Trying to get over my fears..widower from Ga.

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Aug 4, 2018
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Snellville, Ga
:huh: I am on ss, renting a room and that is ending. Want to enjoy my life without drama or constant stress. This life you guys are living sounds absolutely amazing. I must be honest with ya'll. I am afraid and not well off by any means. 
Please bare with me. I have many questions. 
Thanks for letting me join !
Welcome Chuck to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hi Chuck and welcome to the forum!

Have you found the cheaprvliving YouTube channel yet? Bob's got videos on just about any vehicle living subject you can think of, from staying warm or cool to interviews with nomads to solar panels to where to find water. Here's a link to the latest one to get you started.

I think it's normal to be scared about a big life change. Plan for what you are likely to encounter and it won't be so bad. Vehicle dwelling is all about changes, all day long. The good thing is you can plan for most of them. I'm on SS disability and it's nice not to spend most of my income on monthly housing expenses. Not that I have any crazy shopping spree money now or anything, lol. But I do have enough that I can start socking some away for the inevitable repairs and rainy day fund. And not feeling so underwater with my monthly expenses gets rid of a ton of stress.
Again, welcome to the forum.

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Thank you so much. Yes, I have watched probably everyone of Bob's videos as well as Jaime's and before they split up.
Again thank you and I appreciate the encouragement,

Hi Chuck-
Welcome to the Forum. I think you'll find most everyone here is eager to offer a suggestion, help or feedback. Or just to chat, in many cases. So I think you're probably in the right place.

Angie posted a great video-- what an inspiration the man Bob interviews is....hardly any money, has health challenges, an eyesore of a vehicle (though it all seems functional enough) and yet he seems happier than most people I know who live in houses!
So I hope watching it gave you some solace and even inspires you to consider a different way to live, if/ when you're up for it.

There are probably other van dwellers nearby, maybe you can post your general area? That way you can meet a few and this won't feel so overwhelming. I've met a few in my area and it's helped me.

Keep us posted!....

PS- "....Jaime's and before they split up"? Did you think Bob and Jaime were a couple? Please say no! ?
Welcome to the forum, it's great to have you here.
Chogger said:
:huh: I am on ss, renting a room and that is ending. Want to enjoy my life without drama or constant stress. This life you guys are living sounds absolutely amazing. I must be honest with ya'll. I am afraid and not well off by any means. 

Welcome! What you want to do can be done, there are others out there with just their SS$. It does take a little bit of money to get started (get a van with good tires, hoses, etc), how much money depends on you.  

Once you have the vehicle everything does not have to be done at once.  People have gone out with just an air mattress, some blankets (from the goodwill) to sleep on & cover the windows. A camp chair & a folding TV tray for the inside furniture, an LED head lamp for light at night and a butane stove to make coffee in the morning. 
Or less... Some of us have gotten everything from second hand stores to get started..

There are a lot of good resources out there to help with questions....

Best of luck to you & maybe we'll meet in person out on the road!
Just keep reading your response and I must say, your encouragement has made all the difference. In 2008 my wife and I both lost our jobs. On the very eve prior to our eviction she took her life. Since then it's hard not to blame myself for our failure. At my age it has been tough getting a good job. I started watching cheaprvliving on utube a few years ago and finally built up the courage to do this.
Thank you again and perhaps we will meet out on the road.
Keep the rubber side down,
Chogger said:
Just keep reading your response and I must say, your encouragement has made all the difference.  I started watching cheaprvliving on utube a few years ago and finally built up the courage to do this.
Thank you again and perhaps we will meet out on the road.
Keep the rubber side down,

Borrowed from somewhere...  Life is short, just do it.
What a difference a day makes. Found a 1999 F350 short schoolie with a 7.3 turbo. Minor conversion, no kitchen or shower etc. A perfect vehicle for my needs. Just a few dollars off on price. Trying to sell my car and my Ludwig drum kit that is 50 yrs old. Wish me luck with my back I'm thinkin the bus with its height would be better to stand up in. Especially on rainy days.
Thanks again !
Are you planning on maintaining you residence in GA or moving your legal residence to another state?

I ask because state laws (not federal) govern auto insurance and those laws can differ from state to state. This leads to differences in coverages and rates even comparing policies from the same insurance company written in different states.

I would suggest contacting your prospective insurance companies and inquiring about how much a policy would cost in the state you will be residing in. Because policies are based on prior driving and ins history, your insurance quotes might end up being different than someone else's.

I would also suggest that you be honest with the insurance company if you plan to live full time in the schoolie. Other people on the forum might suggest you not disclose this information to the insurance carrier. That's their honest opinion, but I would suggest you think hard about the pros and cons of not disclosing.

First, if you get insurance on your vehicle through a company and you are involved in an accidentally, and the ins company learns that you live in your vehicle, they may refuse to cover the accident, based on your nondisclosure. This is a waste of money - paying for insurance you can't use. Second, they may consider it insurance fraud. This is a felony and considered a criminal act. Better to avoid it if possible and keep your freedom. Third, some companies do not offer full-timer insurance. This means that if you do have any claims on your policy, even if they pay and it seems as if you claim was covered, if the company later learns that you've been living as a full-timer they may audit your policy history and you may be charged with insurance fraud.

For me, this issue really came down to 'do I want to end up wasting money on a policy I can't use by not fully disclosing my full-time residence status?' Nope, I'd rather be safe than sorry.


Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
Good information there for anyone. Obviously you have given this some thought. I was concerned regarding residency because of the mail forwarding issues with folks going out of business. I am with State Farm with nothing ever filed and a perfect driving record.
Thanks..mmmmmm thinking now
Chogger said:
Good information there for anyone. Obviously you have given this some thought. I was concerned regarding residency because of the mail forwarding issues with folks going out of business. I am with State Farm with nothing ever filed and a perfect driving record.
Thanks..mmmmmm thinking now

Ask your insurance people, then you'll know. Keep in mind that vehicle insurance is a state thing.
FYI, both Good Sam Club and Foremost offer full timer Insurance.
Chogger said:
One more thing. What is the best company to insure the schoolie with ?

I have a schoolie 4 window short bus 
 I use the broad form I insure my license not my vehicle  for me Its the easiest way they don't now what your driving but thats in Washington state don't now about your state.

Just don't plan on being stealthy im not just keep in mind every bodies not watching you most people could care less watch videos on where to park and when and you'll be fine
Ok, here I go. I am on the way ( cash in hand ) to meet the guy with the schoolie. What an exciting day. I want to come out there with the cheaprvliving tribe and help other people. I have always felt better when I'm helping others. I may not be able to do the things I used to..kick in Tobey Keith song " Not as Good as I once was "
So if all goes according to plan. I will be heading out in 30 or so days. A stop in Flagstaff to buy all the solar power stuff for a 400 watt system. ( Bob had mentioned on a video that Flagstaff had the best prices on solar) Does anyone know a particular company I should look for there ?
Hopefully I can find help with the installation out there with you guys.
Thanks again !
Hi Chogger!

Do you know about Jaime's van build party in Parker, AZ? It's in November 1st through Thanksgiving. There's people to help with stuff like solar installs, etc. Also if you care to lend a hand there are plenty of opportunities to help others with their builds.

Here's a link to his recent YouTube video about it. Check out the video description for more details.

Good luck with the schoolie today. I hope it works well.


Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
I would subscribe to Jaime's youtube channel, and see what he has to say about insurance. He's probably tried it all. He attracts a lot of people who want to do schoolie builds, see what they did for insurance. You will also find links to other schoolie builds. See what they did for insurance.

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