The Bitty Build community project!

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Bitty, fiberglass tops come in a wide variety of styles and heights.

The 'tv tops' were never meant to give anyone standing room, they only were meant to give seated passengers in the conversion vans extra headspace and to allow for overhead tv/video installations, hence the name.

You're best looking for a full 24" hightop. And yes, they're rare on the newer vans. I totally lucked out on the 2002 GMC Savana, it was already installed when I bought it.

The best place to look for an economical top is at a parts yard. Brand new they are priceyyyyy!!

A little story about how easy it is to install parents had a Ford that was dying mechanically but had the 24" high top. They bought a newer ford but from the same generation so it was identical. Dad at age 70 and three of his equally senior buddies moved the high top from one van to the other. They lined them up side by side, loosened the top from the donor van, lifted it up and slid 2 x 4s' under it and then slid it across the gap between them and on to the newer van. Leaving it raised up on the 2x4's they cleaned up the old butyl tape that was from the first installation, then installed new tape, lowering it on to the new van as they went. Screwed it down, added the trim tape that that one used and called it a day!

Of course the new van already had the roof cut out for it!

If you are lucky enough to do the high top installation yourself, I seriously recommend that you leave both front and rear sections of the original van roof intact like mine has. Normally only the van roof over the driving compartment is left intact for safety reasons but leaving both adds major storage room. Pics are available on the build thread of Lady Arabella
rvpopeye said:
Kam's interior pic..

It's the paneling in the cabinet doors and walls and ceiling
looks like tongue+groove

Good lord, that's a thing of beauty!
Bitty, I believe you'll find the panelling used in the Kam Van in the closet shelving area of Lowes or Home Depot. It's sold as closet lining and is available in pine or cedar. It's about 3/8" thick and is tongue and groove so installation is fairly easy. It's also solid wood with no glue so it might be a good choice for you. Although some people do react to cedar.
If I were to obtain a fiberglass top and the van to put it on and brought both to RTR, would cutting off the roof and installing the top be something you all could do for me help me do? Or is professional the way to go?
I agree that transporting it would be a potential disaster !
Maybe a local High School Voc Ed Automotive class would be a good choice for some cheap labor ?
I seem to remember someone here posting about such a project with lots of pics too .
I agree, while doable, getting the van and top down the highway would be a lot of work, especially getting it on to the top of the van and properly strapped down so it doesn't blow off on the highway. Now if you found a top reasonable close, like Yuma or Parker, that will fit said van, we could probably get it there and done?
I'm a little concerned about this thread. Bitty, I'd hate to see you drive this far with a bunch of stuff and none of it happen.

Don't make ANY promises unless you are 100% sure you will keep them. "I'm sure we could do that" is very different than "I swear to you I WILL be there, and I WILL get it done!"
akrvbob said:
I'm a little concerned about this thread. Bitty, I'd hate to see you drive this far with a bunch of stuff and none of it happen.

I understand your concern. It's nothing that hasn't already happened to me various times over in similar ways, travel investment aside. I try to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

I'm continuing to keep all my options open until one thing or another begins to pan out in earnest. Continuing to investigate the RV possibility, looking at a van that I could potentially live in more comfortably even if all this didn't work out, etc. I'm well familiar with the fickle nature of how practicalities often shake out with even the best intentions--it's something I've encountered often and navigate life accordingly. I've learned to give 100% of what I can to the effort, and if others do not hold up their end then I simply move on to the next lead on potentially improving my life.

I'm accustomed to people pulling out last minute for any or no reason, and that's okay. I never want people to feel obligated to help me, that dynamic actually makes me really uncomfortable. I started this thread because a few people mentioned interest, and it seemed a viable lead to follow up on to find out just how serious those offers are.

If the intent is there but nothing happens, perhaps I'll at least get a road trip out of it and the experience of meeting a few friends. :)
Bitty , I have to say ..."You're a very special person." the total definition of "when life gives you lemons , make lemonade!"
I can't offer my personal service being on opposite ends on the country right now, but if I ever do meet you in person I would be happy to say "I'll do everything I can to help you out with whatever you need at the time" GUARANTEED!!!!!
Bitty said:
I'm accustomed to people pulling out last minute for any or no reason, and that's okay. I never want people to feel obligated to help me, that dynamic actually makes me really uncomfortable. I started this thread because a few people mentioned interest, and it seemed a viable lead to follow up on to find out just how serious those offers are.

If the intent is there but nothing happens, perhaps I'll at least get a road trip out of it and the experience of meeting a few friends. :)

Great! I thought it was important to say what I did, but let me balance that by saying it's shaping up to possibly be much larger than I had thought and as you've seen here, we are an exceptionally giving and caring group. 

I'm totally believe you will be very glad you came and a whole bunch of work will be done for you! If you can possibly make it, you should!
Bitty, one thing I'm still not clear on is which RTR you're planning to be at. The summer Flagstaff one, or the winter Quartzsite one. As for me, I for sure won't be at the Flagstaff one, But as the saying goes "Lord willing and the creek don't rise" I'll be at the winter one. And I will definitely be willing to work on your rig if you're there.
masterplumber said:
Bitty, one thing I'm still not clear on is which RTR you're planning to be at. The summer Flagstaff one, or the winter Quartzsite one. As for me, I for sure won't be at the Flagstaff one, But as the saying goes "Lord willing and the creek don't rise" I'll be at the winter one. And I will definitely be willing to work on your rig if you're there.

There is also the summer Colorado one. 

I believe they are talking the Flagstaff one,  

I will try to make the Colorado one.  I am definitely unable to make Flagstaff.  :(
I was thinking if I have a rig to work on before the summer RTR then I'd try to make it to both. Until yesterday it was unclear when the money will even come in to be able to buy one on the spot. Now the money is mostly in and we can begin the search in earnest, and it all depends on how soon we find one that ticks all or most of the boxes.

And unbelievable number of crises is slowing everything down considerably, but hasn't halted the process. For now I think the safest bet is the winter one, but we'll see how soon things fall into place.
that would be a good idea if you could go to both, or all three, get a bit done each time, enjoy a road trip, meet some new old friends, get out of town for a few weeks. On another note I was reading lately how luan and some of the other paneling offgass formaldehyde, so something to consider when buying your paneling even if you don't react to it, apparently low toxic paneling is available. It is amazing how fast things can turn around think how fast it took to go sour, one minute you were driving along bopping to your favorite tune, the next wammo!!! it can be just as fast to go sweet, one minute you are worried, broke, hungry, unloved and cold the next wammo money, perfect van, love and good will all fall at your feet, keep moving towards your goal.