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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2015
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Here lately   i been thinking bout some of the things  i miss in having a land home.    i don't know if its simply cause I'm kinda lonely  here lately or what.    iima list a few  jus to get them off my cheast.   1  a real kitchen.  with all my fancy pans.  n fridge full of fresh produce.   cooking was like meditation for me.   i used to be vegetarian.  n loved creating dishes.        2 sitting on the back porch with bacon   my dog.  as he played with al lhis doggy friends  .  watching him happy gave me so much joy.     3   having company over   n jus letting my brain go.   no worries( at times)  $    lol  walking round necked most of the time.   I'm def a at home nudist lol     5 relationships.                    i can see how  my home was an extenuation for me n a way of letting people see who i was  through   having a home.      so now that   i don't have tat  I'm learning   or trying to learn   ways to connect with people  n feel fulfilled.    right now. its not going so well.
One of the main things other people can provide us with are mirrors through which we see ourselves...much can be learned by carefully exploring that idea and why it is important to us.

I know that I've been disappointed to find that my ability to go without human interaction is not what I expected it to be. Despite being a very independent and tending toward introverted, I've discovered that beyond 4 days, the desire to interact starts becoming a distraction. While I understand this need better now, I still tend to view it as a weakness in the sense that I don't like feeling dependent on others and I wish it were otherwise. When I start full-timing, this is a subject I intend to explore more thoroughly.

I have come to understand the underlying need for community though, and that is not a deficiency. And we are blessed with so many options for ways to plug ourselves into communities anywhere we go...volunteering and faith based opportunities can be both rewarding and offer the same community as we travel, just with different faces...
These are very thoughtful and honest reflections.

In 2014, I was "out" camping alone for over 6 months. I actually surprised myself that I did not feel lonely much at all -- but then I was going through a lot of reflection on my life at that time regarding my past (end of a 10-yr relationship) and future. Also my work is a solitary sort -- you cannot write and carry on a friendly conversation with a co-worker or friend, so I was used to workdays being solitary.

Will -- the only item on your list I can give you a fun remedy for is about your dog playing with his dog friends. If you look at any photos or videos from the RTR, you'll see dozens of dogs mostly running free and playing with each other at will. Especially in winter months, there are little groups of folks from this forum who camp near each other. If you are free to travel to one of those places, then Bacon would have lots of playmates. :)
There are many nudist campgrounds and resorts scattered around the country...

Many city parks have off leash doggie play areas too.

The vast majority of people discover rather quickly that boondocking by themselves isn't nearly as enjoyable as they were led to believe, and either seek to camp with others or head back to the cities to camp on the streets.

There is generally some happy medium, and it's just a matter of figuring it out.
I'm thinking that this is a somewhat recent turn of events for you ? You have taken what I think is a step in the right direction in identifying what you miss. That you felt your home was an extension of you is quite normal and not having it requires time to adjust. The feelings you are having are understandable and hurt in ways no one can understand unless they've been through it. You are reaching out for an ear, someone to get it and listen. This is a place where you can make the connections with people you need. It may not be going well right now because you feel alone, adrift. Just watch what happens now. Folks like me are going to reach out to you like you never imagined. No judgement. PM us, ask, make the connection. willsway128 you take care and take the time to let the wounds heal.
One of the best things about this forum and the RTR is that you now have a family, a network that is out on the road with you. There are facebook groups that do the same. Reach out. let people know where you are and that you're looking for company.
Everything you mentioned was with someone or something else. You'll find that some of the best cooks in the world, cook simply, and in incredibly small spaces Ie. those who cook on a moving boxcar train.
A dog that is picked with the purpose in mind of being able to live in a small space. Can also be a joy. I recommend a book from 1973 to pick that type of dog, puppy, or rescue called, "Super Puppy" with a test you give to the perspective dog. He would be a little heartbeat at your feet and would have just YOU!
We are here for you, Will. I hope this helps.
Belinda2 said:
Everything you mentioned was with someone or something else. You'll find that some of the best cooks in the world, cook simply, and in incredibly small spaces Ie. those who cook on a moving boxcar train.
A dog that is picked with the purpose in mind of being able to live in a small space. Can also be a joy. I recommend a book from 1973 to pick that type of dog, puppy, or rescue called, "Super Puppy" with a test you give to the perspective dog. He would be a little heartbeat at your feet and would have just YOU!
We are here for you, Will. I hope this helps.

He has had his dog Bacon for a long time.

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