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gcal said:
I am confused. Even if a need for care giver is established, how would this happen while you are living in your van? I can think of possible solutions, from living with relatives to living in a group home to living in your own place and having visiting nurses. But I cannot figure out how it would be possible if you wish to continue van dwelling. The only thing I can think of is some sort of adult day care. But having seen those places when my uncle was in early stages of Alzheimer's, I cannot imagine that you would be willing to give up the freedom and independence to go there. As limited as he was, the way staff treated the adults in their care like toddlers even frustrated him.

I have known people willing to take on the caregiver role, which could occur while parked outside their house, or they could come to me, in fact many such short-term arrangements have been made but without compensation they simply cannot afford to continue donating their time and energy. It happens similar to the way it does in a house.

I am not set on vandwelling. I am quite set on being free from abusive control and massive triggers. Staying with most family includes the former, and staying with most people includes the latter.

Due to severe MCS I have to wear a "gas mask" (chemical cartridge respirator) when out and about, or when around most people. If I do not, my airways constrict, and can continue to do so until I stop breathing. Wearing this for more than 5 hours at a time gives me headaches, and it leaves perpetually forming pressure sores on the skin of my face. Any residence I stay at must include the ability to take off the mask inside...

...which would mean anyone staying with me would have to subscribe to an extremely rigid lifestyle free of most personal care products. They would have to completely avoid ever cooking or heating anything with onions or garlic, and there's a long list of items they could use, but would have to be diligent in taking significant precautions to avoid cross-contamination when I use the kitchen. These include very common things like anything containing dairy or gluten.

In addition to all this, I am severely and deeply triggered by noise when my brain is tired. This means I can almost never be around children, babies, dogs, or anyone cooking or handling dishes or eating with silverware, using loud ringtones, appliances, people talking over each other, etc. If I am not warned beforehand so I can take mitigating measures I am traumatized for hours. If multiple things happen I can be traumatized for days. If multiple things happen multiple times a day several days in a row, I know there's absolutely no chance of it working. So far, it's always been the latter wherever I go. There are simply too many accommodations that have to be made for any housemate to keep up. Moreover when I'm triggered by noise I recoil and then literally "freeze" and become incapable of communicating until the noise stops. If someone is in the room right next to me and blithely turns on the vacuum cleaner, I could be triggered continuously for, say, 10 minutes before they realize there's a problem.

So many friends have offered me their couch, but if I thought sleep was hard in my van try with a gas mask on! It...really, really doesn't work.

Back when I was told that if I found someone myself the government would cover it, I found someone and we worked out a good caregiving system that got things done when I needed them and then left me along in my van to rest and recover. Unfortunately, they literally couldn't afford to do it without pay.

My bf now does much of this as he can, but works full time with a 1-2 hour commute each way and honestly is on the verge of needing a caregiver himself. So we take care of each other as much as we can. He stays out of work when I'm really bad, or my friends arrange for shifts. No one is actually capable of taking it on but when extremely urgent a lot of people pitch in. Which is awesome, but if it was someone's actual job that they were actually getting paid for then they wouldn't be forced to keep making these sacrifices if they want me to be okay! Plus I'd be getting help for all the non-life threatening things i need help with every day.

I'm not tried to vandwelling as a lifestyle choice I'm committed to. It occurred out of necessity, and due to necessity I plan to always have a vehicle I'm capable of living out of in a pinch even if I did have a place. A big part of this is due to my severe chemical and noise sensitivities, which extends to neighbors, or construction work nearby, or temperature inversions, all of which force me to evacuate on a moment's notice for several days. Before vandwelling it was always a major crisis to evacuate wherever i was staying at the, it's easy and no longer much of an upheaval.

But, as you can see, when I mention unusual medical stuff, I'm really not kidding. It cuts out huge swaths of options.
I cannot imagine living in your van and avoiding all the things that create problems for you. You have some good friends. Frankly, I would not be willing to do this. My impatience over things that would seem major to you but would seem minor to me would create problems. I had a Suck-It-Up-And-Get-Over-It kind of upbringing that has left me with a limited supply of empathy. Your friends are probably nicer people to know than I am.
Me and Vic wintered in Bellingham Wa. once(daughter lived there at the time) and she took a 2 week course and became a CNA.She was taking care of old folks in a nursing home and it really was depressing for her.She made it through the winter and we moved on,but she said "Never Again".Western Wa. in the winter is depressing anyway.
gcal said:
I cannot imagine living in your van and avoiding all the things that create problems for you. You have some good friends. Frankly, I would not be willing to do this. My impatience over things that would seem major to you but would seem minor to me would create problems. I had a Suck-It-Up-And-Get-Over-It kind of upbringing that has left me with a limited supply of empathy. Your friends are probably nicer people to know than I am.

Funny thing is that I made these friends precisely from them witnessing just how much I actually do "suck it up and get over it." They saw how I'd excuse myself from conversation to vomit, only to return and continue socializing as if all was perfectly fine and normal. They saw how I'd cheerfully maintain my volunteer shift commitments with a fever over 100 without complaint. They saw how I dealt with abusive patrons and shrugged it off, and they quickly learned that if they began talking about how little sleep they got last night it was still always more than I had, even though I wasn't the first to open my mouth or using it as an excuse for anything :p

It's because these people saw that this was my character, this was my approach to life, that when they got closer and witnessed me break down when triggered they were able to recognize it as something that wasn't me and wasn't possible to change by willpower. My friends do not see themselves as taking pity on someone who's weak; rather it's a large network of people who often mention with awe in their voice that I am one of the strongest, most resourceful, resilient people they've ever met.

I know most people view me the way you do after hearing my housemate triggers, which is why I'm very hesitant to attempt any sort of housing arrangement that involves living with someone else. I know the accommodations are ridiculous and I would never ask anyone to do that for me. So long as I keep my mouth shut about the triggers people keep a much more positive impression of me....except of course then I'm just "choosing" to refuse all these decent couch surfing and group homeless housing offers so they decide I must not be interested in stabilizing my life after all. Can't win either way. *shrug*
I've tried writing this post three times now; let's see if I can get this to come out right.

After my success with getting the struts and shocks replaced on my van--a major achievement for me--2 days later I was suicidal.

I had woken up to a dental emergency, and after over 3 hours straight of phone calls on a Thursday late morning/afternoon I was unable to get through to any dentist whatsoever (not even their emergency lines), nor my therapist, nor my case manager, nor my doctor. I used up the last of my allotted 500 minutes for the month (less than an hour of that had been leisure calls) and had to buy another 100 minutes, which got kerfuffled in and of itself.

When people finally began getting back to me, the news wasn't good. Very few dentists take my insurance, and even fewer, regardless of insurance, are safe to take my mask off in. In fact, there's no way to be certain of preventing anaphyaxis, it's just a matter of taking as many precautions as possible and hoping for the best. I've encountered several dentists who flat-out refuse to treat me because of it. This is why my dental health has deteriorated to multiple chronic abscesses I've lived with for 8+months. One of them had gone out of control and that side of my face was swollen and painful. I knew I needed to go in immediately.

It wasn't until the end of the day that some progress finally began to be made. My doctor, who's a powerhouse of a woman playing a gigantic part in saving my life lately, managed to get through to a local university's dentistry program, and an appointment was made to see me the next day. Meanwhile I was seen by a different doctor, who questioned whether I had an abscess at all. Because they doubted it, they would not prescribe antibiotics (which would take several days to custom compound) but instead tried to get me to purchase mild herbal things that would help a little "if there was any infection." Once I managed to pin them down about it basically just being a measure to help me psychologically feel like an infection was being treated I flat out told them that I cannot afford the $14 that costs, as it's much of my medical budget for that month. My PTSD of doctors not believing serious issues was triggered. I spent the rest of the evening working hard at keeping myself sane and present rather than in the PTSD flashbacks.

The next morning, I saw a wonderful student dentist who did an excellent job handling my complex case, took x-rays and confirmed that I definitely have an abscess. I was already resigned to extraction...I had consulted my MCS specialist at length a few months ago about root canals vs. extraction and his strong recommendation was the latter. Besides, I've been through this with another tooth before, and while I generally fight hard for my teeth there comes a point at which I can literally feel it's time to let them go. Like putting down a pet. There's that turning point where it goes from a part of my body I'm attempting to rescue, to one I'm attempting to protect myself from. It had reached that point Thursday morning, so when the dentist independently reached the recommendation of extraction I simply breathed a sigh of relief that I didn't have to explain to them why, even at such a young age, I feel it's better to lose the tooth than do a root canal.

Unfortunately it couldn't be done that day. If I was a regular patient it would have occurred on the spot, but the office was not prepared to handle a patient of my complexity. So they referred me upward to their advanced program....where the earliest opening was Wednesday, 5 days away. Tried to get in sooner, couldn't. Later called another place recommended, they had no sooner openings either. The dentist advised I call my PCP to get antibiotics in the meantime, since the abscess is an active infection.

What followed--after the parking ticket the front desk had assured me would not happen when I inquired on parking--was another day of nonstop phone calls. And needing to purcahse another 100 minutes. I'd had severe reactions to antibiotics over a decade ago, but the specifics had never made it on to my records. I got my mom to help me in the search and there were so many calls to so many offices, who had since merged with other offices or the pharmacy went out of business or the records system had been changed and data had been lost. Still haven't got all the info, but once we stumbled upon one name of an antibiotic I hadn't reacted to 13 years ago we had something my PCP could prescribe. Even though it'd take a few days, at least I'd have it then.

She prescribed it, and as we spoke on the phone, she explained it was for prophylaxis to be taken just prior to the procedure. I explained how the dentist told me that I have an active infection and recommended antibiotics for it to be taken immediately. She was skeptical. I explained how x-rays had been taken which definitively confirm an abscess, and how the dentist had explained the bones in my face were swelling because the infection had nowhere to go. She finally believed me (what's up with that??) and so I should finally get the antibiotics on Monday. Nearly all prescribed medications must be compounded before I get them, which means the drug is made specifically for me using just the active ingredient(s) and fillers that don't cause me problems. This takes a few days, and with the weekend it's even longer.

My boyfriend and I hold each other at night and whisper our fears about the procedure. It is life-threatening to me, something that wouldn't typically be for other people. We're scared and want to be on the other side of it already. The good news is, if all goes well then this will be a good place to get the rest of my teeth taken care of too. I haven't had my teeth fully taken care of in over a decade. I haven't been able to chew on all sides of my mouth for about 7 years. Despite the trepidation, there's a lot of hope that it could all be for the best.

Something I haven't yet mentioned is that contributing tot he entire ordeal was the fact that my van setup was complete chaos. I'd had to remove most of my setup for the mechanics to access the rear shocks, including removing the electrical panel from the wall. The day after I was completely exhausted and only had a few hours of daylight to haphazardly throw everything into my van, without attempting to set it up to be livable. I had a small area of the floor where I put my thermarest and could sleep, with stuff crowding around me, stacked up high beside me and falling down on me as I slept. It was the next morning that I woke to a dental emergency. So while all this is going on I had no comfortable bed or organized access to anything. I also discovered that day that my new backup camera is non-operational, even though it was upon leaving the mechanics. I'm pretty certain a wire got pinched somewhere in tossing all the stuff in but haven't had a look at it yet.

Those 48 hours were awful. Last night and today I was able to do a lot of the things my PCP (a naturopath) was recommending and am feeling a lot better. It coincides with a 36-hours housesitting opportunity, and it was a sunny day, and I got enough sleep at my boyfriend's family's place (even though my eyes swelled up and voice goes hoarse from MCS reactions) so I was able to pull everything out of the van, clean it up a bit, reattach the electrical panel, and I'm almost finished with having the setup complete once more. I even managed to grab pictures along the way so I could update my thread!

When these severe turns happen, it's really hard for me to keep out of the mindset of "life is ALWAYS this bad. Never a break. Something awful is most likely lurking around the next corner." Being able to get my van organized again in gorgeous sunshine and clean air so I didn't have to wear my mask went a long way towards helping me feel like life can be good again, too.

I'm still struggling at times. Of all the ridiculous medical extremes I've survived and inhumane suffering I've endured for years on end, dental issues are the only thing that palpably zaps my will to live. So here's hoping the next few days will be more like today in actually making headway towards solutions so I can feel good about the future. Still many more phone calls to make and logistics to sort out, because I'm still trying to find a way out of that parking ticket they assured me up and down wouldn't happen (now they're saying it'll only be $15 instead of $40, but even that is unclear) and there's no parking close enough. My case manager is on the task for finding out about ADA parking for me for Wednesday.

Meanwhile I picked up a different prescription yesterday from the pharmacy, calling them from the parking lot for the third time: "I've got no access, I'm parked a couple blocks away and cannot get you to pick up my medication, what do you suggest?" And again, though they keep very sternly warning me that they really can't do this, they ran the meds out to my van. Because even though there's handicapped parking right in front of their door, you have to pay to park there and I tell them I simply cannot afford it. My case manager made a bunch of calls and wasn't able to find a solution to that one. I live with the fear that one day they will follow through and put their foot down. It is the only compounding pharmacy in the area covered by my insurance. If that happens, I'm no longer able to get medications. Which is how I was living up until about 4 months ago.

So there is progress, and there are good things, but life is still ridiculously hard. Today was a good day, and I wanted to be able to share the recent events in light of a good day. :)
Some day I would like to swap war stories... Although I am sure I would lose. 

Here is wishing you a loose plug for the camera.   :)
I'm glad you shared this with us, Bitty. I'm sending positive vibes and powerful mojo your way.
:heart: :heart: Wishing that deep peace & more sunshine finds it way to you very soon! :heart: :heart:

Bitty, Wishing you the BEST!!!

Over 20 years ago, I gave up on trying to save my original teeth, and opted for dentures instead. It was one of the best moves I've ever made, and nobody but myself even suspects that I have dentures. That's how great of a job they did in matching my real teeth.

Do you have wireless access other than on a phone? I use Magic Jack, but there is also Skype and others. These kinds of options could give you unlimited phone use as long as you have internet access.

From talking with others, I have heard that many parking tickets are forgiven if you have a disabled placard...

I don't believe I have ever heard of needing to pay for handicapped parking, is this normal in your area?

While I am not familiar with the law in your specific area, I do know that in some places, the law requires delivery to vehicles of the disabled. Might be worth looking into for future encounters.

Good Luck, & God Bless,

Off Grid 24/7 said:
Do you have wireless access other than on a phone?  I use Magic Jack, but there is also Skype and others.  These kinds of options could give you unlimited phone use as long as you have internet access.

From talking with others, I have heard that many parking tickets are forgiven if you have a disabled placard...

I don't believe I have ever heard of needing to pay for handicapped parking, is this normal in your area?

While I am not familiar with the law in your specific area, I do know that in some places, the law requires delivery to vehicles of the disabled.  Might be worth looking into for future encounters.

I currently have Xfinity Wifi due to my dad working at Comcast. Not sure how much longer I'll have it though as he changed the password and gets upset whenever I ask about it. So, my laptop has it but my phone doesn't. I have Skype, but it seems they charge for calls unless it's to another Skype line. I've switched almost all leisure calls to Skype but most businesses don't have a Skype line. I might need to look into purchasing a calling subscription, only again I'm not sure how much longer my internet solution will last. There are many places that would let me use their landline for calls, but since i cannot take off my mask for them that option isn't available to me either. Is Magic Jack free?

I was given this ticket with my disabled placard hanging from the rearview mirror, while parked in a handicapped parking spot.

In Seattle, street parking is always free with a handicapped placard and the time limitations on green signs do not apply. But as soon as you turn into a parking lot or garage all bets are off; if that parking lot charges everyone else to park, then they can and usually do charge disabled patrons to park as well.

There are many essential places in Seattle, such as my therapist's office, that I can only access by arriving sometime between 11:30pm and 4:30am when there's plenty of street parking available, hang up my handicap placard, and spend the night on a sketchy street just to be able to access the place I need to the next day. When I was suicidal the other day my therapist suggested coming down to the office and I was just like "I can't. Do you see any available parking? I'm physically unable to get there."

I didn't research parking at the UW dentist place beforehand, my bf's GPS took us in by an entrance that had no booth to pay at so I wasn't aware of the potential need to pay until I saw the signs at the front desk and inquired about it and was assured. No appeals are permitted by phone, I drove to the address where they said I could appeal it in person but I had to pay to park there too! It said I could do it online, but the first url on the ticked is defunct, and the other one keeps telling em it can't find the ticket and to wait 24 hours after issuance for it to appear. If they're talking business days they mean Monday. I've learned i can't wait that long, I never know when I'm going to be incapacitated next and for how long. So I've had to pay for a stamp and everything to send it all in. Were it not for this house-sitting opportunity I would have had to pay to print out the appeal form at the library as well.

I've thought about going the legal route to see if there's anything that can be done, but I'm barely keeping up with life as it is. I probably would if the pharmacy puts their foot down about not delivering to my van.
Hey Bitty! I'm sorry things have been rough for you and hope you are feeling a little better. You have made me smile and laugh more than once on here and I hate hearing that you are struggling. I am sending send giant hugs and just want to tell you that you have to get better so I can take your S&M Vandwelling seminar next RTR. I'm all excited about it so don't let me down chica  :p Sending you lots of healing thoughts  :heart: :heart: :heart: and hope I made you smile  :D
The things that are happening are so wrong that I think I'd try this...

Around here the local TV news crews do a thing called "TV (channel #) on your side"
I wonder how the powers that be would like to explain their policies on this situation and what they're going to do about it all to some hot shot young reporter for broadcast on the nightly?????

May karma smile upon you and crap on them....................
Greetings Bitty!

Magic Jack isn't free, and upon checking it appears they have raised there prices from when I bought mine years ago. I originally paid $39.95 which included the the first year, then I've been paying $19.95/yr since then. It looks like the new price is $59.95 and includes the first year, and then either $35/yr or 5 years for $99.75.

I have always used mine as a soft phone, using a headset rather than plugging in a regular phone to it. It has worked very well any time I've had at least 2 bars on my wifi, and the connection stayed connected.

So I went in search of a FREE solution for you, one which will allow you to call both landlines and cellphones, without them needing to be on the same program. I think I may have found one for you, but please keep in mind that I am only going by their website, since I have not actually used it myself, but it IS free, and does look good as per their website.

Unlimited free calls to any mobile or landline in the USA & Canada:

When it comes time to renew my Magic Jack, I may even look into it further.

Good Luck! and let me know if this will work for you. If you need a headset, I will buy one for you.

Thanks OG, I'll definitely look into that. I'm not allowed to purchase any other phone stuff besides extra minutes or I lose my free phone +500 minutes/month, but if I have many more months like these it's gonna end up being cheaper to switch plans entirely regardless.

Today I got the major blow that the SSI person I spent 2 hours talking on the phone with earlier in the month has got nearly all of the info incorrect on the report. It's ridiculously stupid stuff too, e.g. after explaining that I had gifted my dad my old van (not working) and he gived me a minivan, and that he went on to sell the van, I was asked and further clarified that yes, his name was on the title when he sold it, it was not mine at the time--it comes out in the report as me currently owning BOTH vehicles. There are obvious blatant errors and twists on thre truth throughout the entire ~10 page report and if I don't manage to get them fixed in time my income stops.

I've spent most of the day attempting to sort through the mess.
Just a quick update to not leave you all hanging--the dentist I saw yesterday had not been fully briefed on my case (despite their initial reassurances) and after consulting with one of my specialists concluded it was too risky to do the procedure in that office. An operating room was suggested, but it's unlikely insurance would cover it. We're attempting anyway anyway with pre-authorizations from two of my doctors confirming the medical necessity of such. It could take as long as a couple months before we hear back and the answer is likely no.

In the meantime I'm thinking about taking a pair of pliers to it myself.

Yesterday was very rough psychologically and concluded with me calmly informing my doctor that I require a break from dealing with all this but still wish to be medically responsible, and asking what she recommends. It's been silence so far today--from all 5 professionals involved--and I'll take that as golden and go seek to enjoy my life for a bit.
Bitty, I woke up thinking of you this morning.
I read this thread yesterday and am blown away by your situation. My thought today was that although you may have suicidal days, amazingly, you are hanging onto life with both fists.
I cannot comprehend what your days must be like. Even tho you write such vivid descriptions, I have difficulty getting my head around the details.

I want to give you my best thought which is like a mantra. Tell yourself as often as you are able: "Every day in every way my life is getting better and better." Say it, feel it, believe it with every fiber of your being. To believe this expectation is your hope.

I do know how one can be so ill that even to have strength for a positive thought can be beyond your capabilities. So please do use this mantra in the moments when you do have the strength..... My sincere feeling is that this simple phrase could bring more good days into your life.

I will also share words to an old Scottish ballad (or fighting song? it's been a long time since I came across the source) : "I'll lay me down and bleed awhile, and then I'll fight again."
I simply love the Attitude of that line and have substituted words to fit my need of the moment. I healed my tattered heart after a failed romance by telling myself "I'll lay me down and cry awhile and then I'll love again."
Words can have such Power.
Wishing you sunshine & strength.
Thanks judyg. :)

My explanation officially reduced my parking ticket to a "warning". No cost beyond the stamp and several hours to compile everything. One stressor down.

I got a pretty harsh blow today--got a bill for the dentist. Insurance is refusing to cover the second visit. The bill oddly came to my parents' address, which is why I got it 10 days late. That address is only used for my driver's license and voting, so strange they decided to mail it there instead of the address that's on all the forms I gave them and also my insurance. In any case, they decided to bill me as if I was coming to the dentist for a regular exam, even though I came based on their own dentist's urgent recommendation and an extraction was scheduled, and despite the paperwork no examination of my teeth even occurred, let alone the procedure. The majority of the visit was me sitting in the chair twiddling my thumbs with no professionals in the room, as they sought contact with one of my specialists. And insurance is trying to force me to pay for that, even though I was assured of full coverage, which is why I went someplace where I had to use a wheelchair for the first time in several years and pay for parking, and experience a lot of shoddy treatment from medical professionals who should know better.

Tomorrow will find me swimming in phone calls again.

I have a case manager whose job it is to help with this sort of thing. Unfortunately, I'm better at her job than she is, in ways that make all the difference. I simply cannot do the job without significantly depriving myself of food and sleep due to extreme stress levels.

I have a hearing scheduled on the 28th to take my appeal before a judge at the state level for the earplugs prescribed last fall. Three different times I called the insurance company and spoke with people who assured me up and down that it would be covered. But I was forced to sign a paper that said I'd pay for it if it wasn't before they'd even send it in. At that point it had already been ~6 months with no restful sleep and significant ear pain due to the open sores caused by off-the-shelf earplugs. Now insurance has decided no more appeals, they've made their final decision. So I'm taking it to the state. My doctors fully vouch for me that this is a medical necessity. Insurance said they would pay for it. And I was left high and dry, about something that significantly affects the quality of my life daily.

Now another fight begins for coverage of an appointment where nothing even got accomplished.

I informed my doctor, my therapist, and my case manager that I am terrified of moving forward any further because I can't afford to get billed for things I was told insurance would cover.  I'm *this close* to buying my own dental extraction kit off Amazon. It's in the cart and the only reason I'm hesitating is because if I hold off a month I can budget it in next month, which would be better.

I immensely despise the system that paints ME as the crazy one for planning to pull my own tooth when I went to three separate appointments for the dental emergency and nothing actually occurred to take care of it beyond antibiotics. All that happened was a lot of false hope, unanticipated expenses, and traumatic experiences. I've still got more than one ticking time bomb in my mouth, including this one, and not a lot of tangible hope at the moment for reasonable dentistry ever occurring. :(
debit.servus, this is now the third PM you have sent me regarding this matter in the past 4 weeks. I am not interested in your offer. Please stop contacting me.

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