Summer RTR 2017 (just talk, nothing substantial)

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Nov 19, 2016
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I can't believe how much I yeeeaaarrrnnn to be with you all at the Winter RTR!  Although I won't become a vandweller for a few years I really want to plan for the summer RTR just to visit.  If the date isn't set yet, when is it usually held?  Thanks so much, Happy New Year.
My sentiments and queries exactly!
I can't make the winter RTR but I'll be damned if I miss the summer RTR!
Excellent Idea about the eclipse....

BUT... It has been reported on by media sources (For whatever that may be worth?) That many locations have been booked solid for a long time surrounding this solar event. I even heard that one community is building a multi million dollar event area just for this day!!!

BY THE WAY, That eclipse will be right over our house!!!! OH MYYYY!!!
SO, I may offer one select parking space in my driveway for a VERY generous donation in the terms of science! LOL!!!
I'm thinking it won't be too hard to find BLM or National forest land under the eclipse.  In point of fact, the Sawtooth National Forest in Idaho is right under the eclipse path, and is right near several scenic byways and the Craters of the Moon National Monument.

BTW, I would not wait until the last minute to buy eclipse viewing glasses or filters if you are planning to see it.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
There's going to be a Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, August 21st.  Looks like OR, ID, and WY would be the best places to combine a Summer RTR and eclipse watching.  Or if you wanted to do an eastern RTR, Great Smokey Mountains National Park in Westernmost NC will be in the path . . .

actually it will go through the national forest near here in Charleston SC.  So if you can handle the heat, come camp here to see it.
Goshawk said:
actually it will go through the national forest near here in Charleston SC.  So if you can handle the heat, come camp here to see it.

Are you in Charleston Goshawk? That's where I am from. Actually here now but leaving headed to RTR. It's too hot here in August. Not an ideal place for the summer RTR because of that. NC mountain area is much better.
Yes am here in Charleston for a year and half. Wish I was retired.

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I'd love to see forum folk gatherings scattered across the country.
Smaller and less structured than the winter RTR, just to give people a chance to meet up and exchange ideas.
That's something I would definitely attend.
I think that's a great idea, I think it would be really helpful to some folks who are new to the lifestyle, particularly those who are victims of our societal fear mongering
mayble said:
I'd love to see forum folk gatherings scattered across the country.
Smaller and less structured than the winter RTR, just to give people a chance to meet up and exchange ideas.
That's something I would definitely attend.

  A lot of the forum members also belong to vandwelling groups that post on facebook so you could check there for gatherings. Also keep an eye on the forum here. We had a small CRVLing gathering in the summer in Oregon. There was also a facebook gathering in the summer in one of the south eastern states. I'm sure there were others that I'm not aware of.

 You can set one up yourself and post the information here. You'll need to find a place where a number of vans and RVs will fit, preferably on public land such as a national forest and then just invite people to join you.
I'm down as well for a 2017 Summer RTR, I'm not on the road yet but plan on attending 2018 Winter RTR. I would enjoy coming out this Summer and getting my "feet wet" so-to-speak.
Looks like we will have the RTR this summer 2017. Bob needs help raising money for the Porta potty that will be required for the gathering starting June 1. Go over to the thread I started (Adepastino) and you can get the newest info.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
There's going to be a Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, August 21st.  Looks like OR, ID, and WY would be the best places to combine a Summer RTR and eclipse watching.  Or if you wanted to do an eastern RTR, Great Smokey Mountains National Park in Westernmost NC will be in the path . . .

There are tons of great spots between the Oregon Coast and Wyoming.  Grand Teton National Park will be prime. I've seen a totality once, along the Deschutes River in Eastern Oregon. You don't need glasses for that, and it is the main event. The summer date for this one would make coastal viewing a good bet.
June 20 will be a get together in Tillamook, Oregon this summer. Just up aways from Coos Bay on the Oregon Coast. Details under "Gatherings'" forum.