The As Of Yet Unnamed bus

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MVA inspector just left and I no longer own a BUS but a HOUSE CAR!

Now the mad dash begins. 90% of the work in the last 10% of the project right?

Anyone in NC want to come help?
Well, I'm a dumbass. First trip out and I ripped a hole in the roof. Yup. Dumbass. Luckily I didn't damage what I hit so i only have to repair my own and not someone else's property.

This has led to an impromptu and hurried demo of the interior ceiling panels and removing all the insulation to get at the roof to fix it. I had not intended to insulate the roof and re-panel but now I have little choice.

The interior ceiling is removed and mostly fixed. I've got a shadetree mechanic that is willing to help out with the final touch ups and sealing the roof for me.

Now, my big problem is re-insulating and paneling the ceiling. I've got just shy of 2 inches worth of space for insulation so I'm thinking polyiso board. The problem is that the ceiling is chunked out with supports that can't really be removed so I'll have something like 20 sections that I will need to cut and fit the insulation to. What fun. I have several questions that I've been trying to figure out and am getting a bit stuck on.

My current plan is reflectics and polyiso. What is the best sandwhich of materials?

How do you get the insulation to stay put?

Since the roof is curved especially at the sides how do you get the polyiso to flex? I'm thinking just cutting slits length waysto allow for the curvature but that would seriuosly impact the R rating of that section.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Hell, help with labor would too if you're anywhere near Raleigh, NC. I can't offer much more than a parking space, showers, laundry and eats. I'm a damn fine cook and I've got a freezer that needs empty before I hit the road.
Use the thinner polyiso on the roof, it bends, and you can layer it
does the roof have any wooden struts you can screw into?
On my trailer I just made the polyiso a tight fit and it stayed in place until I covered it with paneling. I had some curve at the edges and I just slit the back side so it would bend. Probably lost a little R value, but I don't notice the edges being any colder even in zero degree weather.
After much delay and hard work ...

Today the damage to the roof was repaired. Hammered out with a buddy that does body work. Me inside with a "dolly" a hand held sort of anvil for him to hammer against. Then we simply patched with 16 gauge steel, riveted and sealed with 5200 marine silicone. The damage to the fiberglass I will handle later on. For now it is patched with RV roof repair tape.

Yesterday I took my longest trip yet. Over an hour each way to a private construction supply warehouse where I got polyiso for $10 a sheet and hardwood floor remnants to panel the ceiling. Wood to make screens for the windows. The polyiso is 1 1/2 inches thick so I will have to cut it to bend BUT with a layer of reflectix against the aluminum shell I will have the entire gap filled and I'll have an air gap, a foil layer, and a vapor barrier. Also picked up 4x10 3/4 inch polyiso for the floor. I'll cover that with 1/2 inch plywood and call it done. 13 sheets of polyiso and 200 sq feet of hardwood flooring, and the glue for the flooring for $200.

Tomorrow we instal the Maxxair fan in the roof escape hatch. We will pull the emergency hatch and cover with a steel sheet and cut the hole for the fan. With any luck we will also get the solar panels installed. (Not to self:cover the panels when you go to wire everything or bad things will happen!). More bits and pieces for the electrical system arrive Friday.

Have had several days to play with the cellular booster and so far I'm pleased. It looks like I may return it since the USB port on the booster is faulty (it's a refurbed unit so ...)

Still need batteries. Looks like Batteries Plus (10% off if ordered online and picked up in store) is the way to go locally. We do have Wal~Marts and Sams Club but I'm not a member so I'm not sure I can get the deals on their batteries.

It looks like I will have two solar systems. One smaller 40watt panel to trickle charge my starter batteries and to charge my 40Ah AGM that I use as my emergency back up for my CPAP. The other will be the house batteries and the other electrical requirements. Having a small second system that is portable will be handy for charging tools, jump starting other vehicles, as well as just a system that I can literally carry.

I had purchased 3 100watt renogy panels for cheap but I'm wondering if I want to get a fourth. I have the mounting brackets for four and I certainly have the real estate on the roof. I've seen three way cables but I'm wondering if I use a four way cable for the time being will I be able to add the fourth panel later.

The house will be shown for the first time tomorrow morning.

Crunch time is upon us!
Much progress over the last two days. The holes in the roof are patched, the maxxair fan is installed, and.thw solar panels are on the roof.

The polyiso for the floor and ceiling have been acquired and install begins tomorrow after a run to the dump and home depot.

More parts for the solar system are being delivered tonight.


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Forgot photos ...

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Keeping at it = progress towards that tunnel light!
Hey Zizzer, I remember you posting about potentially looking into remote IT work. You find anything along those lines yet?

Love the bus...keep the pics comin.
muddy said:
Hey Zizzer, I remember you posting about potentially looking into remote IT work. You find anything along those lines yet?

Love the bus...keep the pics comin.

No. Not sure I want to continue with that. Not certain what I'm gonna do if/when the money runs out.
The starters are dead. Bought replacements. Yup, plural.

I bought a pair of 6V golf carts as well.

OUCH! At least i KNOW the batteries are as good as they get. Duracel 850CCA each.

I'm thinking that I will go get two more GC's for a total of 230ah.

I also picked up the rest of the tools and materials that I need to lay the floor and insulate the roof. Pictures tomorrow when I'm working.

More bits and pieces show up tomorrow for the house solar generator.
Well damn. The Hyundai was jelouse and wanted a new battery too.

5 batteries in 2 days. sob ...

While running errands ... like buying yet another GD battery ... I picked up the basics for my toilet. I may try to make a more complex composter in the near future but for now this will do.

The materials and tools are ready for the floor install in the morning. Hopefully the weather won't be too bad.

Also, I think I did the math wrong. two 6v at 230 ah each is 12v@230ah and I think that will do for now. I've got 300watts of solar and I want to have a good shot at keeping them charged.
silly Hyundai, don't it know the bus gets all the nice stuff?
making progress, keep it up
Great work for far.  Looking forward to future updates. 

I will be following this one as that looks to be a great size.
Doing good. I like a better than 1-1 ratio for solar to battery.
The 300 watt panel should be just fine on the 230ah bank as long as you get good sun time.
rvpopeye said:
The 300 watt panel should be just fine on the 230ah bank as long as you get good sun time.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but the most I would ever really need to charge back up is the 115ah of usable energy, not 230ah. So, it seems that 300watts of solar should be pretty good.

I'm also thinking that I may get one of the $180 genis on sale at HD. Small and really i just need it to get the batteries past bulk and the the panels SHOULD be able to get the absorbtion done on their own except on the worst of days.

At some point, maybe sooner than later, I would also like to install a link to the alternator for some charging ability from that as well. I do hope to park for fairly extendd periods but no reason to let that energy go to waste when I do drive.

The CC I have is a PWM hybrid for 300watts of solar and 400watts of wind turbine. I'm not certain that I will do it before I get on the road but I will likely get an MPPT at some point and try to use the hybrid PWM for wind once I get that together. I've seen them for sale for as little as 300 bucks. I also have a body who makes them by hand. Coils the wire, carves the blades from wood, etc. I may try to hook up with him to get some help.
Construction update
The holes in the roof are patched.
The holes where the emergency lights were have been patched and sealed.
I have found about 3 square feet of rotten wood behind the drivers seat. I have simply removed the heavy rubber bus floor and dug the rot out with hand tools ... and well ... my hands. Everything else seems very dry. There is a slightly larger area that appears to have been wet in the past but is dry and the wood is MUCH harder than the stuff that cracked away and turned to dirt in my hands.
The plan is to cut a piece of plywood to replace what was removed and seal it with 3M 5200. I found what I believe to be the leak. Looks like it's partly the stop sign swing arm and a front bus window with a big gap that is getting caulked.
One big decision is whether to remove the rubber flooring frm the rest of the bus. This wouild give me back about 1/4 inch of head room which at this point is starting to matter. I'm hoping the 3/4 polyiso will conform to the ridges and bumps in the floor and level out under the plywood above. The polyiso will go front to back and the plywood side to side. Polyiso is 4x10 so i only have to lose 6 inches on one side of one board. The plywood flooring is 4x8 and I will only have to cut 6 inches off of the flooring to get it to fit.

I broke the petcock off from the bottom of the radiator. It's a $3 part but I am feeling VERY innept at the moment and intinidated as hell by doing anything else. I need some help from a diesel mechanic ... or someone with at least more experience than me looking over my shoulder before I do more damage to the beast.

The house has been on the market for 36 hours. There have aleady been three tours and three more scheduled for tomorrow. It's really starting to come together.

I still have SOOOO much to do. If anyone is in NC (near Raleigh) let me know. I have parking, water, laundry, electrical, and tools just feeling very overwhelmed and could really use some help if not just moral support.