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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2015
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Where ever you find me
I have been trying to sort this all out.

Let us assume that I will be boondocking most of the time.   Assume two people, both women..not using a pee bottle.. One disabled, she will need to sit down.

A port a potty has to be emptied...where and how?  I guess it might last 1day.   Does this mean driving to a public bathroom every morning?
Black water system.   Maybe goes longer...but then, same problem except now I need a dump station?  

Without mincing words...exactly what do you do with that composting toilet when it is full?   Bury it in the desert?   Daily?    

Using plastic bags and kitty that cannot be dumped into a  toilet, and certainly not a trash now what?

I read that some water is needed to keep it from clogging up.   Just how heavy does thing thing get?

I am getting very little info that is direct and to the point.   I need point blank practical knowledge to make an informed decision.   

Help folks.......
Some people think pee and poo are gross and nasty, well they were once a part of your body system inside of you does that make you gross and nasty? count your blessings. many cultures analyze whatever comes out and learn about their diet. This is not gross or nasty, it's intelligent and wise.
Actually a garbage can IS a good place.
(Where do diapers go ?)
Do you drive the RV to a place to dump it every day? How long could 2 people last between dumps?

Seems like driving a class C would get costly that way. Hate to think of building up a bunch of bags and then load them all on to do a weekly run?

Maybe I should think of an exterior storage? Like a backwater dump..but, store bags in a compartment for dumping later?

How to you solve dumping when you are boondocking?
BTW, composting toilet is a bit of a misnomer since the solids container doesn't stay in THAT container long enough for the waste to actually 'compost'. It CAN be dumped in to a humanure composting bin if one is available but they are rather scarce at present. Separating toilet is a better term.

First of all I have a C-Head separating toilet in use for one person full time since last October. The C-Head uses one gallon standard water jugs for collecting the liquid. I liked it better for that reason as well as cost when I was comparing the various separating toilets on the market. None of the separating toilets use water for anything.

What I do with the containers from the 'composting' toilet is this:

Liquid container - I carry 2, you may need more than this. I can do any of the following, depending on the area and the circumstances

- put the gallon jug in a carry-all bag, take it with me in to a washroom at a service centre, rest area, a porta pottie, and dump it.
- making sure that I am well away from human traffic and ALL sources of water, well, I've been known to water a few trees with it... :rolleyes:  I take care not to dump the whole gallon in one spot. I would rather pretend I'm a whole bunch of guys all finding their own trees... :D

Solids container - I get usually 3 weeks out of it before it becomes too heavy for me to handle. I've learned that emptying it at the 2 - 2 1/2 week mark works better for me. YMMV with 2 people using it.

I decided after couple of uses that the secondary container lid and the 5 gallon bucket I bought to fit it, that comes with the C-Head was taking up way too much space and wasn't really necessary. I have a 5 gallon square container that is a match to the bucket that I keep the pine shavings in and they stack when the disposal container is not being used. The secondary container lid that comes with the C-Head would be handy for someone on a boat needing a long term storage solution.

I line the disposal bucket with a 2 heavy duty green garbage bags and then go someplace where I'm not worried about humans being around - I do this just in case we have a little bit of spillage - it's happened once!! Once I've transferred the content to the trash bag lined container I head for - a) a landfill site where I can dump the bag; b) a dumpster that will be emptied mechanically. There have been some dumpsters like the one at the laundromat in Ehrenberg where I found people dumpster diving regularly - I wouldn't use that one nor will I use ones at the back of grocery stores for example. Most of the time I can find a landfill in the area.

If you're in a heavily forested area you COULD haul the bucket way, way out in the bush, dig a cathole of suitable size and bury the waste. Cathole should have 6" of fill on top of it, so it could be a lot of digging. And a lot of hauling. It's not practical in the desert since the ground is extremely hard to dig in and decomposition takes place extremely slowly in dry conditions.

Toilet paper goes in a kitchen catcher sized garbage bin.

And NO, there hasn't been one occasion where there has been a residual smell from the toilet system. Like any bathroom, mine needs the occasional airing immediately after use... :rolleyes: :D
RoamingKat said:
I have been trying to sort this all out.

Let us assume that I will be boondocking most of the time.   Assume two people, both women..not using a pee bottle.. One disabled, she will need to sit down. You really are going to need to separate pee and poo, it's combining them that creates all your problems. Gete one of these for each of you and you can direct the pee into any bottle and then take it outside to dump

A port a potty has to be emptied...where and how?  I guess it might last 1day.   Does this mean driving to a public bathroom every morning? A porta potty can last two people who are seperating their pee out at least a week and can be dumped in any toilet or at any dump station.

Black water system.   Maybe goes longer...but then, same problem except now I need a dump station?  Yes, 

Without mincing words...exactly what do you do with that composting toilet when it is full?   Bury it in the desert?   Daily?  I don' use one, but I know a composting toilet goes for weeks for two people

Using plastic bags and kitty that cannot be dumped into a  toilet, and certainly not a trash now what? This is by far your best option!! Line the 5 gallon bucket with a plastic bag and wrap it up after each use--no kitte litter no saw dust, no nothig. Next time you are near a trash can, throw it away

I read that some water is needed to keep it from clogging up.   Just how heavy does thing thing get? My plastic bag is a few ounces, but you are right, the porta potty can start to get heavy.

Go to this video and watch it until you come to the part on a woman going to potty--she will answer all your questions!! Just adjust the time since she is alone. She is one of those rare women who can talk openly about what our society makes taboo.

i'm a dude,i pee outside all the time,i dont see where there is a problem with peeing outside on whatever,so a disabled female using one of these

to pee outside i have no problem with
and since i poo usually once a day,that can be buried,bagged or black tank etc.
Everyone has already given you great advice so I don't have anything to add. But you can certainly dump in a trash can, same place dirty diapers and doggy poo bags go.
After reading all this great info I have my plan. Use the funnel thing to pee in a bottle or bucket with a lid, dump it once a day (or as needed). Little porta bucket with seat lid for poo. Put 33 gal trash bag inside, then put trash compactor bag inside. After use, wrap up poo bag and leave in bucket. Set up new poo / compactor bag. Repeat until it needs emptied either due to weight or getting full. Take out 33 gal trash bag with all the little bags inside, take to dump / trash. I won't know how long between trash runs until I am using it.
Sounds like you figured it out. Although I wouldn't wait until the bucket is full to get rid of it, whenever you're near a store or gas station or whatever just toss it in the trash bin. Nobody would even know what you're doing, not that it matters because it's not illegal.
you can get biodegradable bags so if you wanted to you could burry them, the ones I use are made by Glad for kitchen compost. I have a compartment on my rear bumper that I store my full bags in.
wagoneer said:
das right not illegal. I can go 2 weeks of poo and empty my pee every 2 days.

My goal is to be set up to stay in one spot for 2 weeks. Not sure I will make it, but will try. Won't know for sure until I am out there doing it. Learning curves. :)