Sunrise driving . . . with Sun Glare, what's your solution?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2017
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IUsually it's about an hour for me and I hate it!  I have my Oakleys on but still blinds the crap out of me  :mad:

There is a gap between your eye level and the visor and sometimes I tilt my head up to block the sun and my neck hurts from doing that too long.

What do you guys do?  Should I add a piece of cardboard as an extended visor downward ?  But i worry about pretty much blocking all driving vision.
Hmmmmmmmmm Wait an hour?
Isn't there a law that you have to watch the sunrise while having coffee?
My van is the only vehicle I've had where the visor actually freaking works. It blocks out the sun and doesn't leave gaps. It's great.

My Jeep had a tiny visor. I put a visor organizer thingy on it, bigger than the visor and blocked more sun.
I like the idea of sleeping late so not on the road when the sun would be directly in my eyes (also means off the road before sunset)
If you just gotta travel.....a piece of cardboard and a couple of clothes pins work.
I have to agree with rvpopeye, there must be a law against driving at sunrise..isn't there... :p 

Sunrises are meant to be enjoyed while laying snuggled in bed, watching the sky lighten through the windows of the van.

Now sunsets, them I've been known to occasionally still be on the road for...but just occasionally. :D

I've been known to pull off the road at a rest area or the closest convenient spot and give it an hour or two...that's where having a book or a kindle on board comes in handy (or you can take a nap... :) )

If I absolutely must drive with the sun blinding me, I take my large sun hat and wear it in whatever fashion is required to provide an eye be damned.
I'm a late sleeper so it's not often I drive with the sunrise. That being said, it's one of my favorite times to drive. Love leaving an hour before the sun comes up and then driving and drinking my coffee as it rises. Then I curse it for the next hour and am reminded of why I like sleeping late in the first place.
I have three solutions to sunrise/sunset driving:
  1. The best = Don't drive; stop, rest, enjoy.  Don't be in such a hurry, it's only for an hour or so.  That anxious to get cataracts?
  2. The good = I have a pair of Julbo glacier goggles; side shields and <5% light transmissivity.  I can drive directly into the sun.
  3. The adequate = I wear a cowboy hat.  By tilting my head I can instantly block the sun no matter how the road twists and turns.
 -- Spiff
Thanks all, I leave early to get a good start and try to avoid morning rush hour traffic depending on the city where I'm at. But I agree with y'all, take an hour coffee break!! :)
clean your windshield. with a clean windshield I don't have a problem. or at sunrise only drive west and at sunset only drive east. highdesertranger
All of the above...
"Don't go into the light."

Visor extension and baseball cap.

_Really_ clean inside and outside glass

Use cold or warm defrost setting (depending on season) - A/C not required

Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk
I'm also one of those who loves to start driving early and be driving while the sky is getting lighter. I do, however, try to stop as the sun rises and enjoy it. I only have an issue if I'm driving directly into it...I'm rarely in enough of a hurry to have to drive while the sun is coming up and blinding me, but it has been known to happen. I was actually thinking about the day I will be finally pulling out of my driveway at the end of summer and how I am planning on it being 4:30am start; it's just a good feeling to get a few miles under the tires before the day really begins.
Ball cap, pull the bill down untill it works
or stop for coffee
As a nomad, you have this choice: don't be IN town, where there's lots of traffic at night, and you won't be IN traffic in the morning
Driving from my bitty township of Garwood to Houston is always a bit jarring, and i always say 'never again'
I can't even imagine WHY anyone would drive into the rising or setting sun unless you've got someone on board with heavy venal or arterial bleeding. It's a good way to have an accident (oh-- the road curved) or damage your eyes.
frater secessus said:
Baseball cap.  Tilt head down to just block sun.

I can just see my son in law trying to follow this advice.  His is stuck on backwards.  He wears it that way so the red glare does not show.   :p
On the road after 10am and off by 3pm.
You're not going to see rush hours or blinded by sunrise/sunset.
West for sunrise-East for sunset also works well.
I've seen a lot of Truckers use these plastic filters which extend beyond the visor when it is down.  They can also be used when the visor is up too if you don't want an opaque panel blocking your view.


I've even seen baseball caps with the sunglasses built into the bottom of the visor where they can be pulled down or flipped back up.   Just can't find pictures of those.   Airplane Pilots wear them quite often.