Starting out in my car

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Thanks for that great, great report!! It sounds like you are finding the good times that are always hidden in the bad times!! Lemons into lemonade and all that!

Keep us informed!
Thanks . couple more things I found out but didn't mention. When I first left I went to Land Between The Lakes, a national park in Kentucky, and Tennessee. Beautiful, huge lake, camping was not free, but for $30.00 I got annual pass for a year. with over 500 primitive campsites to choose from. Spent almost the full month of May there. Was making bad financial decisions with food and gas, and ran low on money. Nearest town was Benton, Ky. so I called some churches, to maybe see if I could get some food, can goods or anything. NO. You have to be a resident. At least that's how it was in Ky. So I've pretty much scratched that off. Doesn't upset or bother me, just something to keep in mind. I shouldn't have to depend on charity anyway.
a45cap said:
Thanks . couple more things I found out but didn't mention. When I first left I went to Land Between The Lakes, a national park in Kentucky, and Tennessee. Beautiful, huge lake, camping was not free, but for $30.00 I got annual pass for a year. with over 500 primitive campsites to choose from. Spent almost the full month of May there. Was making bad financial decisions with food and gas, and ran low on money. Nearest town was Benton, Ky. so I called some churches, to maybe see if I could get some food, can goods or anything. NO. You have to be a resident. At least that's how it was in Ky. So I've pretty much scratched that off. Doesn't upset or bother me, just something to keep in mind. I shouldn't have to depend on charity anyway.

I'm curious, what kind of mistakes did you make on gas and food that ran you low on money? You said that you had $1300 to work with per month. So far, in reading your previous posts you have done great with free spots for camping, and staying for extended times which saves lots on gas. What was the food mistakes?
Goodness, I would be interested to learn of such mistakes too. 13 bills, economy car, and cheap/free camping would go a long way. Many here live on half that amount and feed less economic vans.
Were you indulging in expensive meals and bar bills??
lobster, filet mignon, dom perignon, caviar, truffles. anything is possible. highdesertranger
a45cap said:
I have a '95 Nissan Maxima. I've had a couple overnight trips just to see how it does. Fully loaded with everything I'm going to be taking with me. First thing I'm doing. HEADING SOUTH ! I currently live in Central Indiana. I'm going to try to get to Gulf Shores Al. within the first 2 days. I have 22 days left to prepare for this. And ready or not it'll be car living. Kinda scary, but yet I'm excited to know it's finaly going to happen.

A car. A little car at that. Not judging, but I can not imagine living in a car. What do you do when you are rained in or when you get sick?
Good luck to you! It's an adventure!! It's the path not the destination that's enjoyable. This time of year Florida is a nice place to get stuck in case your car breaks down. (Not that it will). Please keep us posted and if you are in a situation that you should need help contact me. [email protected]
Hello. Good luck to you and Coco on your adventure. Remember there are places that will help you if you need it. Salvation Army etc. Doesn't' sound like you have over planned your trip. You don't need a lot if your"'re like me. Remember it is an adventure. Gulf Shores is a nice area but all along the coast there is a good area. I'm in Gatlinburg presently and there's a few places to park I know of. Also remember Wal Mart loves you. No need for a big way water container. I carry bottles of water with me. A zip lock baggie is your friend also. Need them for everything. Usually no problem finding a bathroom to freshen up in. Plenty of laundries around . Kind of a different mindset from desert camping. Have to adjust differently to both. Not much need for a big cooler. I do tend to eat out a lot. Remember also "you live out of it, NOT in it my friend. If you and Coco get down this way gimme a yell. Hobo