St. Brendan's Isle ... mail-forwarding service

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May 5, 2012
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As a brand-new newbie, just signed up tonight, I realize I might not have a whole lot of "value" to offer to you veterans. &nbsp;But, as a yachtie, a future live-aboard cruiser, and an "associate" of the Seven Seas Cruising Association ... I may have a line on something that might be useful to the Cheap RV lifestyle.<div><br></div><div>"<a href="www/" target="_blank">St. Brendan's Isle</a>" is a mail-forwarding service and accommodation address in Florida, that is geared to sailors and world cruisers but is also glad to market itself to the "land-yacht" set. They offer a "home address" that holds your mail, then forwards it to you wherever you might ask 'em to send it - from Bozeman, MT to Bora Bora, Tahiti. &nbsp;Florida has some real advantages, in terms of "state taxes," for the wanderer ... that's why St. Brendan's Isle established themselves there.</div><div><br></div><div>They offer a "fixed address" (for USPS purposes, and UPS purposes, and even IRS purposes if you need it) for people like my fellow yachties, who might be Sailing Beyond The Sunset this month ... but who might set their anchor in the Marquesas, or New Zealand, or who-knows? in a few days. And they work the same for people who might be parked in Bug Tussle, Missatuckey (zip code 45678 or whatever) this week - and can pick up a couple of boxes of mail that's labeled "Hold For Pick-up," when it arrives.</div><div><br></div><div>Your bank, your payers and your creditors won't know more than your address at "Suite #####, #### ##th Avenue, #####, Florida ##### ..." - &nbsp;but they'll honor it as a valid residency address, in a state that has no state income tax (which is a saving in and of itself!)</div><div><br></div><div>I hope this helps somebody ...</div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Welcome aboard.&nbsp; You've got one step down pat, and an important one.&nbsp; Your input is great. Thanks!</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Rae</p>
Used them now for 2 yrs. Great service, all mail held or delivered by me just getting online and specifying which.
Glad to know about another good mail forwarder!<br><br>Keep us informed about your moving onto a yacht. While it technically isn't a RV, this site is about the attitude of freedom as much as about the vehicle of that freedom. I'd love to hear all about it!<br>Bob<br>
Bump this old one.
The problem with Florida is medical insurance (Medicare with supplement) is 2/3 to twice as much as other states.
I've used them for two years when we do our on and off travel. They are great. They email you every time you get mail. You can see all your accumulated mail online (envelopes). For a small additional fee they will also open and scan any mail you check so you can see what is in important-looking mail without waiting for it to get to you by snail mail. And of course they will send your mail wherever you want, whenever you want it.

Very highly recommended.
It's a very respected company in Green Cove Springs, FL and has been in business since the 70's, I believe. Its original purpose was to handle mail for people who sail for months at a time, Merchant Marines, etc. It was later expanded to serve full time RVers.
this IS a reputable company with lots of good recommendations.
Technically, since the OP only ever did 2 posts it is spam. But it's also very good info and since Sunny1 confirms it the most important thing is getting the information out, not punishing the OP for spamming.
Spam is when your email or site is inundated by stuff you don't want. If I had a service I would call my friends attention to that service. I would not agree that I was spamming.
Never the less. This company has received recommendations across many internet groups and comes very well recommended by many users of the service. They have been around for many decades.
Thanks to the original poster for giving us an alternative for mail service. And thanks to ME for bumping it up for others if they need such service in Fla.
I don't own or have any interest in this company. I don't use this service as I don't want Fla address as outlined above.

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