Speaking of potty's

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ACagedTraveller said:
The majority of replies on this thread made me laugh  :) .

What are we here for if not to entertain each other?

How many sites have you been on where people posted pics of toilets and other people were interested?
highdesertranger said:
"I am interested in some sort of vacuum hose attachment that they could use."   ok gcal you owe me a beer for that comment,  luckily I missed my lap top when I gagged and spilled the rest on my chair.  highdesertranger

I have Corona and Heineken. Maybe one Guinness left if I don't drink it, myself before you get it.
As one who is unabashedly male, I agree that standing to whiz is the only self-respecting pose.

However as an orderly, clean, and lucid person, I agree that doing so in a toilet will always produce splatters, and I am confounded that we as a society have not reconciled this glaring inefficiency with simple infrastructure.

I figured out the solution to this issue years ago, as an adolescent; I pissed in the sink. Sinks clearly are the more ideal apparatus. They're waist height, no 2' stream travel, no missing, no splatters, just smooth travel down the basin and then one or two handfuls of water from the faucet rinses with far less waste than a toilet flush. I never whiz in a toilet.

In the van, this is part of the reason I installed a funnel (which, yes, my girlfriend at the time attested an affinity for in her own use, and I think mine was the post being referenced by someone here).

Incidentally, I've not known many women who viewed sink peeing as a more hygienic alternative to the toilet, so if you are in that category and you found my second paragraph falsely encouraging then I apologize for misleading you. But I stand by my three operating points: Men stand, toilets splatter, and we need different systems.

For anyone in the mobile life I really do recommend a funnel and tubing deal. Easy, clean, works for men and women, gives the option to separate...

Also, not that I approve of playing the blame game or anything, but in my experience females more than males splatter the underside of the toilet seat when they unleash a splashback-inducing cascade of Niagara Falls mimmickry. Yes, I clean the underside of my toilet seat. Not that I have to... When I'm the only one using it...
TMG51 said:
I figured out the solution to this issue years ago, as an adolescent; I pissed in the sink. 
Geez, I hope you took the dishes out, first.
gcal stop it already. "Geez, I hope you took the dishes out, first". good thing I wasn't drinking a beer that time, I was eating a piece of pumpkin bread and I about choked to death. highdesertranger
gcal said:
Geez, I hope you took the dishes out, first.

Like HDR I'm going to take that as a joke since I'm not sure what about a person who cleans the underside of his toilet seat would give the impression of peeing on dinnerware.
bcbullet said:
I am going to come right out and say it....if I own the toilet I sit on it to urinate; if I don't own it then I stand. There are few things in life more disgusting than splattered walls and dried yellow stains on vanities, tubs and anything else surrounding a toilet. Ask my better half how much she appreciates it...she is even teaching her grandkids (boys 6 and 7) the same rule.

Same here. Rule applies to the house and the travel trailer. Even if my aim was perfect, the wayward spray would end up on my bath towels folded under the sink counter... right next to the toilet.

Neither the house or the camper smell like piss.

I have a porcelain sea-land toilet in the camper. One of the first upgrades I did.

Pissing in the sink is just gross, sorry.
Here's a urinal I built for my wood shop a few years ago. The water comes from a storage tank, 1500 gallons, but I still didn't want to waste a gallon of water per flush.
Homestead 12 120 (Medium).JPGHomestead 12 123 (Medium).JPG

During use, a fellow can aim nearly all production directly into the drain pipe in the bottom of the bowl. After using, the re-purposed sink sprayer is removed from it's socket and a quick spray of water is applied to the entire inside of the bowl (originally a brake fluid jug). Then the sprayer is replaced in the socket and the valve handle is depressed for a couple seconds to run enough water down the drain to flush the P trap. Total water usage, far less than 2 cups per flush. After several years there are no stains on the unfinished sheetrock wall and no aroma. As I recall, the white splatter on the front appeared about the same time that my dad was washing a paint brush, ha,ha. The socket is made from copper fittings that are soldered together. Then I powder coated them, which was the original use for that building, my powder coating shop.


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Fabber McGee said:
Here's a urinal I built for my wood shop a few years ago. The water comes from a storage tank, 1500 gallons, but I still didn't want to waste a gallon of water per flush.

During use, a fellow can aim nearly all production directly into the drain pipe in the bottom of the bowl. After using, the re-purposed sink sprayer is removed from it's socket and a quick spray of water is applied to the entire inside of the bowl (originally a brake fluid jug). Then the sprayer is replaced in the socket and the valve handle is depressed for a couple seconds to run enough water down the drain to flush the P trap. Total water usage, far less than 2 cups per flush. After several years there are no stains on the unfinished sheetrock wall and no aroma. As I recall, the white splatter on the front appeared about the same time that my dad was washing a paint brush, ha,ha. The socket is made from copper fittings that are soldered together. Then I powder coated them, which was the original use for that building, my powder coating shop.

I am showing this to DH.
So, gcal, you have the built-in toilet with the black water tank. We have had 3 and they were all basically the same in size although, I think over the years, they have downsized them to save money on materials. You could probably make some vinegar wipes in the same method as used to make your baby wipes. If anyone uses a funnel, that will have to be cleaned. Old pee smells really bad. I guess if you replace it, you'll have to physically see your choices but unlike with something like a bed, I doubt they will allow a "test" run.
Fabber McGee said:
Here's a urinal I built for my wood shop a few years ago. The water comes from a storage tank, 1500 gallons, but I still didn't want to waste a gallon of water per flush.

During use, a fellow can aim nearly all production directly into the drain pipe in the bottom of the bowl. After using, the re-purposed sink sprayer is removed from it's socket and a quick spray of water is applied to the entire inside of the bowl (originally a brake fluid jug). Then the sprayer is replaced in the socket and the valve handle is depressed for a couple seconds to run enough water down the drain to flush the P trap. Total water usage, far less than 2 cups per flush. After several years there are no stains on the unfinished sheetrock wall and no aroma. As I recall, the white splatter on the front appeared about the same time that my dad was washing a paint brush, ha,ha. The socket is made from copper fittings that are soldered together. Then I powder coated them, which was the original use for that building, my powder coating shop.

Cool design, thanks. What's the blue spout made of?
If you are talking about the blue "funnel" he is using, he said it was a old brake fluid jug.  The funnel is the only thing blue that I see in his picture.
That funnel design certainly appears to represent a creative illustration of improvisation.
B and C said:
If you are talking about the blue "funnel" he is using, he said it was a old brake fluid jug.  The funnel is the only thing blue that I see in his picture.

Yes I overlooked that.
Geez, I had to get up and use the facilities 3 times to get through this thread.....power of suggestion.
gcal said:
I am interested in some sort of vacuum hose attachment that they could use.

wish granted


i'm a guy,how do you think i get my wheels so clean
Anyone? Anyone??


...no? Okay that's just me then. Nevermind. Gonna quit before this thread is any further off topic.


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I read this whole thing and I don't know if I am off topic.....The best way to urinate is outside....or late at night in a bottle and then dump it out in the morning. Not in the same spot. Nothing to clean up!
Sameer said:
I read this whole thing and I don't know if I am off topic.....The best way to urinate is outside....or late at night in a bottle and then dump it out in the morning.  Not in the same spot.  Nothing to clean up!
I like it!
Any guy spraying a four foot diameter pattern like a lawn sprinkler has a serious medical problem.  Or he is marking territory?  Most of us have far better control and home training.
Of course being a man means "the world is our urinal".  Trees are often convenient.