Thinking of going straight in to full time van life

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Apr 2, 2019
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I just got me a 99 astro awd I'm from north West Ohio an really getting tired of the cold .. I've been watch all kind of van life videos on YouTube an have seen a lot of great ideas but I like simple an I'm on a fixed income of less then 800 per month can some like me really do full time van life. An I've seen that there are van build round ups when an were is the next one

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I spend around $1000/month to travel around the country (I go north in summer and south in winter). But that includes eating out at least once every day, and a LOT of museum, zoo, and park visits.

There are plenty of folks who vandwell on $5-600/month.

Obviously, the more dough you have, the easier everything becomes. But it is doable.
How long have u lived the van life

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Welcome Dawolf to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.

I moved your thread to the "Newcomers corner".

Jamie's van build is in November.

You have food, gas, basic coverage, cooking fuel, maybe a cell phone. You can stay 14 days and only move 5-25 miles two times a month plus resupplying.

What on earth makes everyone think you have to spend more to sleep in a van on free land than it costs to rent, pay utilities, and drive to a fulltime job everyday?
A larger budget would make anything easier, but many people survive on $800 or less. Do more searching on free camping areas, and van dweller get togethers...not too many in NW Ohio.....what town ?
Might want to take a look into the caravans out west and join one as a trail run/introduction to van live.
I plan on going to slab city for a month this summer if I get my done by then an work my way to az

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Caravans will most likely be in cooler elevations if you cann't take the heat!
Dawolf said:
How long have u lived the van life

Me? It will be four years next month. Been in 31 states so far.  

It's a big country, and I wanna see all of it.  :)
ped said:
What on earth makes everyone think you have to spend more to sleep in a van on free land than it costs to rent, pay utilities, and drive to a fulltime job everyday?

Because some of us travel to see things, and don't want to spend all our time sleeping in a van on free land.
I can't truly comment, as I'm still housed and polishing off my last little bit of debt. But I would hope you would have some money saved prior to fully switching. Do you have the money/know-how to repair the van *right now?* If not, I would suggest waiting. What will you do if you break down, and are broke? I just don't see that ending very well.
Dawolf there were a few in our camp this winter living on even less, so yes, can be done. I’ve met many more doing it as well.
Dawolf said:
I plan on going to slab city for a month this summer if I get my done by then an work my way to az

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Summer time is not the ideal time to visit slab city. There are people who live there all year, but there is no escape from the heat, even at night it will be very hot.

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of course you can hit the road on $800 a month :) and many will hit the road on less or a lot more is all about will the lifestyle suit you if you are not forced into it by circumstances and it is what ya want to do.

go for will learn all about yourself and your needs/wants/desires. We all go thru our journeys in life and diff. will find out all about you and how it goes down is how it goes down...for you :)

always look forward for what you need in the present the adapt/change/do whatever it takes to make it all work for you and not against ya!
ouch, the slabs in the summer. you must like 120° weather not to mention the stench from the Salton Sea. highdesertranger
Arizona was my first destination and it only took me a couple years to get there! Experience is a good teacher but a hard one. Good luck in your travels and stay flexible with your plans, if you look many opportunities are out there.
It’s not the day to day living costs that can become burdensome, because there are many simple ways to minimize those, but the inevitable maintenance and upkeep of whatever you are living and traveling in that can stop you dead in your tracks.

Important to have at least several thousand dollars stashed that can be drawn upon for an emergency repair, as well as the means to replenish it.

That said, if you can get out there and go, do it. :shy: