The Power of Elevation

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Bster13 said:
Bob, can you name a few places you beat the heat at?  I'd like to research them, see what elevations, etc.

Also, do you ever just suck it up and head to a campground for electrical hookups and run an A/C or "hells no!"? :p

While I definitely see how your system could work, I'm not sure my migratory plans will be as perhaps budgeting for 3 months of A/C might be in the cards. Haha.

Out West places above 7000 feet are a dime a dozen. In Colorado, its so easy you can just pick a spot on the map and you're there. All of the Rocky Mountain states from Northern AZ and NM have abundant places above 7000 feet. Although you may have to go down into the heat to get between them in Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. Montana is surprisingly low and it can be hard to stay cool there.  All the states along the Pacific are cool along the coast so not a problem there and inland you have the Sierras and Cascades with lots of high elevation.

Let me think about it. I can move up into the beautiful mountains and camp all alone with nature in gorgeous, cool forests for free. Or I can go into an RV Park, packed in like sardines with a bunch of strangers that I can hear snoring at night--and PAY them for the privilege!

It's a hard choice--NOT!!!!!!!
I am a social beast Bob, we may be wired differently. An RV park packed in...meh, but a nice state forest with a few nice folks around would be good for me once in awhile... though I am curious to see how I do solo boondocking and if I enjoy the solitude. *gulp*
highdesertranger said:
here's my take on AC,  12v AC,  and swamp coolers.  why?  do you want to sit all day inside your vehicle?  why?  I don't.  I want to be outside doing something.   there I said it without going on an anti AC rant.  I think.  highdesertranger

When the outside temperatures get too high to be comfortable being outdoors, I find that my van is often my retreat of choice.  

Rather than wasting time indoors using someone else's air conditioning, I can usually be more productive in my van, or at least more comfortable, even if it's just taking a nap.

Firing up my A/C is a lot quicker and easier than relocating.