Social security

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Not surprised. It's been a long time now that many people vote against their own best interests.
Oops. He said it on Monday. Not yesterday.

Edit: Oh geez, my days are all mixed up. Yesterday WAS Monday. Duh.
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RonDean said:
"Not surprised. It's been a long time now that many people vote against their own best interests."
You're right Ron but we still love you!
I don't understand how anyone in the working class can be gullible enough to vote republican!

Programming... conditioning... If you listen to the right(correct) media, you would hear that the nation is under attack, and just about to collapse, and that a certain group of people are the ones doing it. They live in an alternate reality, where in they are under constant attack.
Not surprised. It's been a long time... many people vote against their...interests.
The vast majority of the time ['always'], I vote to sustain our Republic.
This requires me to sublimate in favor of the greater good.
I have no problem with this.

An aside:
The contraction "it's" followed by "been" reminds me of the time I went to the senior center for a class.
But the classroom had no instructor nor other students.
At the front counter, I asked the youngsters about the situation.
One child of barely 30yo said "That class has been cancelled."
I replied 'You are talking to a geezer, and you used the phrase 'has neen'... ouch!"
And we all laughed and laughed.
But inside, I was crushed by the hurtful words.
I still occasionally weep at her insensitivity...
I don't understand how anyone in the working class can be gullible enough to vote republican!
If they were sincere about our Republic, they would be voting from the rooftops.
If they were sincere about our Republic, they would be voting with nooses and lampposts.
On a lighter note:
If they were sincere about our Republic, they would be standing in line for juror duty.
If they were sincere about our Republic, they would help build 24/7/360° gallows.
Same day service, no waiting for the next spot.
If they were sincere about our Republic, they would be voting from the rooftops.
If they were sincere about our Republic, they would be voting with nooses and lampposts.
On a lighter note:
If they were sincere about our Republic, they would be standing in line for juror duty.
If they were sincere about our Republic, they would help build 24/7/360° gallows.
Same day service, no waiting for the next spot.
The biggest problem I see with 24h gallows is how often we get it wrong. On the other hand I have absolutely no problem with using some sort of reliable "truth drug" and lie detector and whatever else we can develop to investigate major crimes. Heck, if I was innocent I'd welcome it if the other option was the gallows. The whole "can't make me testify against myself" has never made sense to me.

Your other points make a lot of sense. I've served on juries more than once and regarded it as time well spent. I never miss the chance to vote.
Say what you will about Trump, but his wealth didn't come from making bad decisions.
Those of us who are part of the system we speak of, know all too well the ridiculous referral system used by many Drs to spread taxpayer wealth around.
I've seen perhaps 20 different Drs due to multiple back surgeries, and have been told by more than one who can do - in his or her office - what is now directed by referral. I've heard this from more than one also "the system is a mess".
A long look at costs and unnecessary referrals, etc might just keep it solvent for those (Americans) who'll be needing it.
Say what you will about Trump, but his wealth didn't come from making bad decisions.
Those of us who are part of the system we speak of, know all too well the ridiculous referral system used by many Drs to spread taxpayer wealth around.
I've seen perhaps 20 different Drs due to multiple back surgeries, and have been told by more than one who can do - in his or her office - what is now directed by referral. I've heard this from more than one also "the system is a mess".
A long look at costs and unnecessary referrals, etc might just keep it solvent for those (Americans) who'll be needing it.
He has made plenty of bad decisions and much of his wealth was acquired through fraud. He inflated his wealth by billions and was found guilty. See:
Say what you will about Trump, but his wealth didn't come from making bad decisions.
Those of us who are part of the system we speak of, know all too well the ridiculous referral system used by many Drs to spread taxpayer wealth around.
I've seen perhaps 20 different Drs due to multiple back surgeries, and have been told by more than one who can do - in his or her office - what is now directed by referral. I've heard this from more than one also "the system is a mess".
A long look at costs and unnecessary referrals, etc might just keep it solvent for those (Americans) who'll be needing it.
Wealth? LOL, how many people have you heard bankrupted a casino! He blew most of what he inherited , stiffed thousands of workers and is using contributions from supporters to pay his lawyers. Glad I'm not that gullible!
He has made plenty of bad decisions and much of his wealth was acquired through fraud. He inflated his wealth by billions and was found guilty. See:

Wealth? LOL, how many people have you heard bankrupted a casino! He blew most of what he inherited , stiffed thousands of workers and is using contributions from supporters to pay his lawyers. Glad I'm not that gullible!
Silly me.
I thought this thread was about Social Security.
Wealth? LOL, how many people have you heard bankrupted a casino! He blew most of what he inherited , stiffed thousands of workers and is using contributions from supporters to pay his lawyers. Glad I'm not that gullible!
Actions speak much louder than words -
From The Hill:
"The last cut in Social Security benefits was in 1983. When then-Sen. Biden (D-Del.) and 25 other Senate Democrats, along with 163 House Democrats, provided the large majority of votes to pass the last cut to Social Security benefits".
Just Sayin'
Silly me.
I thought this thread was about Social Security.

Actions speak much louder than words -
From The Hill:
"The last cut in Social Security benefits was in 1983. When then-Sen. Biden (D-Del.) and 25 other Senate Democrats, along with 163 House Democrats, provided the large majority of votes to pass the last cut to Social Security benefits".
Just Sayin'
Just because Biden is an idiot doesn't mean Trump isn't, as well. Or worse... idiot and criminal.
From The Hill:
"The last cut in Social Security benefits was in 1983. When then-Sen. Biden (D-Del.) and 25 other Senate Democrats, along with 163 House Democrats, provided the large majority of votes to pass the last cut to Social Security benefits".
Just Sayin'
As to what this cut constituted: passed and President Reagan,was made potentially taxable income.

“Under the '83 Amendments, up to one-half of the value of the Social Security benefit was made potentially taxable income.”

I think everyone agrees that something needs to be done, and I, personally, believe that raising the full retirement age (again) for those born after a certain date could reasonably be part of the solution.

There need to be other parts, of course, but that is reasonable given longevity, people working longer, etc.
Silly me.
I thought this thread was about Social Security.

Actions speak much louder than words -
From The Hill:
"The last cut in Social Security benefits was in 1983. When then-Sen. Biden (D-Del.) and 25 other Senate Democrats, along with 163 House Democrats, provided the large majority of votes to pass the last cut to Social Security benefits".
Just Sayin'
Keith, that sounds a lot like what-about-ism.
Just because someone else does (or did) something stupid doesn't excuse the next idiot in line - who actually might be a more BIGLY idiot.

I don't want to identify which, just to keep this as non-partisan as possible, but I have seen some politicians "evolve." That's a secret word that means they now realize the were WRONG before or perhaps knew better but had to make the wrong donors happy. Note: Until we do something about campaign finance big money will always rule in this country.

Our country might not survive how stupid and short sighted some politicians are. It would be better to maintain the institutions that support our Democratic Republic (using both words to keep everyone happy) working strong than to toss it all aside for the moment's issues and find out later we are unable to fix it without another armed revolution.

I'm not sure what an armed army of senior citizens might look like - but it wouldn't be pretty.
Say what you will about Trump, but his wealth didn't come from making bad decisions.
I do agree. Not bad decisions. He made it in a big part by cheating on his taxes and not paying his subcontractors and hiring illegals.
I do agree that he is brilliant in marketing the idea that he is a rich person, even if he is not as rich as he pretends to be. Yes, he IS somehow rich.
Another chunk of his money was made by shady real estate deals with people who were too dirty to have deals with for other developers, like russian oligarchs

And I am sorry that American medicine did not work for you, there is a separate debate how to do it better - but for sure we can agree that tax cuts benefiting the rich is not the solution.
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From NBC News: House Republican budget calls for raising the retirement age for Social Security
WASHINGTON — A new budget by a large and influential group of House Republicans calls for raising the Social Security retirement age for future retirees and restructuring Medicare. The proposals, which are unlikely to become law this year, reflect how many Republicans will seek to govern if they win the 2024 elections. And they play into a fight President Joe Biden is seeking to have with former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party as he runs for re-election.
This from the article: "The RSC Budget does not cut or delay retirement benefits for any senior in or near retirement."

I think raising the retirement age makes sense, also taxing all income.

It’s only logical, imo.
Many people that do physical labor don’t make it to 65 years old to get Medicare never the less 66 1/2 or more under current Social Security rules. My understanding is taxing all income would pretty much solve the future problems for quite a while. If Medicare covered all expenses including things like vision, dental and hearing it would help seniors to be able to work longer. Seems the GOP just wants to make the rich richer in my opinion.