Solar help needed at the RTR

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Minivanmotoman said:
Just a thought but, check your wiring/connections maybe? Go work at the library or Starbucks?
Definitely get a small generator if you can since power is critical for you.

The wiring was the 2nd thing I checked.  I even respliced some some wires from my panel to the controller which I thought might be suspect.  As for a small gen.. yep, I agree.  That would be  prudent for sure, although not something I can do right now.

Thank you!
tx2sturgis said:
Tim, are your panels flat mounted or tiltable?

Flat panels will underperform during low sun angles and short winter days...toss in clouds and then it's just a trickle of power. 

Jim gets good power production because he has a large panel that can be tilted up to gather more sunlight.

My panels are fixed / flat which I suspect is my issue.  It's odd though because everything seemed to work great at home... but alas, I didn't spend much time on my laptop.
frater secessus said:
You mean to get some tilt advantage?  That could help.

I think if we could get him out of the Bulk hole the voltage would come up high enough for the controller to haul in meaningful power from the panels.  Then bumping Vabs and Vfloat to the max Lifeline recommends could maximize power capture.

Tim:  I don't have enough solar grunt to charge your bank, but I can probably run your laptop during daylight.  Right now I'm putting 8+ amps into my own bank and will have surplus shortly (just started Absorption a few minutes ago).  If you have a 110 adapter for your laptop, we could scare up an 50' - 75' extension cord and plug it into my 300w inverter.    The extension cord would allow you to have distance/privacy for working and a sense of independence.  I am super quiet and private so I wouldn't bother you. The inversion to 110 would help reduce power loss over the distance.     

My inverter and other luxuries work on an opportunity circuit that cuts out at 12.7v, so your use literally could not affect my own power situation.   If it did pull down to 12.7v it would cut off, wait about 15mins after hitting 13v again, and kick back on.  Your laptop battery would engage during those periods, if any.  I met some web work deadlines in the 90s so I feel your pain, brother.

That is very generous of you.  If nothing else, would love to shake your hand for such an offer.  Where might I find you ?
frater secessus said:
Random thought:  have you considered running just one of the Lifelines (I assume they are 12v AGM in parallel)?  In that scenario you might get a full charge on one, unhook it for storage, hook up the other and leave it in place.

That'd be 400w solar to 210Ah of battery, which is much closer to what the batteries want.  105A of usable capacity would be fine if we stow the rice cooker  :) and I suspect it would be healthier for both batteries. I'd hate to see a beautiful and $$$ set of lifelines damaged by remaining at a low state of charge.

I think I'll do this tomorrow.  For what it's worth, when I get to 12.2 I'm starting the engine to charge the batts  Also, one other reason to do this is because I purchased these batts used, and while they have served me well for a year, I was wondering if one might be a bit sick. I mentioned this to the tech at solar bill and he thought my usage was normal, i.e. domestic fridge, clap, and laptop.
HI, I am in Phoenix now trying to find batteries for my new solar panels.  Does anyone know where to find the optimum agm blue top 12 volt in phoenix?

[email protected]

I could order online but don’t know the address of the store that
Accepts packages.????
Rockin Robin
On a red mobility scooter once I get to the RTR
Optimas are built for rough service and charge a premium for it. In my opinion the extra cost could go for a battery better suited to our purposes. That said there is a service in Quartzsite that receives packages and the Laundromat in Ehrenberg will too.
Thanks. What kind / size do you recommend?
300 watts of solar panels
Okay, I think I'm okay now. After driving a bit yesterday and conserving last eve, I'm now pulling 9 amps and in boost/absorption mode in full sun. I think I understand estimated the impact of short days, low sun on the horizon and heading into overcast days with batteries which weren't really full. I am disappointed that I can't seem to get more than 10 amps, but so be it :)

- T
UmpquaTim said:
After getting a bit of a lecture about how Trump has likely increased Chemtrail activity and how that might impact my solar harvesting, nothing else the tech said was credible to me.  

 When I left they were debating how much Chemtrail would be needed to have any impact.

Wow, scary.  Those people who believe the vapor trails from high-flying aircraft are actually some sort of secret government plot to seed the air with mind controlling chemicals, don't, IMHO, have both oars in the water.  
The moment someone says, in all seriousness, "Chemtrails", they lose all credibility, are considered to be criminally insane, and are forever thereafter avoided completely.   :p

Thanks for the unofficial review of a place to stay away from.