullible human beings are...Yikes...as old P.T. Barnum said as he went about writing a book called "Art of Money Getting" and making a fortune on it..."a sucker is born every minute!".<br />bri
wrcsixeight: Thanks for explaining. The reason I asked was that I sometimes find myself thinking, "<em>Is that big, or is it close?"</em> Or alternatively, "<em>Is it small, or far away?</em>"&nbsp; Trying, for instance, to judge the height and size of meteors.&nbsp; Something slow might be far away and if it's also big, might be a lot bigger than a person would suspect.&nbsp; <br /><br />Sometimes I've looked across the countryside which looked near but seen almost microscopic livestock grazing on it.&nbsp; Eastern New Mexico is bad about that.&nbsp; Discovered it was the comparative size of cows that gave the best measure of distance.<br /><br />Thus I was curious ... I have a tough time judging size and distance in the sky except with aircraft.<br /><br />
Bri:&nbsp; The ley line thing should be interesting.&nbsp; I've sometimes intended to try dowsing for them in New Mexico but never got around to it.&nbsp; Never decided whether I believe they exist, or not, either.<br /><br />Mainly because nobody seems to agree what they are, what they do, and how a person might confirm there's one where someone else says there is.<br /><br />If I knew what ley lines are I think I'd build a ley line detector
<strong>Jeezy pete, I'm feeling dumber and dumber. Thank goodness for widipedia. In case someone other than me doesn't know what a ley line is</strong>&nbsp; <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_line"><strong>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_line</strong></a><br /><strong>I just thought, hey, Bri can't spell any better than me, I wonder what he meant to spell? Then Jack comes along and knows what Bri is talking about.<br /><span style="color: #0000ff;">bri's quote: and two so I can soak in the rain and some of the feelings of standing on ley lines, in some henges, etc.</span></strong> <br /><strong>Now I'm looking at the word henges and wondering why he would want to stand in some hedges.<br /><span style="color: #ff00ff;">Dragonfly</span><br /></strong>
dragonflyinthesky said:
<strong>I'm feeling dumber and dumber.</strong>
<br /><br />Don't, if this was Star Trek they were talking about they'd be wearing rubber spock ears.<br /><br />

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