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highdesertranger said:
1.  how long of a cord do you need?  in other words how far are you from an outlet?

i will park the van just outside of the will plug into an outlet inside the garage maybe 30 ' ???
But i'd like to get something that i can use at a camp sight & when it will come in handy for shore power if needed...
longer /bigger will cover all bases
Since most RV parks have a 20 Amp circuit breaker for a regular 120V outlet, I would suggest a 12/3 AWG outdoor extension cord. A cord this size is rated for 20 amps. Most of these cords come in 25, 50 and 100 feet. This will future proof you.
Me too! The "Matrix" is dehumanizing. I am constantly feeling this is not how we are meant to experience life. Then, I think of how so much of human history is filled with sociopathic people in power and how culture has formed around them in a shape that serves them. 

There are so many beautiful heart-led people in the world who gladly help one another and connect with nature. Knowing that is the only thing keeping me going. 

I can see that you are in a tough spot. I wonder if you were to buy a vehicle you could afford now, and then pay yourself (a savings) what you would have been paying monthly for the new vehicle, then you would have the freedom to stay and save up but also leave your job if you just can't take it anymore. Just a thought. 

Go for it!!! Follow your heart.
heartseed said:
Me too! The "Matrix" is dehumanizing. I am constantly feeling this is not how we are meant to experience life. 

There are so many beautiful heart-led people in the world who gladly help one another and connect with nature. Knowing that is the only thing keeping me going. 

 I wonder if you were to buy a vehicle you could afford now, and then pay yourself (a savings) what you would have been paying monthly for the new vehicle, then you would have the freedom to stay and save up but also leave your job if you just can't take it anymore. Just a thought. 

Go for it!!! Follow your heart.

Well....isn't life what you make it ???  It's my fault for screwing up my own life and not living my dream....maybe the matrix can make you see what's really important in life and fight back can't control you unless you let it !

Yes...if it wasn't for the good people in this world...i could never have survived this's a miracle i'm still alive.
I've been living in a state of fight or flight for the past 30 years....i feel i am on the edge and could just take off any time
but i know i need to prepare for this or my life will be worse. 

I must follow my head & heart :)
If i did leave now my van would get paid automatically every month....and i could apply for veterans aid/pension to help me get through the rest.....which i am working on now...... :)
I think i will be getting a few extension chords.....50' 100' /heavy duty/ 10\3 gauge.
Thank you Wabbit & B and C !!!!!
On the 50ft one, 12\3 gauge is enough. One thing about extension cords is sometimes they do get chewed on. If you drop the coin for good ones, maybe try to find a deterrent to put on the cords. I don't have any experience with the deterrent, but I do have experience with cords being chewed on. I use cheaper 12\3 or 14\3 cords so replacing them wasn't expensive. If I did spend $100 plus on a cord, I would try to find either a commercial or DIY product to deter chewing(they're tasting it I guess).
Ok..thanks Wabbit . How about if you keep them in a metal box ?
Mine got chewed on when they would be laying on the ground outside while in use. Most likely overnight time(mice or rodents prob). As for storing them, I have had mice get in my van for a day or two(until the trap gets them), so having a decent storage bin is prob a good idea. I use plastic type tubs for storage and I don't believe I have ever seen chew marks on the storage tubs(not rubbermaid, but something like that). YMMV. :cool:
oh god....another thing i just thought of : if i had an extension cord from the heater inside the van to the garage outlet, my van door would be open with the cord sticking out, and anyone could get into the van.....

do they make battery powered heaters ???
You could run it through a window. Or you could install something kinda like the picture below. I don't know the term for it, but someone who owns a RV might. With this, you plug your extension cord in outside on the side of the van, then plug the heater into the inside plug. That make sense? Yeah that means drilling a hole, but that's kinda easy. Just a thought.


They make propane powered heaters, but I don't think you'll find a useable battery powered heater(elec heaters use a ton of power).


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Shore power plugin?

I have a high top van but never thought about snow on top being a problem - probably because I'm hoping to stay out of snowstorms! I want to be a snow bird.
Being 'sick' of the matrix is why I started planning this and acquiring items about 4 yrs ago. I'm still not full timing yet, but close.
Be as patient as you can while still moving forward, short term goals that lead to long term goals, such as a 9-5 job to pay off debt, are much easier to embrace when we view them as 'helping' us acquire our dreams. Visualize what it is you would have and make a flexible but prioritized list. 

Make sure you're not packing up and bringing with you money issues such as spending too much regularly. That isn't about our environment, that's about trying to gain relief from internal discord. 

For me nomading is a way of life that will support my philosophical/spiritual/social needs/wants.


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Kaylee said:
Also... yeah, use that toilet!!! Use it inside your van, close to home, before you need to use it while boondocking. :)
Take at least a nap in the van, cook a simple meal in it, all close to home. :)
Do one thing at a time, then increase the duration/complexity.

After the nap, "boondock" at a Walmart or other local place that allows "overnight RV parking" (just ask the staff whether they allow it, use that term, and emphasize it's only for one night).

After you've bought your camp stove, do your first cooking experiments in your apartment, since there's a gentle learning curve to using a camp stove.
Start with a simple meal, then gradually make more complex meals. Van cooking takes more time, and there's a learning curve, but if you already do "real" cooking (i.e. not 100% microwave/takeout), the learning curve is much milder. Plus, by the time you're ready to eat, you'll probably be hungry.
It's ok to start with comfort food. :)

P.S. I'm the gal who had the big breakdown early this year, preceded by another major engine problem (combined cost of about six thousand dollars).
Your decision to go for more reliable is very wise. :)
Be cautious, take small steps, put limits on yourself while you learn... and have fun learning. :)

Such good advice !   You should write a book/guide for Nomads !!!   I can tell you right now, that one of my priorities is comfort !!!!    I am so used to comfort, i do not want to be miserable and feel deprived in this lifestyle or i will go back to S&B's !!!!    I also love luxury !!!   I will take my comfy twin size bed, plush rugs, and all the luxurious things i already have that i can fit into my van so i won't feel deprived .   LOL   It will be rough enough not having all the comforts i have now. Yesterday i got my gym membership, because i will go nuts if i can't take frequent showers.   As you can see will take me a little time to let go..... if i do it too radically i will be miserable & want to quit....eventually i will get to the point of not caring about the things i'm still clinging to (comforts).....right ??
I am so with you on your thoughts and plans.  I plan on starting to fulltime in August.  I have not gone out for a test run, but I am so anxious to get away and to see the rest of this beautiful country that I will make this lifestyle work.  I also love a good shower, however I purchased a pressurized spray bottle that will allow me to shower at the camp.  I will use a tarp over the open rear doors of the van to stay covered.  

I will probably still get a membership at a nationwide gym for the days I just want a long hot shower.

Luckily I have two pensions that should cover my expenses on my adventure.

Thanks for all of your input.
Glynb said:
 I am so anxious to get away and to see the rest of this beautiful country that I will make this lifestyle work. 

I could care less about traveling...i just wanna get away from this rat race !   I would be happy staying in one place for the rest of my life if i could live in peace !
MaTaLa said:
Be as patient as you can while still moving forward, 
Make sure you're not packing up and bringing with you money issues such as spending too much regularly. That isn't about our environment, that's about trying to gain relief from internal discord. 

For me nomading is a way of life that will support my philosophical/spiritual/social needs/wants.

I've been patient way tooooo long...and i'm running out !   Little did i realize until recently what i know now what i should finally hit me...and so little energy left to stick it out !    I haven't been spending money on frivolous things lately (perfume, jewelry, clothes, groceries furniture,) I've been trying to pay down my bills instead and cut back on frills...i got all my frill seeking out of the way !!!    But i will blow money on stuff i need to survive the nomad life...and i will be generous with myself !!   Good insulation, good heater, good batteries, good-what-ever-i need....i want to be prepared !!!   I want to prevent as much suffering as i can....

as far as spiritual/philosophical.....yeah....i see this as a precursor to a isolated retreat...but i need to get my bearings and learn how to survive like this first for a while....then i'd like to be alone for a few retreat............

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