This gives me HOPE

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May 18, 2019
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Hi All ~

Just joined this community and am really looking forward to learning from everyone and making a plan for my future.  I am 52 and have been feeling like I don't have many options for a free and fulfilling future/retirement.  This way of living has given me so much to think about and for the first time in a long time I feel excited about my future.  Thank you Bob and to everyone who helps us newbies get started!   :)
best of luck to you. finding your freedom from all the 'stuff' and hoofing it out there in the world is a wonderous thing :) I love my freedom from all the crap and love to travel and just wander and just be me how I want to roll thru it will find what suits you and go for it!! You literally can have what you want out of your life, just do it.
Thank you RoamerRV428 - yes that is what I want, freedom and the security that comes from knowing I am fully self sufficient and in control of how I live and where I go. There is a lot to think about but I am going to scour these forums and learn from those who have come before me!
you got the gumption, you are on your way to living life as you see fit! A lot of great adventures will be coming your way :)
Welcome Freetobee to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Welcome to the Cheap RV Living Forum.

I've known so many men and a growing number of women who have found themselves in your situation.  

Fortunately this lifestyle doesn't have that steep of a learning curve.  There are plenty of Youtube video's and websites
that will help you get started and make the choices that are right for you.  And there are a growing number of people in this to turn to for information and support.  It's all here.   At age 52 you'll have plenty of time to find
your path and learn how to live large by living small(er).  Much of the current view of today's retirement hinges on having vast financial resources that will tend to serve everyone but you.  (Insurance Companies, Municipalities, Utility Companies, and the various service contractors who would maintain your S&B  [sticks and bricks]  Domicile)   We learn early to live under this black cloud of worrying about job security, saving/investing, avoiding disasters that could ruin us, all while being harnessed with the master plan of being prepared for retirement.  The carrot on the end of the stick that ultimately leads us to our grave.

It's a method of thinking and some simple steps to begin to follow.  You'll learn and grow more each day as you go.

I'm one foot in each world now  but I'm looking to be full time in the future.
Thank you so much! That is exactly how I feel...I am tired of trying to sweat out how to make it day to day and worrying about making it in the future. So much depends on outside forces and I am just done with it. I don't need or want a house and my wants are small - I'm simple :) Best of all, now I have a focus and am making plans in my head and on paper.

Honestly I have not felt this optimistic in a very long time...just the thought of being able to live like this has made me happier than I can remember. I am literally walking around my apartment throwing things out or donating them the last few days even though I am a few years away from actually hitting the road :) I am SO READY.
That's awesome! :) You sound better at it than I -- I find it hard to throw things out. If you can do it easily, I bet you're ahead of 90% of us. That is a huge psychological edge you have going there.

I like your optimism and it echoes some of mine ... I've been winnowing down, not strictly having to go on the road yet, just winnowing away and toward kinda thing ... and it makes me feel somewhat settled and comfortable/accepting of the future for perhaps the first time in my entire life.

Keep on going and share it here! People find other people's stories interesting and inspiring, often the hard or confued parts even more than the slick easy victories. Don't doubt that your story is and will be interesting, as is every human life. Share it if you like. There will be listeners, and someone, somewhere, will undoubtedly learn and be interested.

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