I noticed I had also forgotten to show the progress on the back half of the van. I have my tool storage just about complete.
On the top shelf, is my collapsible metal saw horses. I have a piece of wood cut to slip in a channel to hold them in place.
The next shelf has three cat liter tubs, and the socket set I have wanted all my life. The tubs are square, so they fit perfectly and hold a large amount of stuff. I have them labeled in both ends and top so with a glance I can find what I need. It also has a wood slat that fits perfectly to hold everything in place. I just lift and the tubs are available.
The third shelf has tool boxes, and the box with the bits for my dremel hand tools. These will be held in with straps with quick release clips. I know what I want, but have not been to the only store in 30 miles to get them yet.
On the floor is space around the wheel well. It currently is holding a couple breaker bars, the tow hitch, and a case of drill bits I found at a yard sale for $1. (SCORE!)
On the end by the door, I have my come-a-long hanging over my tool bucket. Under that is the cat box. My cat currently has a similar one in the house under a sink. Easy to get to and clean, but not going anywhere!
On the drivers side is the clothing rack and closet. You can see the back of the left rear speaker. Next to that will be the power box and what switches I decide to put in to keep from using my breakers as switches. (Not a good idea!) On the floor are a couple more cat litter tubs, with over flow specialty tools and my work tool bags. In the end by the door there will be several hand tools strapped against the wall, with three tubs in front of them. These tubs will have my food and water supplies.
I am working on how to mount the TV on the back door when parked, and put it in the closet while moving. (Flat screen) There will be enough room when set up to move full 4X8 sheets of plywood.
Today I was testing my fridge that has been stored for the past year, and tomorrow I will be cleaning it and setting it up to design my cabinet and sink around. This will be removeable so I can gain access to the battery box under it.
Simran said:
Looks real nice! Thanks for the visuals
Thanks. I am a visual learner~~~Quite dyslexic. I find that a picture says more than an entire chapter sometimes.

By looking at this thread, I am able to think about what would fit where, and what I need to also install. :huh: