This is the GIRLS' ROOM!!! Unencumbered

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2012
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Let me preface this by saying that I think men are great, most of my closest friends are men, and that I have three lovely sons who have grown into fine men, so this is in no way any kind of "male-bashing," but I really need to vent just a little bit...  

I have spent all but the last 6 fabulous years, either answering to, taking care of, listening to, supporting (emotionally and in some cases, financially), accommodating, soothing, cleaning up after, and compromising on behalf of, whatever man I was with at the time.   Yes, I do realize this is my own damn fault, and other than upbringing and emotional neediness, there are no other excuses.  However, 6 YEARS of fabulous alone time, and now, finally on the road living FREE, has made me a very different woman, who has no desire to get tied down to any man, again.  

Why do I bring this up at all?  Because I am being driven insane by an ex-boyfriend (my last one, and it only lasted a month, and was long-distance), with whom I have remained friends, and it's my own damn fault, again!  A few weeks ago, he posted (Facebook) that after only 9 months, he was getting a divorce. I sent him a message of sympathy, and said to call if he needed to talk, and at first it was nice having 1 or 2 phone calls a week.  But somehow, this extension of friendship has morphed into something that feels WAY too much like all the bad parts of a relationship, and I'm getting calls every single night, sometimes twice, and if I'm asleep, he just goes ahead and talks anyway, which means I can't get back to sleep for hours.   Even when I'm with my kids/grandkids, which is such precious and rare time for me, and he has said he "won't bug me" he sends a dozen messages until I finally call him to get him to go away.  Then, he got irritated because I had to tend to my dog in the middle of a conversation.  THEN, at 10:30 last night, while fighting LA traffic and freeway construction in the dark on my return drive from San Diego (my youngest son's high school graduation), he called twice, and when I didn't answer, sent me a message saying that he had called just to hear my voice.  Ugh.

I also realized that even though I was enjoying my occasional internet time in the evening, I was logging off (and resenting it) so he wouldn't get a busy signal when he called.  

So, yes, I have enabled this whole thing, and I'm super pissed at myself about it, because NOW I have to have "the conversation" (which I am avoiding tonight by staying on line, like a coward) and I was just freaking fine not dealing with men, and living my own daggone life, until I stepped right into the middle of a big fat stinky cow pie.

Thank you for listening.  And I really do think men are great.  I'm just trying to enjoy my life, unencumbered, in peace.
You're just too darned attractive, that's what it is! I can relate as somehow I am a magnet for Mr. Wrong again and again.

Sending positive thoughts and support your way!
Ah, T, it's a lesson that can take years and years and years. Some never get it. Cut yourself some slack and give yourself some credit. You recognized all the signs before you got in too deep. I say you've done well. AGAIN!!!
I wish there was a 'Hug' button. Vent all you want. I dumped a dude once because of phone calls, no lie. He would call and talk about NOTHING for like an hour, ugh!! After many times of this I just wouldn't answer, the dude actually called me from work, so I answered the unknown number, he said he called cause I wasn't answering his phone calls, he just wanted to see if I would answer from his work number, what the heck?!! Dumped the dude right there.

You've got enough going on in your life without this crud. You are probably a lot like me, though, hate confrontation. And being too nice. Sorry you are having to go through this. Hang in there!!
Nana4Twins said:
I also realized that even though I was enjoying my occasional internet time in the evening, I was logging off (and resenting it) so he wouldn't get a busy signal when he called.  

OMD!!! You're on dial-up!!!???!!!

That could be the cause of the whole problem, right there. Dial up is so painfully frustrating. I might accept a call from a random sales bot as a trade off for dealing with dial up...
Just big hugs!!!

That and I'm sending you some extra courage thingies to do what you know you need to do - cut him loose!
my_vantasy said:
You're just too darned attractive, that's what it is!  I can relate as somehow I am a magnet for Mr. Wrong again and again.  

Sending positive thoughts and support your way!

HAha, not that attractive, just attract men who need a "mommy" or something. Definitely a magnet for Mr. Wrong.

Thank you!
Theadyn said:
I wish there was a 'Hug' button.  Vent all you want.  I dumped a dude once because of phone calls, no lie.   He would call and talk about NOTHING for like an hour, ugh!!  After many times of this I just wouldn't answer, the dude actually called me from work, so I answered the unknown number, he said he called cause I wasn't answering his phone calls, he just wanted to see if I would answer from his work number, what the heck?!!  Dumped the dude right there.

You've got enough going on in your life without this crud.  You are probably a lot like me, though, hate confrontation.  And being too nice.  Sorry you are having to go through this.  Hang in there!!

Thank you!!!  I think I deleted the part about him talking about absolutely nothing (it's hot, my boss sucks, my dog is old, my mom's a slob), and the same old nothing, every single night for an hour. Even when I'm yawning through the entire conversation, and telling him that I'm exhausted, it just doesn't stop until HE'S ready to go to bed. Even worse, his sense of humor is stuck at the "4th grade boy" level... "I see a really bright star; must be Uranus!" And because I'm 3 years older than he is, all the "old" jokes. Like, "Be Careful, you'll trip over your walker!" I don't know why I put up with it for so many weeks, but I'm so done. Just pissed that I have to deal with the confrontation of breaking up with someone I never agreed to be in a relationship with! lol
Almost There said:
Just big hugs!!!

That and I'm sending you some extra courage thingies to do what you know you need to do - cut him loose!

Thank you! I'll take all the hugs and extra courage thingies you can spare!!
cyndi said:
Ah, T, it's a lesson that can take years and years and years. Some never get it. Cut yourself some slack and give yourself some credit. You recognized all the signs before you got in too deep. I say you've done well. AGAIN!!!

Thank you, Cyndi! And yes, dial-up is super frustrating. That's why I can't follow links, or see most of the pictures here. But it definitely beats being totally cut off from the world, and THIS site, thank goodness, loads more quickly than any other, which is quite fortunate for me!
Well, ladies, it looks like we could all write the same book!!! I just read all your recent posts and I can truthfully say, "been there. done that". My advice
Is what we all know: PUT AN END TO IT RIGHT NOW! It's a pain in the butt for a little while, and the guy feels bad, but they are emotional vampires. You will feel SO much better when you are out of their clutches. They will NOT end it on their own. They will NOT make it easy for you to end it. It is stalking, pure and simple. If you let it go on it will get worse. See? I didn't say one thing that we didn't already know! Good luck to all of us that let this happen to us.
Emotional vampire, for sure! So clingy/needy! And emotionally manipulative, and passive-aggressive. Thanks, Marie!
Hey Nana, if I could I'd send him off on his way for you. I have no patience with that kind of men and I have no problem what so ever telling them to take a hike. These kind of guys know how to find a nice decent lady and abuse her niceness big time. Some have it down to an art form. I used to be that way but not any more. I ended up having to go to court to get ride of this one ____(fill in the blank). It worried my mom a lot and cost me lawyer fees. Never again.

You know what could be fun is to hang up on him every time he calls but make it like you don't mean to do it. Like hang up when you're in a middle of a sentence, Make it sound like it's a technical problem. Do it every time he calls, he'll get tired of it after 10 or 15 times. You won't have to have "The Talk" :)

All the best, we're here for you.

You know what could be fun is to hang up on him every time he calls but make it like you don't mean to do it. Like hang up when you're in a middle of a sentence, Make it sound like it's a technical problem. Do it every time he calls, he'll get tired of it after 10 or 15 times.  You won't have to have "The Talk" :)

Playing games is never the best option. Either don't take his calls or tell him how you feel. It can be done nicely (at least the first time) with the truth. "I'm not in a place where I want or need a relationship." or "I'm too busy, at this time in my life, for any kind of relationship."
I agree, Vandella. To continue to play the game is to feed his compulsive behavior. If he persists after a frank discussion, then he is a stalker and potentially dangerous.
Yeah, I'll give it to him straight. He gets hurt a lot, and wonders why, but I don't owe him anything. If he can't just be friends and be respectful of my space, time, and wishes, then he's banished! lol
He gets hurt a lot, and wonders why

Uh-huh.  This is one way guys like him try to gain your sympathy and make you reluctant to hurt him again.
He might, but he's more likely to try to salvage his ego, with a "Fine!" and a hang up. Regardless... even though I will try not to be harsh, I am far less concerned with his feelings, than I am with mine at this point.
Hey, Nana, how did this turn out?
How DID it turn out? Inquiring minds, and all that...

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