The Fat Van rides again

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karl said:
Caution- TOOOO tight, may leak! :cool:

"Short' nuts are no longer used 'cause they did that often, that looks like a "long" nut

Steel line??? Only ever saw J (soft)copper used for gas, with the exception of BI (black iron ) threaded.

copper sure would of made my life easier,yea steel not stainless obviously but with my standard hand flare it barely did anything but bend the crap out of the handle
why not replace that whole run with soft copper? that's what is supposed to be there anyways. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
why not replace that whole run with soft copper?  that's what is supposed to be there anyways.   highdesertranger

i dont wanna,if i can get away with just flaring a couple ends i will
still need to build the exterior spigot



and cut a slot in the floor for wiring

and,oh,the completely aint right purchase was shipped,just needs to make it across the pacific unharmed

they didnt have a red valve so i just painted one black
new mirrors $57 for the pair :huh: the first thing i did after buying it was roll down the window,went to adjust the mirror and it broke off in my hand

the spray foam no fumes,the polyurethane a little fumes,spray paint fumes but this contact cement has full on huffin i need to get out of here fumes


black vinyl $20 for 2 yard off ebay,if the top edge bugs me i'll make a border


a sharp piece of metal and a squirrel
Ha! You can use it for cutting your sandwiches.

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Gary, I like those mirrors. But...hey, with that sort of product performance..I need to ask where you got them so I can avoid them.

The cab area looks really nice!
Cammalu said:
Ha!  You can use it for cutting your sandwiches.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

it's sikaflexed on for life
RoamingKat said:
Gary, I like those mirrors.   But...hey, with that sort of product performance..I need to ask where you got them so I can avoid them.

The cab area looks really nice!

i meant after i bought the rig,these new ones look solid,the one that broke was a cheap replacement with plastic stud
Where did the mirror break ? The mounting post ?
The rig is looking like move in time !

I used to roll on 100s of sq ft and 3 coats of the industrial version of contact cement building laminate tops and cabinets ,,,,,all the exhaust vents in the world weren't enough :p (tongue emoji is closest to the coughing and wheezing we did).

Skuh kuh kuh kuh
I thought I spotted that badge in the pic before the one of it close up !
(Mine has a pirate and a pine cone !)

Our MonkeyFoot is mighty crafty !
i posted under the influence of glue

when i bought the van is when the mirror broke,the new ones look good

and that's some nasty glue,it's stuck in my nose,all i can still smell,do not use contact cement if your staying in your rig,it did a great job but there is no second chances,once the two side touch,that's where they stay
Gary68 said:
i posted under the influence of glue
Back in the 70's I did lots of contact cement work- often entire bathrooms, never with adequate ventilation. It was impossible to not get buzzed, and my associate really liked it- I remember one time going out to get air and marveling at how the brick herringbone walkway was associate spotted a 55 gal trash barrel at the top of the drive and had the bright idea that even though he was was a couple hundred pounds, it would be fun to get in the barrel and for me to roll him down the long drive...... lots of laughing on my part, and lots of vomiting and falling on his resulted.

Never liked the coming down from that shxx.
Gary68 said:
there is no second chances,once the two side touch,that's where they stay

Worked in a cabinet shop when I was much younger. They had an area were skins were glued to the cabinet door frames. Both sides of the frames were shot with contact cement and hung up carefully about 2 inches apart to dry to the desired amount of tack needed. It was a large job, so a lot of frames were hanging. You probably already guessed what happened. Yup, somebody bumped the one on the end, and just like dominoes, each and every one made contact. The whole set of door frames for that job had to be made again. Man was the door guy pissed! :rolleyes:
wow you guys must be able to still buy the good stuff. in California all we can get is that stupid green stuff that doesn't work. highdesertranger
got the front of the bathroom and the little door done

and before you go"woopty doo"

put that in your pipe and smoke it

for some reason they had the stove like 5 inches from the wall and i was able to cut it back 3 1/2 and added a heat shield thats 1/2" off the wall

and we have a stove

was going to add some counter space to the left but the furness is right there so might go flip up or build something but need to make it so i can access the furness easily
now for the aint right purchase

it all starts here

had to make the top piece out of two pieces of wood so instead of being uber precise i will just grab my jigsaw,a piece of plywood and make a centerpiece

well.i'm not going to do anything better then ewww with that so lets hit ebay and see what i can find
started out looking for dresser headboard/armour headboard???  cant remember the term but found some and they were basic or old and expensive but along the way i saw  

Haitian drum art

and i liked it but there is a problem,they are made from 55 gal barrel lids and are tall,so i kept looking which lead me to this site

which lead me to this lady and wonderous things
scroll down and look at her work,it's amazing

so without further ado the best part of the FatvanSS so far

it must be protected so i built a backing board






hand carved Balinese guardian dragons,$144 delivered
i had just over $200 in the bank but had to have it
just got my registration renewal for a freakin $186 for two little stickers but i dont care,have till the end of october

i love my dragons
Yeah baby, that's cool as hell!

I've gotta come up with something like that somewhere along the line. Too many 90 degree angles in my rig so far.