Generally, a person would be inside shootin' out. It also puts out more of a stream instead of a 'cloud'. Also, a person doesn't have to be dead accurate with it and, with your tazer, what if it's 2 guys? Another aspect is legality and 'intent'. Bear spray is just that and its' intended use is to deter a bear from up to 30' away. A tazer is designed to knock down humans. In the backwoods, a tazer would be next to useless against a charging bear. Here, in Canada, tazers are illegal for civilian use, as are stunners (except the female variety), whereas bear spray can be picked up at Canadian Tire and merely requires a form to be filled. I've even crossed the border with it into the USA, declaring it at the border, with no problems.<br> Another thing to remember is that bear spray is considerably stronger than what the cops use to clear crowds. I don't intend to use it against people but, if one's life is threatened, anything goes. Nice thing is, bear spray will drop near any animal that comes after me or mine and has about 6 seconds worth of spray that can be expelled in multiple short bursts or a long one. ..Willy.