the new concentrated bleach

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2010
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I know many of you do not use bleach. This thread is a heads up directed at those who do, and as an FYI for general purposes.....

I got in the habit of using bleach for my kids with HIV. Still keep it around and use it diluted for some applications. I noticed recently that it is now mostly available in a concentrated form. I got to wondering how that would effect using it for (especially) water disinfection. Using the old formula would make it more toxic than necessary. Some quick reading on the net shows that because of the different concentrations of bleach on the market, there is no longer any standard sanitizing or disinfection formulas. You need to get your info directly from the bottle, which is darn hard to read. I did find something here:

So just an FYI. Any discussion about the evils of, or alternatives to bleach, can go in a different thread!
 First I've heard of it. I know my buddy Bryan is a firm believer in bleach.. basically doesn't use soap, just bleach. 'Course, that's probably the only thing keeping him alive, seeing as he makes my cesspit of a camper look spick 'n span compared to his. ..Willy.
From<br>For water treatment only use regular bleach or regular bleach concentrate, not flavored jelled scented or plus types of bleach.<br><br>Clorox regular bleach concentrate<br>About 12 drops per 2 gallons of clear water. That is 1/8 of 1 teaspoon per 2 gallons of water.<br>If really bad water use up to 24 drops per 2 gallons. <br>Allow to sit for 30 minutes. You should smell the bleach in the water. If not, do it again. (I would not drink that dirty of water unless it was an emergency)<br><br>Clorox regular bleach<br>About 8 drops per 1 gallon of water.<br>Real dirty water, 15 drops per 1 gallon.<br><br>I find regular bleach in the stores, as well as brands not Clorox. Sodium Hypochlorite will keep at about 5% weight. higher concentrations will break down in storage.