Specific box truck propane question

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Sep 10, 2012
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Ok so I already read through the cooking stove thread on the cooking section and saw mixed answers and opinions so I just want to ask a yes or no question. Box trucks&nbsp;probably have less ventilation than an rv SO:&nbsp;&nbsp;Can I Cook with a coleman 2 burner stove in a box truck without snuffing myself out? yes/no?&nbsp;<br /><br />If there's a mix group of answers I'll just base the result democratically lol.&nbsp;<br /><br />I got a 14ft old uhaul if that helps<br /><br />Thanks! Sorry if this has already been covered, I just wanted a more clear answer than what I saw&nbsp;
No worries with propane... Just make sure to mount the bottle securely for travel... Crack a window also if your worried about fumes, but honestly there is nothing to worry about...
As long&nbsp; as your not&nbsp; using it&nbsp;for&nbsp;heat&nbsp; and&nbsp; just&nbsp; a&nbsp; quick&nbsp;&nbsp; egg&nbsp; and&nbsp; bacon or&nbsp; Hamburger something like that &nbsp;,&nbsp;&nbsp;You Should be&nbsp;fine.&nbsp;&nbsp; You&nbsp; do&nbsp; need&nbsp; to&nbsp; get&nbsp; some fresh&nbsp; air&nbsp; vents&nbsp;&nbsp; in it&nbsp; though .&nbsp;I&nbsp; got&nbsp; a 14 footer&nbsp;Cab over.&nbsp; Box&nbsp; trucks&nbsp; are pretty&nbsp; tight .&nbsp; Crack&nbsp; the roll up&nbsp;&nbsp;door open&nbsp; just&nbsp; a little . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Yes! Like everyone has said, you just need to add some ventilation. Put a couple of 14x14 RV vents in the roof and you will be safe and much more comfortable in the heat. They are so high no one can see them so no harm to your stealth.&nbsp; <br /><br />You can also just drill some 1/2 inch holes in the floor near the stove. I assume you have a pass-through from the front to the back, if so then just crack the windows would be enough.&nbsp; Bob