Stuck between a rock and crazy place

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Well-known member
May 26, 2021
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Bremerton Washington
My wife and I just started to hit the road but because of poor planning and diet we had to come home for doctor care which is resolved.
Upon returning none of our "friends and family" have shown any care or concern. We just found out that our house value has gone up alot and in today's market in our area could probably get double the amount.
The idea of selling our sticks and bricks is tempting as we could easily buy the van of our dreams but my dad bought us the house so we'd always have a place to stay as we're on a fixed income and my dad died this last Thanksgiving.
He always wanted us to travel and see the country as he was a truck driver back in the day but also wanted us to keep our home.
I believe that he'd be alright now in light of how things are now that he's passed. (He was all that was left of my blood family) However, we do know that we're going to need a home base for when we're not able to travel anymore but torn about if it will be this place.
We own it free and clear but have many emotional attachments to the property as it's also where many of our pets are buried.
I recently sold a piece of property he had left me but after all the fees and taxes it left me with half of what I was expecting, so that's sort of a deterrent for me now.
We're going to be back on the road Friday and have to come back to home base in October to at least shut off water so pipes don't freeze and then again in January and February to pay taxes and fill out yearly paperwork for my pension.
Neither my wife or I want to be here anymore but we're stuck between that rock and crazy place.
We figured if we bought a 4x4 van ready to go that we may have just over half of sale to buy cheaper property in another state after the housing market crashes again.
Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions?
Don’t sell the house that is paid for, free and clear.

Do your traveling now as you are able, enjoy the ability to do that and always keep in mind that health issues can bring you in off the road in a heartbeat.

What you are able to do now may not be everything you want, but it is more than many have.

My two cents, and good luck.
that is a difficult call to make, and honestly I am sort of in a similar situation with my family.. Long story But certainly a crazy place.

If your family wishes to no longer support you, how can you fight that?? you can not..

My suggestion is do what makes you and your wife happy, do not allow any other outside forces choose your life.

If you sell the house maybe consider something different for the van.. Maybe not the Dream van. and invest the money elsewhere

OR if the house is paid for, you could rent the house. AIRBNB and that will come with a totally different set of headaches But could be worth it.

Bottom line is you do not need to keep the house, there are millions of houses available.. they are just like cars (sort of).. Don't fall completely in love with it or it will stop you from making choices....

Go travel, Sell invest, if you want to buy down the road pay cash.
My husband and I have had this conversation recently. And through out the years we have made many financial decisions. Many good and many just plain bad.

In my humble opinion, do not sell your house that’s paid off, unless you have another property picked out that you can pay off. If you choose a place you can pay off and still have a little cash left over you can have security as well as a fund for travel.

Getting old is hard and not for sissies!!! If for some reason you have future health issues having a home base will be a comfort.

Just my opinion
There are way too many variables and personal issues to advise on buying and selling land. Many of us are on the road because we were not able to afford to keep property or lived in situations where property was taken from us. Several states Medicaid programs basically require you use the proceeds from property before they will cover long term care I believe so depending on having someplace when you get older may not really work out and it may be lost. Taxes can increase to a point 10 or 15 years from now you may be forced to sell. Our country's law can force you to sell it for benefit of the community, state or federal government. A person living in adjoining property can claim it if they maintain it if abandoned even though taxes are paid. You really need to search you state's laws and be aware of what can happen if you leave the property uninhabited. You may be better off having someone live there or rent rather than leaving it empty. Lease it out to a trusted property manager or do an AirBnb lease with a local manager. With today's shortages it really doesn't make sense to have property and not use it for financial gain. Make a couple RV sites and rent those online, there are lots of options.
Thanks for the input so far, it's truly appreciated.
We thought about renting however there are code issues because some work was done safely but not to code for Airbnb or renting. We are trying to get a friend who works as a contractor to stay here for reduced or free rent in exchange for repairs and upgrades but still waiting to hear back from him
"my dad bought us the house so we'd always have a place to stay"

Speaking as a dad; I would say you were blessed with a good one who provided for your future.
His wisdom and concern for you hasn't changed, even though he has passed.
Dad bought you a "lifeboat" for if/when the ships sinks.......... he was thinking decades in the future not merely years.

A house bought and paid for that is only going to increase in value?
The uncertain future?
Perhaps you will not enjoy life on the road full-time?

Simply ask yourself: "What would dad have me do?"
You already know the answer.

My niece takes care of renting out house for me. I’m pretty happy with the arrangement. If you can get a reliable property manager that’s what I’d do. You can still travel and also make money on the side. It’s not for everyone but it’s been good for me for some years. My niece does regular inspections and has a tight lease. She’s the best landlord ever if the renters are doing the right thing. She chooses renters carefully.
House across the street sold for $29,000 in 1957 and $1.8 million last month. You said your house is worth a lot more now and you have medical issues. My.02 is don’t sell.
Thank you all very much, you all are appreciated.
The wife and I have read and discussed everyone's responses and have realized that it is better to keep house and travel as we have been and take our time saving for a better vehicle for laying down in. We've just been so anxious to hit the road and not look back but our first attempt was disastrous but we learned what we did wrong and have solved those issues so as to not repeat them. Bad decisions make great stories and we have ALOT of good stories ?
We're heading back out tomorrow morning to apply what we've learned and enjoy the journey to discovery.
Traveling Zombies
aka Carl and Marci
"House across the street sold for $29,000 in 1957 and $1.8 million last month. You said your house is worth a lot more now and you have medical issues. My.02 is don’t sell."

Not everyone is in a hot real estate area. But yeah, good advice.
"A house that is paid for"

Am empty house still needs to be maintained. Stuff wears out. HVAC equipment. Plumbing. Roofing. Exterior finish. Weather damage.

Always increasing property taxes will need to be paid. If there are no limits to annual increases, next year's taxes will be based on the current high market valuations.

An asset that is also a liability.
wayne49 said:
Always increasing property taxes will need to be paid. If there are no limits to annual increases, next year's taxes will be based on the current high market valuations.

In Texas, when a homeowner (with homestead exemption in place) reaches 65 years of age, their homestead taxes reach a 'ceiling' and dont automatically increase in subsequent there is that. I don't know how many (or which) other states have similar exemptions and tax ceilings.
Asking a group like this for advice is foolish, especially for advice on matters other than what type of bucket is best for crapping in while on the road.
Why would it be foolish? This is all new to the OP and many others here, so brainstorming with the group can give one a new perspective or perhaps point out why something might not be the best idea. No one but the OP is emotionally involved in the question, so there is less likely to be clouded thinking I would think.
66788 said:
Asking a group like this for advice is foolish, especially for advice on matters other than what type of bucket is best for crapping in while on the road.

Wow that seems harsh...somebody seems to have woke up in a bad mood....the OP has some difficult decisions to make. Some of us make an attempt at providing some help or advice.

Others not so much.
There are many unique variables in that specific fact pattern to base a valid opinion on, and furthermore, any unqualified advice could well be harmful to the OP.

It has nothing to do with waking up in a bad mood and all to do with giving qualified advice based upon facts, many of which are still unknown yet important.
In your situation, I would sell the house. This is not advice for you but what I would do.
Why would I sell? A house requires maintenance, insurance, etc. If you want to travel, a house can be a mental and financial burden. An unoccupied house can be a target for vandals, robbers, pests, etc. Your net worth might be high but much of it may be tired up in the house; after you are gone, somebody will get paid but it will not be you.
I seem to nearly always agree with Bullfrog. So Froggy, from here on I will be calling you Froggy. No getting mad about it- we play for the same team!

I just want to point out that if the house isn't up to code for renting, it also isn't up to code for selling.

Do what makes you happiest. Things are burdens or securites, depending on life circumstances. Then, to complicate tgings, what was a security can turn into a burden in a heartbeat.

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