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the truth will set you free


plants say"give me 3x the co2"

"Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential component of photosynthesis (also called carbon assimilation). Photosynthesis is a chemical process that uses light energy to convert CO2 and water into sugars in green plants. These sugars are then used for growth within the plant, through respiration. The difference between the rate of photosynthesis and the rate of respiration is the basis for dry-matter accumulation (growth) in the plant. In greenhouse production the aim of all growers is to increase dry-matter content and economically optimize crop yield. CO2 increases productivity through improved plant growth and vigour. Some ways in which productivity is increased by CO2 include earlier flowering, higher fruit yields, reduced bud abortion in roses, improved stem strength and flower size. Growers should regard CO2 as a nutrient."

the ironies
the save the earth folks that want lower co2 are actually wanting to suffocate the plants
the save the earth folk who hate the government are believing everything the government says about co2
when it gets cold everything dies,when it gets warm everything flourishes

Like I said, anyone who thinks science is a conspiracy against them, is simply not worth taking seriously.

That is the same crackpot horse shit that comes from everyone from moon landing deniers to anti-vacciners to creationists.
PS--the whole "plants love CO2!!" argument is a naive one based on a lack of understanding of basic ecology and biology. Plant species are already going extinct because of rapid climate change--the rate of CO2 increase is higher today than it has ever been in all of earth's history. Evolution cannot adapt that quickly. (And of course I won't pay any attention to the crackpots who think "evolution" is another conspiracy--they are not worth taking seriously.)
this is part of what I am talking about,

this is a classic example of cherry picking data. where is the rest of the equation. this one part of the formula has been removed from the equation to prove a point. you can't do that, that is an incomplete equation. if you just take that excerpt it would appear that as you create more CO2 you are depleting Oxygen. so as CO2 rises O2 would fall. that's a lot of O2 molecules bonding to the Carbon. so are Oxygen levels falling at the same rate that CO2 is rising? why don't we hear about the O2 levels falling. where is the Carbon Monoxide(CO)? isn't some of the Carbon forming CO? ah, so all the Carbon in gas is not going into Forming CO2. that is a flawed formula. what about all the other molecules in the equation where are they? they all play a part in the final outcome

you can't cherry pick data to prove a point(who's doing that) well you can cherry pick but it's not that simple, it's not the whole picture and I am not that gullible. I want to see the whole equation then we can intelligently discus what is going on. highdesertranger

oops it didn't post Bobs formula only a link to it . the link just goes to Bob formula which you can see 2 posts up.
Silliness such as this always amuses me. 99% of all the climate scientists on the planet, in every country, have concluded from the data that (1) the earth is warming at a higher rate today than it ever has, and (2) we are the cause of it.

If 99% of all the car mechanics on the planet told you that you needed new brakes, you'd get new brakes. If 99% of all the doctors in the world told you that you have cancer, you'd begin treatment. If 99% of all the mammologists in the world told you that montremes lay eggs, you'd agree that monotremes lay eggs.

But if 99% of all the climate scientists in the world tell us that we are causing global warming, we wanna yell "CONSPIRACY!!!!!" at them because hey, we saw the whole plot exposed in a YouTube video. (And Bob is OBVIOUSLY part of the giant evil global Chinese communist hippie Greenpeace conspiracy.)

It's no different than the moon landing deniers and the anti-vaxxers and the flat-earthers and the creationists.

Humans are odd animals.

PS--I suggest everyone read the IPCC reports for themselves, where the details of atmospheric chemistry are explained in as much excruciating detail as you can stand. (Unless of course the IPCC scientists are part of the Chinese conspiracy too.......)