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Aug 21, 2018
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BC Canada

I’m Solani, a name I was “gifted” quite a few years ago. I’m a Woman, 58 years young. I totally refuse to act my age, as I strongly believe age to only be a number. That doesn’t mean I don’t have the experience from every one of those years and more, it just means I’m young at heart and have every intention of staying that way, even when the odds are stacked against me. Or rather, especially when the odds are against me!

I’m finding myself in the situation where I am forced to hit the road and live out of my car, as for whatever reason which I’m not being told, my permanent residency permit is not going through... I’m currently living off-grid in mid BC Canada and truly love every second of it… However, all good things don’t always last and having taken the leap out into the unknown from Sweden, where I’ve lived (permanent resident) for close to 40 years. Married, divorced, raised my children. I found a good man online over here in Canada and after one year of communicating, with my kid’s blessings, I decided to take a leap of faith, pick up and move.

I’m a US citizen by birth and have lived in several countries over the years. Only “staying still” while my children were growing up, school etc. I came here to Canada 2 and a half years ago. Got married after a year, when I was sure it was the right thing to do. Have been working on my immigration since then. Everything looked great! Passed the background checks, medical etc. etc. Lots of $$$... Have made a functioning and comfortable life for myself and my husband over here, living the off-grid prepper life, a similar life to I’ve always lived and been comfortable with. Just waiting now for the final date, when I must be out of the country… It sucks in more ways than one! :(

So, my options are very limited. I can’t move back to Sweden, since due to the rules of being a permanent resident there, I can only be out of the country for 6 months before losing permanent residency status. And, in all honesty, even if I do miss my kids extremely much, I don’t want to go back. Life is way too crazy over there now and only getting worse. Trying to get my kids to move as well but, that must be their choice and not mine, regardless of how I feel about it.

So, I’ll be hitting the road, heading down to the US. I have no idea where to go, other than south. I have no family or friends in the US. Meaning, friends that I have kept up with over the years and I’m not about to call someone out of the blue asking for help, just because I would need it, if I haven’t kept in touch otherwise… Proud? Yep, way to much…

I have most of the equipment/stuff, I need to be able to live out of my car. I currently have a 1998 Ford Explorer 4X4. Even if I have been eye-balling a 1994 Chevy Suburban 4x4, as it would provide my dog and I with more space but, I do realize that I know nothing about the Chevy and everything about my Explorer. I’ve also managed to buy an old lockable large pop-up tent trailer. Not interested in the tent part of it even if it would have been in undamaged shape and not as it is now, totally disintegrated… I’m planning on using it as a utility trailer which I can safely stash/lock my “stuff” in, which will give me more room in the car for myself and my dog to live and sleep in. Toying with the idea of perhaps building collapsible hard sides to the tent trailer further down the road but, we’ll cross that bridge when we reach it. For now, I do believe that my dog and I will be able to live comfortably out of our car.

My dog Nova, is a German Shepard X. She is certified as my emotional support dog, as well as a service dog in training and has all the necessary official ID’s, Veterinary papers, shots etc. Nova is the one being that is able to make me feel safe, comfortable and loved. She is my whole family now that I have to leave and don’t have my children around me. I have PTSD from very early childhood crap and a disability pension due to PTSD, which is my only income of approximately $800 per month.

So, that was a little about us. Please ask questions if anything needs clarification or, if there is anything you are wondering about.

I however, do have a ton of questions but, will start with the ones that I feel are most important.

Car insurance… How do I get US insurance on my car without having a physical address and which insurance companies are cheapest but still have good coverage?
I know I’ll have to find somewhere I can use as an address, been thinking about Nevada. (Yes, I’ve watched everyone of Bob’s YouTube videos and Carolyn’s RV life,  ;) as well as all the videos I can find that talk about the more negative aspects of living on your own out of your car…) My car will be insured from Canada to start out with but, I’m not sure how long I’d be able to keep that insurance. I also only have a Canadian driver’s license and know that when I do find an address where I’ll register, I’ll have to get a US driver’s license and transfer/register my car into a US car. I have my US Passport and Social security card; however, I don’t have a US birth certificate. Do I need one?

Health insurance??? I am currently paying for a Canadian health insurance, which I will need to make sure it will cover me for at least a few months before I’m able to get some type of US coverage…

Solar will be something I’ll need to look into once I’m able to afford it, so for now, the only solar I have is to charge my phone, iPad, laptop and portable lights. That will have to do for now.

I don’t have any type of heater such as a “buddy heater” etc. but do have a huge sleeping bag that covers all the way down to negative 40C (-35F??) Nova being the mix-breed she is, has the fur to be able to keep her warm, if not, I’ll also be needing the extra heat and she’ll find herself with me in the sleeping bag. :cool: Hoping I’ll be able to reach warmer climate before winter sets in but if not, I’m not worried about it.
I’m more worried about driving… There is no way I can handle driving MULTIPLE lane freeways. I get instant anxiety attacks to the point where I’m about to pass out so, it’s back roads for us. I have bought new maps of both BC Canada, as well as the US.

Will need to find a wireless service for phone and data. Which one is best/has best coverage compared to price… I’ve been without cell phone service here in Canada, since we live so remote we don’t have coverage. Still have my cell phone from Sweden but, my son is sending me a newer model iPhone, as mine is only an iPhone 4.

I have lots more questions but, this post is way too long as it is.

Thank you if you’ve read this far and I’m sorry the post is so long…

Hi Solani and welcome to the forum.

I do have a few questions and feel free not to answer them on here publicly, but instead use them as inspiration as brainstorming if that seems better to you. I'm not trying to pry into your personal life, just help you avoid speed bumps along the way.

What country do you receive your disability pension from now? If not the US then have you looked into the rules about changing your residence and still receiving it?

How many lanes does a road have to have to qualify as "multiple" lanes? I'd highly suggest an up to date atlas to help you with avoiding those triggers. I say this from a place of love. Almost 7 years ago I was in a horrific crash in my truck that left me with PTSD, a traumatic brain injury, and physical injuries that will likely never go away. The severity of my PTSD incidents has lessened ( though aren't gone completely) after counseling with a mental health professional experienced with dealing with patients with childhood and adult traumas and PTSD. It can get better. Look for help if you are interested.

I totally agree with keeping what you have and slowly working towards something that fits better for you over time.

I've heard of lots of prepper and off grid homesteader types saying that the transition to vehicle dwelling was relatively easy because a lot of the skills transfer from their previous way of life to their new way of life.


PS -40° is the same in both F and C, it's the only temp that is the same in both temperature systems. -40°F = -40°C

Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
Welcome Solani,

You are one thing for certain and that is thorough!  You have a very interesting situation, and I'm sure you'll figure it all out.  One thing you might do is address each question in each category and refer people back to this thread as a way to see the whole story.  I think you can make it on $800, but it'll take some creativity on your part.

As far as health insurance, I dunno.  I think it's really expensive, but if you have disability, perhaps you have the health insurance that goes with social security.  Things might be changing regarding health insurance too, so no matter what you end up with to start, there's no real guarantee that it will continue for long.  Health insurance as of 2019 will no longer be mandated.  So you might even consider doing without it if you're pretty healthy.

I think you're right about preppers being of similar mindset.  I use some prepper websites for info that I use in what I do even though I'm not stocking up for Y3K.

Welcome and we're (if I may speak for more than myself) very glad you're here.  We can learn a lot from your experiences, and you might learn enough to help you along your way.  WELCOME HOME!!!!
Welcome Solani to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hi Solani,

As I understand it, South Dakota is the easiest place to establish residence, etc..
Verizon has the most coverage. You can get a Google Voice acct/# and use public WiFi if need be.
Traveling Therapy and Service Dog can be your new business.
If you were born in the US, it would be good to get a copy of your BC.
Head southwest after that and follow the moderate temps. There is a van build in Nov, women’s RTR and RTR in Jan..
I’m currently in MN and can offer a cup of tea and my tips and tricks if that’s helpful. I’ll be heading to SD then SW at years end.
I’ll see you out there.

Riverman said:
Welcome to the forum, it's great to have you here.

Hello and thank you for the welcomes to the community,

Forgive me for not replying sooner, even though I’ve read all the response’s I’ve received, as soon as I’ve been able to get online. Lots of chores around the homestead, as well as helping as much as I can, with the wild fire situation here in BC and at the same time, trying to get as much as possible ready for my departure. I am soooo over all the emotional crap that comes with this. The practical “stuff” doesn’t bother me all that much, I just wish the emotional crap would take a flying hike. Anywho… This too will pass!
AMGS3 said:
Hi Solani and welcome to the forum.

I do have a few questions and feel free not to answer them on here publicly, but instead use them as inspiration as brainstorming if that seems better to you. I'm not trying to pry into your personal life, just help you avoid speed bumps along the way.

Hi Angie,
Don’t worry, you’re not stepping on my toes or prying. I’m very open about “my issues” and have carried my “demons/PTSD” for as long as I can remember, it’s just part of who I am and why I react the way I do in various situations.

I went down the professional psyche route for more than 20+ years, add to that, I have a 4-year psyche degree geared towards long term abuse/trauma related psychological aftermath/disorders. Unfortunately, doctor heal thyself doesn’t quite work. However, it does give me a better understanding into the why’s of why I react the way I do. I chose to go that route when I couldn’t find any professionals in Sweden that had at least a clue as to what PTSD is or, how to treat/help whatever person is dealing with it, (they still don’t) other than pumping out tons of pills. Pills alone don’t solve anything, other than give you other issues, which at times are worse than the reason you’re taking them…
I’ve found that in my case, regular meditation and alone time does much to help me cope. Add to that, I have a wicked sense of humor and can joke about my own (never anyone else’s) issues and eff-ups. I’ve always believed that if you can get to the point where you can joke about something, you’re much better off for it.
I’ve never worked in the psychiatric field, even if those that have similar issues often talk with me. It’s kind of like, even if no one else can see that someone has PTSD, or other trauma related disorders, we, meaning those of us that are living with it, have an uncanny knack of being able to pick each other out in a crowd. Just little nuances/body language, that no one else notices but, since we have similar “quirks” (or whatever one would call it), we instantly recognize them in others that we meet. Having someone in your life that shares similar problems and being able to talk with someone that knows firsthand what it’s like, at least helps me more than any pay by the hour professional, that is merely book learned… Not putting every professional down, however, 99,9% of those I’ve dealt with, I wouldn’t even trust them, buying a happy meal from a McDonalds drive through...
I’m so sorry to read about your truck crash and the aftermath you’ve dealt with and are dealing with. Happy to read though that you’ve been able to get help with dealing with the aftermath and are doing better.
My disability pension is from Sweden, as that is where I’ve had my permanent residency for the past 40 yrs. and spent the majority of my work life paying into the system. I can keep my pension regardless of where I live, which I’m very happy and grateful for. I do get a little less once I’ve totally changed my permanent address to another country but, it more or less evens out, since I’ll be paying less taxes on my pension. Yes, Sweden does make you pay taxes on your pension, both disability pension as well as old age pension, a whopping 32%...
When it comes to the multiple lane roads/freeways. I’m usually OK on the roads that have 2 lanes in each direction. That is if I don’t get boxed in between big rigs… When that happens, I’ll turn on my emergency blinkers and hope that they understand that they need to back off and give me space, either to continue driving or, to be able to safely pull off to the side and let them pass. If I have no other choice than to drive on the BIG freeways, I’ll drive at night when traffic is at a minimum. I didn’t use to have problems with driving whatsoever and would drive all over the world on some of the wackiest roads you can come across but, after living with my son in the Miami FL area for close to 5 years and having to drive on the freeways there, I crashed and burned mentally. I have no idea why and that really bothers me. Cause, if I don’t know why, I don’t know how to solve it. Did the small back roads for a year after that and then for whatever reason, I couldn’t do them either. Flew back to Sweden permanently (had been flying back and forth every 6 months, since my son worked for an airline company and I could fly on his benefits for pennies on the dollar) Back out at my old house in Sweden, which is also off-grid, I spent the better part of a year learning to drive again. Dirt roads in the middle of the night and then slowly advancing to bigger and paved roads. However, still must learn to deal with the multiple lane freeways and quite honestly, I’d rather not, if I don’t have too… But yes, I can do it, if there is little to no traffic.
Yes, I have decided to stick with the car and pop-up tent trailer/utility trailer. It does feel safer knowing the car I’ll be driving. Not saying that stuff can’t go sideways regardless and in so many ways it will make your head spin. At least I’ll be able to be reasonably sure that it’s a trustworthy vehicle and has been checked by our mechanic, has new spark plugs/electrical cables, oil/filter, new breaks and whatever else needs an update for a long haul. Going over the trailer… oh dear… Need to patch the top, at least the corners and edges but it’s made from solid fiberglass so, I feel it is worth the work. Happy I do have a history from my earlier days doing body work on cars. More worried about the floor but, I’ll deal with it! Frame is sturdy and rust free. Needs new tires but, that’s to be expected after sitting for 20+ years… All I want for now is to make sure that the top doesn’t break apart and blow off and the floor doesn’t give out and spill all my belongings out onto the road. Everything else can wait until I have the money, energy and time (in that order LOL) I just want to be able to keep my stuff safe and the car comfortable enough for my dog Nova and myself.
Jillsjoy said:
Hi Solani,

As I understand it, South Dakota is the easiest place to establish residence, etc..
Verizon has the most coverage.  You can get a Google Voice acct/# and use public WiFi if need be.
Traveling Therapy and Service Dog can be your new business.
If you were born in the US, it would be good to get a copy of your BC.
Head southwest after that and follow the moderate temps.  There is a van build in Nov, women’s RTR and RTR in Jan..
I’m currently in MN and can offer a cup of tea and my tips and tricks if that’s helpful.  I’ll be heading to SD then SW at years end.
I’ll see you out there.


Hi Jill,
Thank you, I'll definetely have to look into the South Dakota recidency rules/laws. Also need to figure out a balance between where I'm going to have my "permanent address" vs. insurance costs both car, health and other odds and ends. Last permanent address I had in the US (actually think I'm still considered a resident, is in West Palm Beach Florida. However, car insurance in Florida is unthinkable... The bumber sticker I bought for my son that says "I'm paying more for my insurance than my car payments" is VERY true. But then his car was brand new but still...

Yep, I've Googled Verizon and found that they have best coverage and also a price range I think I'd be able to afford on the plan I'd want to have. (knock on wood)

Will check with Vital Records in California where I was born and see if I can somehow get a copy of my birth certificate. I was adopted when I was 4,5 yrs. old so, it's a bit complicated. I use to have a copy of both of my birth certificates but, in one of my many moves, I first lost one of them and then the other... You're not suppose to be able to have both the original and the amended/adoped birth certificate, since the original one is suppose to be destroyed/sealed back when I was adopted. But, I'll look into it again and see if things have changed since I checked last time some 30 yrs. ago. I do have a Swedish birth certificate that states that I'm born in the US and that I am a US citizen. Anyhow, I'll check into it again.

Not sure how I'd be able to have a business as a Traveling Therapy and Service Dog but, more than interested in your thoughts on the subject. I do have a lot of ideas of what I could work with to be able to make some extra cash, but never thought of that one. ;)

Yeah, I've read about the womens RTR and will be trying to make it there. Will also be writing a blog, just to let folks and family know how life is going, ups and downs and everything inbetween!

I'll be looking forward to that cup of tea wherever we happen to bump into each other. :D 

OK, gotta get to my chores and off the computer before my old man comes home from town...

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