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Plenty of people out there who would do that. But not me. I will not be directed. I control my future, What I can control. That is freedom.<div><br></div>
He didn't say they were looking to direct people so much as they're looking for something more organic. RawTV can elaborate on how organic.<div>&nbsp;</div>
The question is ... will we have some say, or not.<div><br></div>
I'm still interested. And I would be willing to take some direction. Being made a fool of is still our decision, but whether we let it affect us is also our decision. I've done it to myself enough times in my &nbsp;life that I know I'll set over it. so Bring It On. I can handle anything that is thrown at me. Try me. I love a challenge.<div><br></div>
<TABLE class=nested_invisible_table border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" height="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD height="100%" vAlign=top colSpan=4><P><SPAN id=post_message_1271479344>
Just to clarify,

We're not trying to make anyone look like idiots. 
The concept of the show is document the creation of a
self-sustaining community. Perhaps this is the wrong 
forum to find people, but we are 
casting our net far and wide.
We have looked at preppers and survivalists,
but we want people want to live in this
type of community for whatever reason,
not just because they are afraid the world may end.

And even though Area 51 said 
he wants no part in our show, 
his sentiment, the idea that 

"we have found we don't need 3000 sq foot of hell
to bind our wallets , and our spirit . We can enjoy
the same views and even change of views and live
like the kings we use too serve, with 
much less and MUCH less worry over all,"

is what our show is aiming for.

If you have any other questions,
please post them. I'll return and check.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR></SPAN><BR><SPAN>&nbsp; Raw Tv , You&nbsp; must&nbsp; understand here , Each&nbsp;IS&nbsp;&nbsp;his&nbsp;or her&nbsp; OWN&nbsp; survival community. We dont need or want the&nbsp; needs and responsibility of others&nbsp; interfearing&nbsp; with our goals . <BR>&nbsp;This forum&nbsp;&nbsp; is a support forum&nbsp; and&nbsp; most likely&nbsp;&nbsp; the only&nbsp;&nbsp; way&nbsp;we will be "part of a community of like minded people" .&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; We are&nbsp; of a unique &nbsp;mindset driven on <B>Independency</B> , We dont find&nbsp;security in&nbsp; numbers, or&nbsp; the&nbsp; "system" , Quite&nbsp; the oppsite&nbsp;actually,&nbsp; But&nbsp; we like&nbsp; to&nbsp; dine out&nbsp; at&nbsp; times , if&nbsp;this makes any&nbsp;sence . We&nbsp; are not&nbsp; hurmets,&nbsp; or gypsies in the classical sense .&nbsp; We function&nbsp; at&nbsp; jobs&nbsp; as normal people&nbsp;, and&nbsp; we&nbsp;&nbsp;ARE normal ,&nbsp; we just&nbsp;&nbsp;dont&nbsp; buy into&nbsp; the&nbsp; cookie cutter , keeping up&nbsp; with the Jones , life style&nbsp; because it&nbsp; drains us&nbsp;of money&nbsp;and&nbsp;spirit with no&nbsp; return&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; Each&nbsp; has&nbsp;their own&nbsp;reasons for&nbsp;this&nbsp;way of life.&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Mine is&nbsp; completely&nbsp; money&nbsp; based&nbsp; for&nbsp;saving all&nbsp;I can&nbsp;before&nbsp;retirement. Because&nbsp; the cookie cutter life&nbsp; I once had, that society demands us to&nbsp;be part of, or be&nbsp;considered 'outcasts"&nbsp;&nbsp; drained me&nbsp;of all my&nbsp; savings,&nbsp; destroyed my&nbsp; equity , and&nbsp; most daming of all,&nbsp;<B>killed </B>my spirit.&nbsp;I was a walking talking&nbsp;bill paying zombie. Now&nbsp;, I have&nbsp; dreams&nbsp; and goals again, that&nbsp; a "modern" world can provide ,&nbsp;that&nbsp;I can, and will&nbsp; reach . I do&nbsp; not&nbsp; have&nbsp; any desire&nbsp; to go back to&nbsp;premitive living in&nbsp;grass huts&nbsp; and all . However&nbsp;I can,&nbsp;<U>IF</U> that is&nbsp;where&nbsp; this world&nbsp;crumbles to.&nbsp;</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;I have been offered&nbsp; a huge brake in suceeding&nbsp;in this&nbsp;life style&nbsp;from&nbsp;my&nbsp;employer&nbsp; and I&nbsp; will&nbsp;capitolize on it&nbsp;completely and do nothing&nbsp;to jepordize it. &nbsp;A lot&nbsp;of&nbsp;people&nbsp;here&nbsp;are&nbsp;not&nbsp;near as lucky,&nbsp; but then&nbsp; they&nbsp; are also&nbsp; much&nbsp;more resourceful&nbsp;than I am&nbsp;&gt; I have learned&nbsp; alot being&nbsp; here. If&nbsp; that day comes&nbsp; when my&nbsp; employer&nbsp; closes the doors&nbsp;I will be in a much better place to&nbsp; actually take advantage of&nbsp;it ,&nbsp; than&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp;left in shock and&nbsp; bewilderment&nbsp; of&nbsp; what to do&nbsp; next&nbsp; while&nbsp; ball and chained to&nbsp; a sinking ship . &nbsp;My&nbsp; life boat is already manned and ready to take sail at a moments notice .&nbsp;&nbsp;I find&nbsp; HUGE ! comfort in knowing&nbsp;this as&nbsp; fact .&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><BR><BR></P></SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom colSpan=4 align=middle><SPAN style="DISPLAY: none" id=loading_1271479344><B></B></SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P></P>
Hello Adam,<div>Thanks for the post. Yeah, I am interested in participating if you will have me. I am not the most good looking person on here, not even the most handy man type. But what I can bring is a patient listening and sympathetic ear in times of hardship and a diplomatic way with people that may be useful in situations like new communities and such. &nbsp;I am also a good cook and good food always brings people together...</div>

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