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yesican said:
<p style="margin: 0px;">To Soul Raven:</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">People's disabilities are usually not from a physical nature rather an emotional nature.&nbsp; We limit ourselves.&nbsp; I have a friend who's a quad that runs charter boat. He has the best outlook on everything.&nbsp; Knowing him really puts life in perspective and makes one realize how we limit ourselves.</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><br></p>
This is true!&nbsp; There are amazing examples of people who overcome seemingly disabling conditions to achieve their lofty goals.&nbsp; I doubt I would have that kind of tenacity in the same situation but knowing that it's possible makes a difference.&nbsp;&nbsp; There are things in my own life that I would never have dreamt I could do and yet I surprised myself.&nbsp;&nbsp; As Robert Browning once penned:&nbsp; <i>Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, </i><i> Or what's a heaven for?&nbsp; </i>This applies to a woman, too! <img src="" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>
Are you referring to me SoulRaven?&nbsp;<div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
If I may so bold as to step in here, I think <b>yesican</b> and I were being somewhat philosophical, rather than acutely literal. A blind person cannot become an airline pilot, for instance.&nbsp; But the point is that 'disability' is often our own perception of our limits and there are fine examples everywhere of those who overcome such obstacles. <br>
<p>I agree on the 50/50 thing and grabbing its own forum.&nbsp; Still, I admire people who excel in life with what they have left.&nbsp; I bet there are a lot of people in slab city who are just like that.</p>
<span id="post_message_1272903439">
</span><span id="post_message_1272903439">Someone wheel-chair bound wants a glass of water, but can't reach into the cabinet for a glass</span><span id="post_message_1272903439">
<br><br></span>He can modify the cabinets to be reachable or keep a glass on the counter.&nbsp; Patients of mine who are w/c bound do very well reaching everything they need. <br>
Either all that, or you just have to convince yourself you don't need it.<div><br></div><div>Out of reach, don't need it.</div>