there are several reasons why I love my stepvans, over cube vans.
I like how high I sit in my stepvan. It's like a medium duty truck, and I can pretty much see over all but the tallest, the visibility when you go somewhere scenic is outstanding!!
I like that I can walk from the front all the way to the back, no problem. I don't hafta crawl through a hatch, and I don't hafta get outta my van to go around to climb in the back door.
I like that it's made from aluminum. I don't worry about rust, and electrolysis is easy to derail should it pop up. Plus, the aluminum makes it light, so I'm sure that helps keep the fuel bills lower.
I LOVE my side pocket doors!!!
I can park right up against something, but still climb outta my van, without worrying about banging into something parked next to me, like a parked car. I also LOVE driving around on a sunny day with my doors slid open!! It's almost as much fun as motorcycling!! (why do you think the UPS man does this???)
If I have a mechanical issue, I can lift the doghouse and do repais to my van without ever getting out. (especially nice in bad weather.)
My son and I were thnking one day, and came up with a list of 327 different, fun and cool things a stepvan is great for!!
A cube van can do many of these things as well, but I still think a stepvan does them ALL so much better, and with alot more fun!!
as for fuel economy...I'd bet it'd be pretty close to the same for both rigs. Engine & running gear combos are basically available in the same combinations for both vehicles.
As far as price??....hmmmmmmmmm, I can't see why one would be more expensive over the other, besides condition, mileage, and the usual vehicle stuff.
I've had 7 stepvans, and #8 is on the horison!!