spooky action at a distance

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2013
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Tried to take Whiz on a hike to the river today. It's a rough trail thru 2 gates. He has been there before. This afternoon, we were halfway there when he stopped cold, froze, and stared toward the river for nearly a full minute. I saw nothing, heard nothing.

Then, he bolted back uphill towards the first gate and jumped at it to tell me to hurry up and open it. He ran straight for the second gate back into the park. I put his leash on and he pulled hard all the way back to the rv.

I have heard coyotes at night and I think there are bobcats around. But I am not a stealthy hiker. Both those animals should have heard me and taken off. Not sure Whiz would recognize either one, anyway.. Not sure what spooked him, but something definitely did.
Good to take heed, Whiz may have saved your life. I'm sure you take protection, spray or something when you go out, as much for human as well as other predators.
I've had several reactions like that from dogs that I knew had no fear of bears or coyotes. Each time I was pretty sure that it was a big Cat. Once in the Sierras I'm convinced it was a Mountain Lion. Homer was big and chased bears and coyotes and they always ran from him. Whatever this was terrified him and he turned and ran straight back to camp.

Mountain Lions will stalk and kill humans and they are so quiet and fast there is little defense against them.
Completely off-topic, did you know that Einstein used this exact phrase to describe a newly discovered Quantum Physics phenomenon?
Yes, I did. That is why I used it.

We were pretty close to the river. I know mountain lions are in the hills, but it did not occur to me that any would come out of the hills and be so close to the campground. I generally sound like an elephant in plate armor when I am out, boots clomping and leash hook banging against water bottles or bear spray canister and me yelling at the dog to wait up. I am surprised anything would not run away from all that racket, but something did not.
Someone at the park mentioned that javelina. They have been seen in the area. A woman at the sports shop said someone had shot a 300 pounder, tho I suspect that figure was exaggerated.

DH says they were talking about havenia when I drifted over to look at hiking boots and had moved on to feral pigs when I drifted back. A 300 # feral pig makes more sense. Wish I had seen or heard what Whiz sensed.
Mt Lions are one of the very few animals that consistently stalk people. Your noise might have attracted it!

My dog showed no fear of Javalina, but that doesn't mean yours wouldn't.
jeanontheroad said:
Yes, I did. That is why I used it.

We were pretty close to the river. I know mountain lions are in the hills, but it did not occur to me that any would come out of the hills and be so close to the campground. I generally sound like an elephant in plate armor when I am out, boots clomping and leash hook banging against water bottles or bear spray canister and me yelling at the dog to wait up. I am surprised anything would not run away from all that racket, but something did not.

akrvbob said:
Completely off-topic, did you know that Einstein used this exact phrase to describe a newly discovered Quantum Physics phenomenon?

Ok, I'm pretty good at science, but what am I missing or not seeing here? I read and re-read the OP and don't see it.
Did anyone see the news article about the Wyoming woman killed by unknown predator(s)? Some think it may have been coy dogs or coywolves, which are more aggressive towards humans than coyotes or wolves and don't necessarily run when they know you are coming along. They are supposed to be spreading throughout the country Certainly made me think. I normally put my trust in Whiz to let me know if something is there, and bear spray and a stout stick to deal with it. Not so sure about that, now. Maybe I will take DH up on his offer to get me a gun for hiking.
I am a little suspect on the unknown part. but yes I did read about it, and about the dogs interbreeding with coyotes and wolfs. feral dogs when they pack up are also a problem. people that turn any animal loose are a**holes imo. be safe. highdesertranger
I thought the unknown part was odd, too. Surely they could have identified an attack by bears or cougars. That leaves dogs or coyotes, and coyotes don't usually attack people, do they? A neighbor decided to really stir up my paranoia by suggesting that it might be a murder with the body left out for scavengers.