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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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I carry a tazer and someone asked a question in another thread. I'm clueless, never gave it a thought. Your input?<br /><br />Can a taser be used inside a van without shorting out the electrical systems if it hits the interior metal anywhere? I bought the van for the safety of being able to jump in the driver's seat and get out of dodge if needed. I have considered buying a taser, but I don't want to short out my electrical/ignition system just when I need it the most.<br /><br /><br />
I can't imagine it being a problem... The high voltage and low amperage shouldn't effect any electrical components if you touch a wall or table. Don't zap yourself though! I had a tazer and zapped my leg once to see how it felt (Yeah I know... kind of a wacky thing to do, but was curious) and it got my attention!
cyndi said:
I carry a tazer and someone asked a question in another thread. I'm clueless, never gave it a thought. Your input?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Can a taser be used inside a van without shorting out the electrical systems if it hits the interior metal anywhere? I bought the van for the safety of being able to jump in the driver's seat and get out of dodge if needed. I have considered buying a taser, but I don't want to short out my electrical/ignition system just when I need it the most.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
Interesting enough question to justify some web searching, I figured.&nbsp; None of the FAQs about them mention any collateral damage of that sort.<br /><br />I tried one out on the back of my hand in a gun store when they first came out and recall wishing I'd tried it on something else.&nbsp; I don't believe anyone's deliberately tried shorting out anything electrical with one to find out what might result.
Are you talking about the $400 Tasers where it shoots out single use, disposable probes that costs $35/each or just the stunguns?<br><br>They are both controlled by a trigger to keep sending juice to the probes, so if you were to miss with the Taser darts and it hits the your car's metal interior, you would just let go of the trigger....as that dart is useless now Depending on your reflexes, it may keep the charge going for a second or less but I doubt it would do anything to your car's electronics. <br><br>Repair shops are routinely more careless with welders while working on cars w/o disconnecting the battery and such. And welding units can do much more damage than Tasers.
I had the same question as MK7 - do you mean Taser or stun gun? Two different animals.

A stun gun I wouldn't worry about. A taser would depend on where the probes hit. A taser is designed to keep sending current for five seconds whether your finger is on the trigger or not. To stop the current prior to that five seconds, you must flip the safety back on. Probably unlikely the taser would damage anything, unless the probes smashed into the instrument console and damaged the clear plastic, but I wouldn't say it was totally impossible. Not enough to worry about, though.

And if its your safety or the electronics...?
&nbsp;2 words: bear spray; it's a real crowd pleaser too.
Willy said:
&nbsp;2 words: bear spray; it's a real crowd pleaser too.
<br><br>Bear spray in your own van? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I have never owned a taser, or stun gun. but my knowlage of automotive systems i can say there would be no problem unless you could penetrate a wire somehow.<br>Be aware that some states regulate these more strictly than fire arms. and our vehicles don't have the same degree of constitutional protection as a brick and stick.
&nbsp;Generally, a person would be inside shootin' out. It also puts out more of a stream instead of a 'cloud'. Also, a person doesn't have to be dead accurate with it and, with your tazer, what if it's 2 guys? Another aspect is legality and 'intent'. Bear spray is just that and its' intended use is to deter a bear from up to 30' away. A tazer is designed to knock down humans. In the backwoods, a tazer would be next to useless against a charging bear. Here, in Canada, tazers are illegal for civilian use, as are stunners (except the female variety), whereas bear spray can be picked up at Canadian Tire and merely requires a form to be filled. I've even crossed the border with it into the USA, declaring it at the border, with no problems.<br>&nbsp;Another thing to remember is that bear spray is considerably stronger than what the cops use to clear crowds. I don't intend to use it against people but, if one's life is threatened, anything goes. Nice thing is, bear spray will drop near any animal that comes after me or mine and has about 6 seconds worth of spray that can be expelled in multiple short bursts or a long one. ..Willy.
Willy said:
&nbsp;Generally, a person would be inside shootin' out. It also puts out more of a stream instead of a 'cloud'. Also, a person doesn't have to be dead accurate with it and, with your tazer, what if it's 2 guys? &nbsp; ..Willy.
<br><br>Well sure, but you're still going to choke on over-spray. Cheapo pepper spray ($5) sprays a thin stream. A $30 OC, crowd control sprays a pretty big cone. While a BEAR SPRAY, sprays out a humongous cone. All 3 will affect you, with the Bear Spray being the worse. <br><br>Least chance you'll get hit by your own bear spray is if the attacker is right at your driver's door with you sitting in the driver's seat. The can is still inside, spraying out and will likely hit the inside of your car also, causing lots of deflection into you. &nbsp; Spraying out any other windows or door will be worse as you're going to be more inside the van as the inverted cone is taking shape. And if the attacker is inside already, you're taking the hit. The thin stream, pepper spray would be the better choice IMO. <br><br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; Put them in a bathtub and throw in a toaster !!!!!!!!!!
hey now cy, stop in texas buy yourself a&nbsp;cheap shotgun, load it with birdshot and aim for the nut's sack!!! that will do it.&nbsp;&nbsp; your friend and fellow traveler gary p.s. love your blog, keep up the good work.&nbsp; hi stumping
NJ will arrest you for carrying a tazer or stun gun. No civilian permits. No stick and brick NJ address, no bail. <br>I'm sure that is true for other states and city.
I notice REI Sports store sells bear spray cans. Anyone know if this is a good brand? I seem to recall 2 different sizes, the larger size costing around $45. Seems rather steep in price, but if it's effective, then it's worth it.&nbsp; -Casey
bear spray in the big can that looks like a small fire extinguisher will do the trick.&nbsp; so will a firearm i carry both.&nbsp; most of the time.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Stopped by REI two days ago and looked for bear spray. Couldn't find it.&nbsp; Asked the sales girl who said&nbsp;they started&nbsp;keeping behind the counter because a kid got hold of one a couple of weeks ago and sprayed himself.<br><br>Guess he's safe from bears, for awhile... lol
<p>I understand that in the southeastern states, they say that Hornet Spray will work just fine.&nbsp; Especially if you get the sticky foam version.&nbsp; <br><br>One shot with this and they Must go to the ER and get a shot or something.&nbsp;&nbsp; There are NO permits and anyone can have them.&nbsp; They will shoot approximately 20 feet and you can get a hole group of guys if the need to be.&nbsp; <br><br>You can get this at Sam's for 3 can package that cost approximately $7.00 so there you go.<br><br><img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"><br><br></p>
Tazers are only allowed in some states.&nbsp; Get a can of pepper spray instead.&nbsp; Something will 5% OC and you should be fine.&nbsp; Don't get anything with marking dye or mace in it, as some states disallow it.
That hornet spay idea seems like a pretty viable option...<BR><BR>Highdesertranger brought up fire extinguishers...Hmmmmmmm, a person could use onna those to ward of an attacker pretty easily too!<BR><BR>It's something nearly all of us carry, and the border guards wouldn't look twice at it!!