The State of the World, and Life's Real Questions

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2014
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How would your political opinions change if you had answers to the real questions?
-Why are we here?
-How can we know if meaning is existent?
-To what degree can objectivity be verified?

How would the positions of politicians, world leaders, and the political landscape as a whole change if we had answers to these questions? Why are these questions rarely the focus of widespread attention? Is it because there are no answers, or no good answers? Take a walk on today's city streets or take close assessment of our world leaders, and one could be forgiven for thinking these questions are irrelevant, as they are paid no regard.

The current political landscape is easy to understand: Utter control-grabbing. Corporate fascism. The primary means of which, you might have noticed, is a pollution of the facts with all manner of conflicting and nonsense opinions; a deluge of information, making truth indecipherable to the casual observer. I submit to you that Truth is within our understanding, that morality is not a mere abstract, and that right and wrong are knowable to us.

I'm posting this here because this is perhaps the most diverse group of people of whom I have met several in person, at the RTR over the course of a few years, and because some of you have met me you can judge for yourself whether or not you think I am crazy, and because I believe people deserve truth, and because I reason that if I cannot share this with those I have met then I must not believe it is true. Any who met me also perhaps noticed I was often occupied being drunk and amused with myself. My drinking escalated to one handle of Popov every three days for the past couple years. Summer of 2020 I went into the woods of Oregon and self-detoxed over a period of weeks, and in doing so I was forced to identify my beliefs and values, and I was compelled to write my thoughts, and the following text is the summary. It is the result of my research into esoteric knowledge as well as my own life and introspection, and it is the truth as ascertained to the best of my ability.


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'Greatest Red Pill you May Receive'

Just like in that movie, the red pill is the one which awakens you to the true nature of your world.

I think most of us are smart enough to notice without being told that many of our systems do not work in our interests. Speaking for myself, I realized as much as a child, seeing that 'the news' does not foster any high level of discussion or information, and instead, works actively to solicit our baser emotions. The same can be said for marketing. I remember thinking to myself as a kid, "Why would they do it that way? I could make better rules. This isn't serving the public at all." How naive I was. I didn't yet understand that this apparent neglect of humankind was not simply the benign union of capitalism and bureaucratic incompetence. When 9/11 happened, as a smartass teenager by then, I tried to hear out the conspiracy theories floating around and I thought "even if xy is true, this theory makes no sense because effectively all the world's governments and all independent journalism would have to be in on it." How naive I was. By now, many have noticed far more wrong with the world than just the news. So, why? Why the deception? The frustration? Why is everything so needlessly disjointed when the rest of nature finds harmony? Why is the will of the people so consistently underrepresented? Can it be as simple as money and power? What is the ultimate reason for it all?

I will tell you. The core mistruth upon which all of our ingrained faulty premises have been founded. The greatest red pill they do not want us to know is this:

The fundamental construct of our universe is consciousness. Not matter.

Particle physics tells us that the smallest components of matter do not exist in any one place or time until observed, and that they propagate from wave fields. This is where we get ideas like the multiverse, all potential outcomes exist simultaneously until observed, and the act of observation collapses the wave function. This is meant to rationalize away within our minds a truth which should be more obvious: Quite literally, without consciousness, matter cannot be said to exist. The subatomic particles in question are not made of matter. They are not particles. You will get the same answer from particle physicists. They are zero-mass points in space. A placeholder for an idea they want to describe but can't. If you were to observe your own skin closely enough that you could see the atoms, the space between those atoms would be so great as to appear on the same scale as the space between stars in galaxies. There is far more space in matter than matter, by far. So, why does solid matter not pass through other solid matter? No one knows. 'Strong force' is not an answer. 'Strong force' is a placeholder.

Matter exists as excited (vibrating) points of energy in space propagating from waves within fields. The entirety of existence is various frequencies of vibrational energy presenting itself on a predictable grid which is the fabric of the universe, and its Ratio is Golden:

'As above, so below.'


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Inscription over the door of Plato's academy: "Let none who are ignorant of geometry come under my roof."

Materialism has been pushed hard on humankind for the last hundred years, and in Europe it's been going on for hundreds of years longer. They want to separate us from our very sense of spirit, to keep us confused and frustrated and in lower states of consciousness, not asking the real questions, and instead convinced that we are just a biological machines going about our days, going to work, with no greater purpose. It is a lie. It is a lie which has most of us believing we are only the sum of mechanical processes which assembled by chance. Consciousness does not originate and terminate within your skull. You are a being comprised of body, mind, and spirit. That spirit is your portion of the Great Spirit, God, Gia; the conscious energy which pervades our existence, and of which we are all part. I have come to believe that the purpose of life is to grow this consciousness, and that growth comes not with knowledge but with learning.

-How do sea turtles know to crawl towards water when they hatch?
-How do homing pigeons find home when they have been abducted, drugged, blindfolded, transported by plane, and released still blindfolded in heavy rain and fog at night? (Yes this has been done. Magnet response not needed - a compass does not get you home in the dark without knowing where you are.)
-How do mice respond to fear triggers taught to their fathers, even when they are born from artificial insemination and never meet their fathers?
Look into Rupert Sheldrake's talks on the subject.

See also:
-Human minds have been shown to affect the output of random number generators with a high degree of consistency.
I will give you another high level red pill. Ours is not the first advanced global civilization on this planet. You need research only the Kaiminawa Wall to see this is the case. The Earth is subject to recurring cataclysm. Ancient people knew this, and built great works to stand the testament of time. The Great Pyramids are time capsules telling you when they were built, 30-40,000 years ago. They directly mirror the stars in the sky, and even the Milky Way with their position to the Nile, if you rewind the precessional movement of the Earth to that age. Earth's rotation gives us the Day, the orbit gives us the Year, the precessional movement gives us the Great Year. We must study the Great Year as it is understood by degrees of movement, and the numbers of those degrees, and where these numbers recur in geometry. To understand geometry is to be closer to God.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is an accurate scale model of the northern hemisphere of Earth on a scale of 1:43,200 - which is not a random scale, as this number is derived from Earth's precessional cycle. The Pyramids were built so that after the Earth was destroyed in cataclysm, man in his infancy could stumble upon them, and know that others were there before him, and that he is capable of great things. Not so we could eat doritos and let others tell us what to think. Those that dictate our knowledge today are those that kept knowledge for themselves from one age to the next, and they guard the secret knowledge to exert their will over mankind. In no uncertain words, the Earth is ruled by satanists. Satanism is pursuit of the material, it is selfishness, it is directing your energy towards your ego instead of understanding that you are part of a whole. Yes, I am telling you point-blank and with confidence that secret societies are real, there is in fact a worldwide conspiracy to subjugate humanity, news networks are but propaganda outlets, and all world leaders are endorsed by those who pull the strings behind the curtain.


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There is nothing to fear. They hold no power over us. We all choose. The red pill is not yet over. If you understand that it is energy and consciousness which comprise the universe and all matter, that consciousness precipitates matter, and that collective consciousness is real and shared by all of us, then you too understand that your outlook, attitude, words, and disposition towards others, literally influence the world. And they don't want us to know that. They want us pissed off and afraid and buying crap. Because, if we are just biological machines, then things of value come from the outside, right? Wrong. Look inside yourself for the questions to which you do not have answers. Learn to identify who it is that perceives the world from behind your eyes. Are you your body? Are you your brain? Or are you the one piloting? Where is 'you'?

It is true that we are entering the Age of Aquarius, if not already in it. This age is likened to the dead of winter on the ancients' calendar of the Great Year. It can be a time of despair or a time of enlightenment. A time of loss or a time of gratitude. It will be what we make it.

This video is perhaps the best you will find to explain these concepts without performing your own independent research. Credit to author, no affiliation.

By the same author, at this time stamp, the two classes of people are explained:

I am genuinely incredulous that my fellow man believes corona restrictions are in the public interest. They are not. Ignore the words, look at the effects. Corporations are now the only ones that feed us. These restrictions will not end. Governments never relinquish power once it is acquired. If you are able, plant a garden and get chickens. Do not rely on the grid for survival. Humanity must step away from the system or be steered down with it.

In short, no one will answer the real questions for you but you.


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You mention the Pyramids, I had a chance to enter one of the Pyramids many years ago, they one with the Limestone Cap, and it is amazing just how well these are built. You can see a seem where the stones touch, but there is no gap. It's almost as if the block were poured like concrete.

And if you notice the head on the Sphinx is out of proportion to the rest of the body, it is to small in small to the rest of the body, and it appears to much newer, their is not as much erosion on it. And it you look closely at any pictures taken from overhead, there is a doorway in the top of the head.

Edgar Cayce stated that is a vault underneath the left paw, that contains the Hall of Knowledge. Many book and writings from before modern times. In fact GPR has confirmed this to be true.

Yes there are a LOT of things that are being hidden from you today!!
Freedom is an illusion.
doesn't get any simpler truly.
Just do you til ya can't :) all we got
RoamerRV428 said:
Freedom is an illusion.

Not that I'd totally disagree but was wondering what the people in 80 or so other countries might say.... 
Still, literal illusions, physiological illusions and cognitive illusions all have a place in this topic. About freedom, well some people, many, often die for it and I'm damn positive that is no illusion. Just say'n.

(in before the lock) :)
agree and I see what you are saying but 'after that gained freedom' what freedom do you still have I guess--better than before hopefully of course.
but in truth alot of 'none' real freedom cause authority calls the shots for a 'safe and civilized' community so? what are the parameters you are willing to pay and give up in our life's want for our personal freedom to enjoy some freedoms? I guess that is kinda how it goes down.

we all play the game every day and always will and have to to be a 'civilized' society and keep life moving somehow forward to ?? who knows where it all goes in the true bitter end of it all
Carl Jung ~ "What you resist, persists"

I interpret that to mean when I have some type of inner conflict, to look for external relief of that doesn't work, if I have no control of said external dynamics.

Can't legislate/regulate, force the nature of others' attitude, it seems, so if I can't control the external then the internal side of the incongruence is where I and my perspectives.

Gandhi ~ "Be the change you want to see"

I interpret this to be the reverse of wanting to make others change and looking for them to do just that.
"Attraction, rather than promotion"

Let my life illuminate what it is I'd have more of in this world...kindness, compassion, respect, individuality, free living, live and let live, living in harmony with Nature, etc.

In my world, the only successful activism I've found is internal, the rest I have no control over and don't try.

Beware of 'Do-Gooders'...never agenda free...never.
MaTaLa said:
Lost me @ morality.

Is  this  intended  as  a point  of pride?

Freelander said:
Law of One
stones  touch but there is no gap
head on the Sphinx is out of proportion to the body
doorway in the top of the head
vault/Hall of Knowledge

Yes there are a LOT of things that are being hidden from you today!!

Yes, all true. Even a cursory investigation into the details of the Sphinx/Pyramids will reveal that the Egyptian government goes out of their way to conceal truth from the public. As a kid in the 90s, I watched the broadcast from the guys that put a small robot up one of the 'air shafts' to see how far it goes. The robot went much further than expected and came to a small 'door' with brass handles ! The broadcast ended there, and I remember as a kid being anxious to find out, and wondering when the follow up would be. How naive. There never was a follow up. Egypt kicked them out and wouldn't let them film again.

The head on the Sphinx has likely been re-carved to hide its age, hence now being out of proportion and seeming newer. Even more striking is the water erosion which could not have been caused without thousands of years of exposure to a wet environment. That part of the world hasn't been wet since many thousands of years prior to when we are told the Sphinx was built.

It's easy to shrug this off and say 'ah there go the wackos talking about pyramids again'... but for skeptics out there, you really should take the time to ask yourself why would the details and history of one of the planet's most ancient and comprehensive monuments be obscured? What kind of a society shields that information from its people?

Most people don't even realized the Pyramids originally and until comparatively recent history had another layer of even more precise finish-grade stones on top of what we see today. What we see today is just the framing, the bones. The outer stones were deliberately stripped. Who would do such a thing to such a prominent ancient monument and why? Good questions.

MaTaLa said:
Be the change you want to see
more of in this world...kindness, compassion, respect, individuality, free living, live and let live, living in harmony with Nature, etc.

On that we're agreed!


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Who cares I got a gig on Monday morning that I should be practising for, a door to build for a shed, oil needs changing on my van and what’s for lunch. The only thing I did was wrong, was stayed in the wilderness way too long.
TMG51 said:
Is  this  intended  as  a point  of pride?

Yes, all true. Even a cursory investigation into the details of the Sphinx/Pyramids will reveal that the Egyptian government goes out of their way to conceal truth from the public. As a kid in the 90s, I watched the broadcast from the guys that put a small robot up one of the 'air shafts' to see how far it goes. The robot went much further than expected and came to a small 'door' with brass handles ! The broadcast ended there, and I remember as a kid being anxious to find out, and wondering when the follow up would be. How naive. There never was a follow up. Egypt kicked them out and wouldn't let them film again.

The head on the Sphinx has likely been re-carved to hide its age, hence now being out of proportion and seeming newer. Even more striking is the water erosion which could not have been caused without thousands of years of exposure to a wet environment. That part of the world hasn't been wet since many thousands of years prior to when we are told the Sphinx was built.

It's easy to shrug this off and say 'ah there go the wackos talking about pyramids again'... but for skeptics out there, you really should take the time to ask yourself why would the details and history of one of the planet's most ancient and comprehensive monuments be obscured? What kind of a society shields that information from its people?

Most people don't even realized the Pyramids originally and until comparatively recent history had another layer of even more precise finish-grade stones on top of what we see today. What we see today is just the framing, the bones. The outer stones were deliberately stripped. Who would do such a thing to such a prominent ancient monument and why? Good questions.

On that we're agreed!

I've been studying this stuff for many years, and when you get past all the false assumptions of the history of the world, you begin to what is really out there.

Take for example our Moon, there are over 200 Moons in our solar system and ours is the only one like it. We are the only planet that has ellipses.
Our Moon to big, its to close, it always shows the same face to the earth, the crust on the near side is much thinner than the crust on the far side, it causes the tides to roll in and out, its center of gravity is outset, yes it is hollow, and its older than the Earth.

One of the Moons of Mars has a obelisk on it. There are so many things we know about Space it will amaze you.
Freelander said:
yes it is hollow, and its older than the Earth.

For those who are reading and unaware, statements like these can be made because they have come from peculiarly reliable sources. NASA claims the moon 'rang like a bell' for over an hour when struck by a probe, indicating that it is a hollow artificial structure. But, this is from the same agency that still can't provide data from the moon landing, or answer how astronauts navigated the van allen belts to survive in a tin can made with foil and tape, as well as a host of inconsistencies about the footage/broadcast/lighting in the official documents.

This version of history is consistent too with writings from ancient Sumerians. The Sumerians were the first known human civilization to spring up - the 'cradle of civilization.' They were the source of all other ancient civilizations including the Egyptian civilization. And yet, they were more advanced than the Egyptians. They too built great stone works and temples with precision that could not feasibly be done today. They had irrigation, a clear and precise cuneiform written language which they carved into stone cylinders such that the cylinders could be rolled into soft clay and mass-produce writings on tablets, they had a base 60 mathematical system which was better than ours for large numbers and could be counted on the 12 knuckles on the hand. Is this how civilization evolves? It starts out the most advanced and then regresses? Why would the first culture to spring up out of the last ice age be the most advanced version of ancient civilization? The Sumerians make no bones about it: They write very clearly that they were created by the Anunnaki, the sky gods, basically ancient aliens theory.

This version of history makes sense if one takes the writings of the Sumerians and NASA into account.

But we're still only talking 6-8,000 years ago. What about the other 142,000+ years that modern humans (modern as in equally involved and intelligent as we are) have been walking this planet and enduring global cataclysm? Why is this span of time never talked about? There are ruins of precise stone works older than 6 or 8 or 12 thousand years and no accounting for them can be made by the mainstream scientific community.

If global cataclysm were survived by those who intended to do so at the exclusion of others, would they tell the truth about how they acquired their knowledge and technology? Or would they be incentivized to fashion a means of mass-producing writings suited to the resources of the time, and write a fantastic story for their people?

What I propose is to weigh information which is firsthand verifiable to you higher than information from any other party, including NASA and the Sumerians. Math is firsthand verifiable to us.

Note that a correlation between diameters of celestial bodies in our neighborhood and Earth's precessional cycle exists and cannot be addressed by the mainstream scientific narrative. This is not a coincidence with our system of measurement, and if it were, that alone would prove the mile to be older than we are taught.

This and other firsthand verifiable information will prove to you that there is an ordained method of the distribution of existence. Meaning, there is a will, an edict, a consciousness which ordained it.

Sofisintown said:
Back to van life interests.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to the off-topic forum. :)


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freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose

Janis Joplin

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