Trying to figure out if this is for us...

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Aug 10, 2020
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Hi everyone. I joined as a means to further research on whether or not this is for us. My husband has had some health issues that they cannot determine if they are behind us or not, so (since we're late 40's) I would need to find remote work to be able to supply health insurance. ...So while the health issues make us want to rethink our life, they also add a complication that 2 years ago we never would have dreamed of having to contend with. 

Thanks in advance for your wisdom.
Welcome myownlittleworld to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum  :)

There are those who would counsel you to try this during the week ends or times you have away from your work....first.

Being out in the open air of the outdoors, in the sunshine, and the serenity of nature is uplifting for anyone.
With that a rise in a positive outlook and possibly some measure of self confidence if an illness diminished that.
Meeting new people and making new friends can also help one build a new perspective and contribute to a
better sense of well being.   Medicine,  all too often cannot provide this.

Also taking meals together in the outdoors has a special exhilaration for those who have rarely gotten to do it.

So, give some part timing some thought.  Even if you have to rent a rig of some kind a few times to see if you can even do this. 

Best of luck to you, and brightest blessings.
I second eDj's post.

Start taking weekend trips now in the vehicle you have. Or if you're not used to camping, camp in your driveway and/or your backyard a time or three.

If you love it - or if you don't - then you'll have a much better idea whether "this" is for you.
Many hugs to you. I'll happily add bright Blessings from this corner too. I'm also late 40s and suffer health issues. If you need a shoulder or an ear I'll happily be that if I can.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and the advice. I am slowly going through posts pertaining to the questions we have. I should mention that the outdoors lifestyle isn't new to us. We have tent camped for vacations (both beach and mountains) and done short and longish bicycle touring with backpackers tents. My husband has also done motorcycle road trips with a backpacker's tent. Mostly our concerns focus on the need to work and trying to find balance in that (within a nomadic lifestyle) and also keeping up with his neurologist visits.

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